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Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture. In a continuously changing world, there has been a growing interest in the protection of vernacular heritage and earthen architecture. The need to protect and enhance this fragile heritage via intelligent responses to threats from nature and the environment has become evident. Historically, vernacular heritage research focussed on philosophical aspects and surveys, while earthen architecture studies emphasized earthen material and construction techniques. However, for these particular forms of heritage to survive, academic research had to shift its focus, so as to respond to new challenges.

Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture gathers contributions of key international researchers from 50 countries, and covers a wide variety of topics: • Cultural heritage and building cultures • Materials and construction techniques • Territory and environmental adaptation • Energy effi ciency and sustainable design • Natural hazards and risk mitigation • Education and research focus. LEHMPROJEKT • Bauen • Handel • Inspiration. The Year of Mud | Natural Building Workshops | Natural Building. April works on some of the last remaining joints before the timber frame assembly I think I’ve realized that the excitement of timber framing can be represented by a curve. If the x axis on a bar graph represents time, and the y excitement, the line climbs and rises from left to right. The entire process is gradually more invigorating and interesting as you proceed on a project. [click to continue…] If you enjoyed this post, get free updates by email or RSS.

Experience sustainable living at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage this year Well, that came up fast. There are a number of ways to visit Dancing Rabbit, but if you think you might be interested in living there one day, the visitor program is your best bet. [click to continue…] Jacob tests out the 16″ Makita circular saw on an end cut Things are progressing smoothly for us here in Nacogdoches. [click to continue…] April gets her set of timber frame plans ready to go We’ve made it to Texas. [click to continue…] [click to continue…] Cobworks :: Cob and earth house workshops and design. Características de un domo de piedra, yeso y cal | adobando la tierra. Actualmente está declarada la guerra al caminante, sólo sedentarizando se puede domesticar.. Caminando en la frontera de Guadalajara con Madrid, cerca de un pueblecito que se llama Albares nos hemos encontrado con esta construcción.

Y gracias a este domo hemos andado también en su historia, sus costumbres y su geología. Porque la arquitectura popular responde siempre a una forma de habitar un lugar. En albares la actividad pastoril tuvo gran importancia, siendo un núcleo muy fuerte en comparación con los pueblos de su entorno, y esto era porque poseía una cantidad enorme de terrenos dedicados a pastos en cerros y baldíos, ya que no producían nada. La importancia de esta dedicación ganadera, que aún continua, se hace notar en el gran número de chozas y corrales que existen, una de ellas es este domo. Según un censo del ayuntamiento existen actualmente 70 construcciones de este tipo, formadas por piedras de Pedernal, Yeso y Cal, características geológicas de la zona. 1. 2. 3. Recomendamos:


DAVID JOYCE COB & LIME SPECIALISTS. CRAterre :: Inicio. Aga Khan Development Network. Hassan Fathy..ÍÓä ÝÊÍí. Loam Clay Earth, Martin Rauch, Vorarlberg. Anna Heringer | Architecture: Vision. TIERRAMOR - diseño integrado - Permacultura y Ecología Profunda. Proyecto San Isidro. Latest News: | Cob Cottage Company.