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Tutoriel créer une carte personnalisée avec google maps. Web Designer. 22 beautiful free image galleries for your website. I'm sorry folks, I don't know why this is. The number "22" has hit me and I don't know why. After my articles with top 22 CSS tutorials, 22 steps you must do after setting up a blog and my previous article about the top 22 photoshop tutorials, I now give you a nice collection of 22 beautiful image galleries for your website.

This is a list with 15 JavaScript galleries and 7 Flash-based galleries. Best of all, these galleries are all completely free. Grab one and use it wisely for your website and your visitors will be stunned. This article is seperated in to two different kinds of galleries. 15 JavaScript Galleries Highslide JS - Highslide JS is an open source JavaScript software, offering a Web 2.0 approach to popup windows. SmoothGallery - Using mootools v1.11, this javascript gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website.

Slideshow - jQuery Image Magnify. Feb 8th, 11 (v1.11): Fixed bug that caused script to not work in newever versions of jQuery (ie: v1.4.4). Only .js file changed. Description: jQuery Image Magnify enables any image on the page to be magnified by a desired factor when clicked on, via a sleek zoom in/out effect. The enlarged image is centered on the user's screen until dismissed.

It works on both images with and without explicit width/height attributes defined. This script is extremely easy to set up- to enable the "magnify" effect on any image, just give it a CSS class of "magnify". Demos Magnify by 3x, duration=0.5 second: Magnify by 3.5x, duration=0.5 second: Reapplying magnification to image after each image change: Directions Simply add the below code inside the <HEAD> section of the page: The above code references two external files which you should download below (right click, and select "Save As"): Step 2: Then, to apply enable the magnify effect on an image just insert a CSS class of "magnify" inside it, for example: or.

Créer des animations Flash gratuitement | Création d'images cliquables, HTML Map Creator. La création d’images cliquables avec différentes zones sensibles n’est pas spécialement facile à réaliser par des personnes ne connaissant pas la beauté du langage HTML. Pour leur faciliter la vie, le service en ligne HTML Map Creator permet à partir d’une image d’y ajouter des zones cliquables renvoyant vers les pages Web de son choix. Il s’agit de liens présents sur l’image qui réagissent au clic de souris des visteurs. Ces images sont reconnues par tous les navigateurs Web. L’opération se fait en trois étapes : L’opération est simple et conviendra à toutes les personnes cherchant une façon rapide de créer sans programmation une image cliquable.

Source : HTML Map Creator.