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Jeu sérieux & Gamification. Accueil > Dossiers et articles > Jeu sérieux & Gamification Utiliser le jeu pour faciliter l'apprentissage est ue statégie efficace.

Jeu sérieux & Gamification

Quel que soit leur âge, les apprenants semblent sensibles au jeu pour apprendre. Faut-il alors transformer les écoles en vastes plateaux de jeu ? Pas nécessairement. Car la "gamification" consiste moins à donner l'aspect d'un jeu à son cours, qu'à s'inspirer des mécanismes favorisant l'intérêt et l'engagement des joueurs pour accroître la motivation et l'approfondissement des apprentissages chez les étudiants.

En effet, l'usage du jeu et la "gamification" des pratiques présentent peu d'intérêt s'ils ne sont pas porteurs d'innovation pédagogique. Par ailleurs, l'immersion dans un univers complet et cohérent et la possibilité de dépasser ses limites en prenant des risques sans conséquences sur la vie réelle, constituent deux puissants facteurs d'engagement. Illustration : mayboro95, Mobile Learning Publications. UNESCO Mobile Learning Publications Today there are over six billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide, and for every one person who accesses the internet from a computer two do so from a mobile device.

Mobile Learning Publications

Given the ubiquity and rapidly expanding functionality of mobile technologies, UNESCO is enthusiastic about their potential to improve and facilitate learning, particularly in communities where educational opportunities are scarce. This Working Paper Series scans the globe to illuminate the ways in which mobile technologies can be used to support the United Nations Education for All Goals; respond to the challenges of particular educational contexts; supplement and enrich formal schooling; and make learning more accessible, equitable, personalized and flexible for students everywhere.

UNESCO Policy Guidelines for Mobile Learning Illustrative Initiatives and Policy Implications Exploring the Potential of Mobile Technologies to Support Teachers and Improve Practice. iPad en éducation. Home - A cloud-based teaching and learning platform for teachers. Top 5 Design Considerations for Creating Mobile Learning - eLearning Industry. Have you ever used a mobile device to take an eLearning course that was originally designed for computer-based training?

Top 5 Design Considerations for Creating Mobile Learning - eLearning Industry

If so, how did you feel about the overall learning and user experience? Designing for mobile devices requires planning, and assumes knowledge of the target device(s) you are creating your content for. Viewing mLearning content on a tablet is a different experience to viewing it on a computer or smartphone. The physical properties, and the way the device is used, mean that tablets and smartphones have different requirements from each other, as well as from desktop computers.

Any well designed mobile learning content will need to consider these differences. Content planAs learners may choose to use short chunks of mLearning at a time, they need to know how each learning nugget fits into a whole course or curriculum. So, there really are many factors to consider when designing mobile learning.

Mobile Learning Aspects and Readiness. Educational Technology Support. Mobile Learning infokit / Technical considerations. "People... don’t like going out of their way to report problems.

Mobile Learning infokit / Technical considerations

"Tim Fernando,University of Oxford Mobile Learning is a fast-moving field with device lifecycles becoming ever shorter. This section looks at some of the general principles behind the technical roll-out of a platform or ‘ecosystem’ for mobile learning. Important decisions There are two main decisions when deciding on the approach for institution-centric mobile learning experiences. The second technical decision to be made is on the type of interface that is presented to the audience for the mobile learning initiative. JISC CETIS has a useful briefing paper on mobile web apps. There are broadly three options for mobile learning ‘apps’: NativeWebHybrid The native app is delivered via the app store pertaining to the particular device. The web app can be accessed via any device that can connect to the internet.

The Basics Wifi coverageOpen data streamsA problem-solving system Some guiding principles. Des tablettes numériques en lycée professionnel. Les élèves de MEI (maintenance des équipements industriels) du lycée professionnel Léonard de Vinci de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, ont intégré parfaitement, à leurs apprentissages, l’utilisation de tablettes numériques.

Des tablettes numériques en lycée professionnel

L’opération CREATICE, initiée par le CRDP de l’académie de Versailles, a permis un prêt, pour une durée de 6 semaines, d’une quinzaine de tablettes. Rapidité d’accès à des documents techniques numérisés, utilisation d’applications simples et ainsi valorisation de l’orientation prise par les élèves... Retrouvez plus d’informations sur le site Creatice À propos de la vidéo Réalisation : Pôle Images Numériques du CRDP de Versailles.