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Twitter. On the Trail of the Mimbres. (© President and Fellows of Harvard College, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, [24-15-10/94603 + 60740377]) Mimbres bowls, produced by people living in the Southwest from the late 10th to early 12th century A.D., are renowned for the unique imagery found on their interiors.

On the Trail of the Mimbres

The black-on-white ceramics were often decorated with geometric patterns. Since first being unearthed in New Mexico in the late nineteenth century, the striking ceramic bowls made a millennium earlier by people living in the Mimbres River Valley of the American Southwest have inspired countless counterfeiters, a clay art festival, a burglary at the University of Minnesota’s anthropology department, and even a line of railroad dinnerware. While their undecorated outsides appear unremarkable in technique and form, their insides are magic, a canvas for haunting depictions of tortoises, fish, jackrabbits, and sometimes humans, as well as intricate geometric designs.

“Who are these guys?” American Southwest Virtual Museum. Why are some Native Americans fighting efforts to decriminalize peyote? The New York Times sur Twitter : "The coronavirus is tearing across the largest Native American reservation in the U.S. Faced with a spike in deaths from what the tribal health department calls Dikos Ntsaaígíí-19 — or Covid-19 — Navajo officials are rushi.

Craft In America: Diego Romero. Craft In America: Barbara Teller Ornelas. Craft In America: Jesse Monongya. Craft In America: Charles Loloma. Craft In America: Susan Hudson. Collections Search Center, Smithsonian Institution. Skip to main content Jar with feather design Change the page to horizontal or vertical layout with these buttons.

Collections Search Center, Smithsonian Institution

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