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Quickstart Guide | code.compartmental. Setup and Shutdown To start using Minim you must first instatiate a Minim object, which you can then use to load audio files or acquire inputs and outputs. Here’s a partial program that demonstrates these things: Minim minim; AudioPlayer player; AudioInput input; void setup(){ size(100, 100); minim = new Minim(this); player = minim.loadFile("song.mp3"); input = minim.getLineIn(); } void draw(){ // do what you do} If you are using Minim outside of Processing, then before your program exits you must close any audio I/O classes you get from Minim and then stop your Minim instance. Playing A File One of the main motivaters behind writing Minim was that neither of the available libraries for Processing allowed stereo playback of audio files. Import ddf.minim.*; Minim minim; AudioPlayer song; void setup(){ size(100, 100); minim = new Minim(this); // this loads mysong.wav from the data folder song = minim.loadFile("mysong.wav");; } void draw(){ background(0); } Retrieving MetaData.

25 life-saving tips for Processing « Amnon P5 – Experiments with Processing by Amnon Owed. 25 life-saving tips for Processing Posted by Amnon on January 28, 2012 · 37 Comments Well, perhaps they won’t literally save your life. But they surely will help you write your sketches easier, faster and more efficiently! This post will be covering tips, tricks and other need-to-know information about Processing. 1. frameCount, millis(), modulo % and noise Let me start with a few functions that in themselves and in combination are extremely useful. 2. math, logical and relational operator shortcuts Any program will use operators. 3. math with ints A very common mistake is doing math operations on integers and expecting a floating number outcome. 4. frameRate Processing’s frameRate is by default capped at 60 fps. 5. loading specific files from an external input directory Many applications use file input, for example an image or a data file. 6. timestamp When saving output to a file you often need a way to distinguish between different sessions. 21. breakShape Disclaimer!

Final note! Logiciels: processing. Télécharger les documents utilisés au cours (janvier 2007) : PROCESSING (PROCE55ING ou P5) est un environnement de programmation et un langage simple et complet. Il s'agit d'un logiciel libre (open-source), gratuit et multi-plateformes (Windows, Mac OS X et Linux). Raccourcis vers les rubriques disponibles sur cette page : Apprendre en ligne. Installation. Aperçu des commandes. Premier "sketch". Exportation et publication en ligne. Librairies disponibles. Artistes utilisant PROCESSING. Les auteurs: PROCESSING a été conçu par Casey Reas et Benjamin Fry (ci-dessus) comme outil de création et d'apprentissage fondamental à la programmation. Ben Fry et Casey Reas sont d'ex-étudiants de John Maeda à l'Aesthetics & Computation Group du MIT.

PROCESSING a reçu le prix Golden Nica à Ars Electronica 2005 (catégorie NetVision). Description: PROCESSING est sain et réduit à l'essentiel: un champ de texte pour écrire le programmeun bouton "play" pour l'exécuter et une fenêtre qui visualise le résultat. Sonia. Processing slides | v3ga. Processing OpenCV Tutorial #1 | 01 - Processing 101 - First Application. Processing & Open Data à Rennes | v3ga. Ce tutoriel fait suite à l’atelier Processing qui s’est déroulé à Rennes le 4 et 5 Novembre 2011. Introduction Il a pour but de montrer comment interroger la base de données Open Data de la ville de Rennes depuis Processing et interpréter les données qui sont renvoyées.Nous allons nous intéresser plus particulièrement aux données relatives au Vélo Star, et visualiser les informations sur une carte de la ville. Inscription sur le site Pour pouvoir interroger la base de données, la première étape consiste à s’inscrire sur le site.

Cet étape est nécessaire pour pouvoir générer une clé numérique qui va être utilisée dans nos requêtes pour nous identifier auprès du service. Accès à la base de données La requête s’effectue en une seule instruction avec Processing : loadStrings. Ces quelques lignes produisent ce résultat : Interprétation des données Nous avons accès à chaque station de vélo par le biais de sa représentation XML dans notre programme. Affichage sur une carte. Working with #Toxiclibs - #Processing tutorial by Amnon Owed. Floss Manuals francophone - Lire. Conçu par des artistes, pour des artistes, Processing est un des principaux environnements de création utilisant le code informatique pour générer des œuvres multimédias sur ordinateur. L'attrait de ce logiciel réside dans sa simplicité d'utilisation et dans la diversité de ses applications : image, son, applications sur Internet et sur téléphones mobiles, conception d'objets électroniques interactifs. Processing fédère une forte communauté d'utilisateurs professionnels et amateurs : artistes, graphistes, vidéastes, typographes, architectes, web designers et designers en général.

Il est également utilisé par des enseignants en arts qui souhaitent familiariser leurs étudiants avec les potentialités artistiques de la programmation, les concepteurs du logiciel l'ayant pensé dès l'origine comme un outil d'apprentissage. Dessiner et créer avec du code informatique Processing permet également de programmer des circuits électroniques qui interagissent avec le milieu qui les entoure. Tutorials. Geomerative Tutorial : Free Art Bureau. A beginners tutorial to using the Geomerative Library developed by Ricard Marxer. Part 1. Original tutorial written by Mark Webster & published 18/09/2011. This is an introductory step by step tutorial to using the Geomerative Library.

It includes basic information about the function of various methods and classes within the library and should be of particular help to graphic designers and artists who wish to work with fonts and text. All sketches provided have full comments explaining important aspects of the library. The tutorial sketches are also accompanied by a separate folder which includes a selection of examples developed during the Typo Générative workshop in Lure. >>> You can download all the necessary files for this tutorial here. We will be doing a second part of tutorials for the Geomerative library very soon. Working with the Geomerative Library. 1). a_Geo_Font_01 Open up this first sketch which shows the most basic structure for displaying text with Geomerative. NB. Teaching.

Daniel Shiffman is a Assistant Arts Professor at ITP (Interactive Telecommunications Program). Below is a list of some of the courses that he has taught. Big Screens This class is dedicated to experimenting with interactivity on large-scale screens. Students will develop one project over the course of the semester, culminating with a showing at InterActiveCorps’ 120 X 12-foot video wall at their corporate headquarters on 18th and the West Side Highway. Course Syllabus and Wikis The Nature of Code Can we capture the unpredictable evolutionary and emergent properties of nature in software? Introduction to Computational Media What can computation add to human communication? Programming from A to Z (2007, 2008) There are 16,000 free books in the Project Gutenberg digital catalog.

Procedural Painting (2004) This introductory level course covers the basics of computer programming within the context of images, drawing and responsive visual forms. Class Web Site (very out of date!) Processing Tutorials – Plethora Project. is an initiative to accelerate computational literacy in the frame of architecture and design. It aligns with the "show me your screens" motto of the TopLap live-coding group attempting to get rid of Obscurantism in digital design. Directed by Jose Sanchez Contact me at : Bio: Jose Sanchez is an Architect / Programmer / Game Designer based in Los Angeles, California. He is partner at Bloom Games, start-up built upon the BLOOM project, winner of the WONDER SERIES hosted by the City of London for the London 2012 Olympics.

He is the director of the Plethora Project (, a research and learning project investing in the future of on-line open-source knowledge. Fun Programming. Chaîne de hamoid. Processing / Java. New GitHub Gist: Simple Lorem Ipsum text replacer for Java/Processing. It is useful for anonymizing text content in data sets (email, SMS, direct messages etc.) Upper/lower case is preserved as best as Java String supports (Locale twiddling might be needed in some cases) and will leave all non-letters intact. The class uses two built-in dictionaries: A list of replacement words and a “whitelist” of words that should be kept as is. For brevity, these are set as inline preset strings here. They can easily be changed in the code or changed to be customizable by adding a mechanism for setting the dictionaries.

Continued… Code, data, gist, infoviz, java,, text, visualization Viz: takeout order history (timestamp demo) Workshop: Quantified Self and data visualization with ProcessingDate: Saturday, April 12, Williamsburg, NYC data, infoviz, lifelogging, marius-watz,, quantified-self, teaching, visualization, Workshops Topics Tools. Till Nagel – TileMill for Processing. This tutorial describes how to create beautiful custom maps, and use them in a Processing sketch. We are going to use TileMill to style our maps, export it, and load the rendered map tiles into PImages. There are two ways of doing that. Basic A single image as static map. If you simply need a geographical background, or want to put some data onto a fixed map, this is the easy way to go. Advanced An interactive tile-based map, where users can zoom and pan. Custom map adapted to style of a visualization. Designing custom maps In the last years, there have been tremendous changes in the digital cartography field.

Fortunately, in 2009 the CloudMade editor was launched, in which users can select various properties and style maps based on OpenStreetMap by themselves. Now, say hello to the new kid in town: TileMill – A map design studio TileMill is a map design environment, which – as they put it – “enable[s] artists to design maps”. Single image as static map Interactive tile-based map. Your Random Numbers – Getting Started with Processing and Data Visualization. Over the last year or so, I’ve spent almost as much time thinking about how to teach data visualization as I’ve spent working with data.

I’ve been a teacher for 10 years – for better or for worse this means that as I learn new techniques and concepts, I’m usually thinking about pedagogy at the same time. Lately, I’ve also become convinced that this massive ‘open data’ movement that we are currently in the midst of is sorely lacking in educational components. The amount of available data, I think, is quickly outpacing our ability to use it in useful and novel ways. How can basic data visualization techniques be taught in an easy, engaging manner?

This post, then, is a first sketch of what a lesson plan for teaching Processing and data visualization might look like. I’m going to start from scratch, work through some examples, and (hopefully) make some interesting stuff. Let’s Start With the Data We’re not going to work with an old, dusty data set here. Got it? Now we see the two compared: Data visualization with Processing, Part 1: An introduction to the language and environment. Although many open source projects are driven to build alternatives for existing applications, there are numerous projects that represent new and innovative works. Processing is one of those programs. Processing began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT's) Media Lab in 2001, created by Ben Fry and Casey Reas, though it has contributions from Carnegie Mellon; the University of California, Los Angeles; Miami University; and others.

The original goal for Processing was the development of a graphical sketchbook and environment that could be used to teach (graphically) the fundamentals of computer science. It has since evolved into an environment that can be used to create professional works for graphical visualization. A community has grown around it, building libraries that evolve the language and environment for animation, visualization, vision, network programming, and many other applications. Processing environment The first step is to install the Processing environment. Getting Started with Processing for Android. Pick up a pen and draw a sketch. There, that was easy – however crude, you can get out an idea. Sketching with paper is still the fastest way for most of us to imagine something.

But between that immediacy and the end result, you need prototypes. The Processing language has long been one of the easiest ways to sketch an idea in code – best after you’ve first put pen to paper, but as an immediate next step (and for ideas you just can’t draw). Built in Java, the creation of Ben Fry and Casey Reas and a broad community of free software makers, it runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Processing now runs just as easily on a mobile platform with Android. Translation: with one, elegant API, you can “sketch” visual ideas on screens from an Android phone to a browser to a projection or installation. This is a first-draft tutorial, as I make the same presentation in Stockholm at the info-rich Android Only conference.

Install Processing and the Android SDK 1. 2. 3. 4. It’s simple to run a sketch. 5. Processing & Android: Mobile App Development Made (Very) Easy. Creating apps for Android with processing is ridiculously easy. How easy? Let’s get a from-scratch Android app working on a device in 25 minutes (15 of those minutes will be spent installing software). ** You don’t need to have an Android device to do this tutorial, since we can see the app that we’ll build in a software emulator. But it’s much cooler if it’s on a device. ** Before you start on this tutorial, I’d recommend that you make sure you have a recent version of Java installed. Step One: Install the Android SDK I promise. First, go to the URL below, and download the appropriate SDK for your operating system: This download should un-zip to a folder called something like ‘android-sdk-mac_x86′. We’re going to use the manager to install the Android packages that we need to build our apps. We can install all of the packages – that way we know we’ll get everything we need.

Step Two: Get an Android-enabled Version of Processing Wait. ** Be patient! OK. Apprendre le Processing. Processing -Ecole d. Ce cours de programmation remplace celui sur Director. Il est basé sur un projet collectif riche, ouverte (open source) et grauite, conçu entre le M.I.T. Media Lab et l’insitut de design IVREA pour donner spécifiquement aux étudiants, artistes et designers œuvrant dans le domaine des nouveaux médias une plateforme de création appropriée. L’étendu du projet est impressionnant : le projet de départ, Processing, permet de créer des programmes interactifs et génératifs sur ordinateur. Auquel s’ajoute trois projets annexes, basés chacun sur la philosophie et la technologie de départ : Wiring et Arduino ouvrent Processing à l’électronique et à la robotique ; alors que Processing Mobile permet aux artistes de créer des programmes pour leurs téléphones portables.

Ces cours en-ligne sont offerts à la communauté des artistes francophones voulant apprendre cet environement. Processing (fr) Pratiques Algorithmiques | Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts Paris-Cergy. Tutorials.