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2014-2015: 2e année. La mémoire, processus. Cycle 2. Jeux. La classe autrement...inversée, différente. Troisième cycle. Apprendre à apprendre. Jeux en classe. Écriture. La classe inversée. Pair / impair.


Thèmes. Websérie Prof, ma fierté ! 2014 - Reconnaître l'expertise des enseignantes et enseignants. Comment survivre jusqu'au week-end. Le sac à dos du suppléant. Suppléance. Classe inversée. Exerciseurs. La rentrée. Ateliers. Cartes de Visite, Carte de Visite Professionnelle. 5 au quotidien. Pour tous | Prof Numéric - Activités Notebook pour TBI (TNI) La page de Mme Marie-Christine | L'éducation pour tous ! Halloween. Tangrams | Activities | Shapes | Designs | Solutions and Templates.

What is a tangram and what is the purpose of a tangram? Tangrams are ancient, truly fascinating Chinese Puzzles, made up of seven movable geometrical shapes, with which you can create thousands of pictures and designs. Learn to make your own, the easy way. The purpose of this puzzle is to use all seven pieces or tans to create a picture or design. The ancient rules dictate that the pieces must lie flat, they must touch and they are not allowed to overlap. The tangram consists of 7 geometrical shapes - 5 triangles (small, medium and large), 1 Square and 1 parallelogram, all cut from 1 perfect square.

Let us show you how to make a Tangram, with or without a template - it is very simple. What do you need to make a tangram? A tangram can be made of thick cardboard, felt, foam sheets, magnetic sheets, wood and more, the choice is yours. These are printable patterns and instructions for making tangrams, there are a number of ways to create a tangram. 1. View full version or Print 2. 3. Dictionnaire Visuel.


Réseautage professionnel. Gé Intervention scolaire. Sites gestion et planification. TBI Session Aut13. Éducation. Éducation. Activités pédagogiques. Matières. Sites éducatifs. Sécurité Web.