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Processing. Generative Art ( GuruBlog. Blender 2.80 beta has been released! Yea! Party! Ok - for real now - blender 2.80 is the next big release of blender, 3 years in the making and packed with new features, a new render engine, support for 2D animations, a new ui, ... lots of new stuff to learn and explore So I started a new series of "blender experiments" this time featuring blender 2.80 I will explore and test various new features and create 10s animations for each one and blog my findings, what I like or don't like about it, how easy it was to use and so on. If you have any suggestions or want me to try things add a comment below The first new feature I want to explore, is the new rendering engine eevee which replaced the blender internal engine - and I'm obviously going to explore the new UI - would be hard to create eevee animations without using the new UI :-) I really like particle systems and used them a lot sooooo its a pretty obvius choice for me to use as my first blender experiment using eevee.

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