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Native American

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Traditional Native American Music. Native American Traditional Pow Wow Music. Top 15 Most Famous Native Americans. Before the arrival of the colonists, the Native Americans had already secured a foot-hold over the vast expanses of America.

Top 15 Most Famous Native Americans

Initially the Native Americans were treated with an almost cursory respect as the new settlers and pilgrims were afraid, apprehensive, yet friendly and hopeful. The newcomers befriended many and made what they thought were close ties with their new brethren. But, unfortunately, it was not to last and disease coupled with the settlers ravenous desire to claim land as their own, destroyed everything the native peoples held dear. However, most of these mistakes have since been admitted, and reparation has been made. Native American music and culture. Music plays an integral role in the daily life of Native Americans.

Native American music and culture

Music plays an integral role in the life of Native Americans. It is used for ceremonial purposes, recreation, expression, and healing. Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) Comanche dancer Hanna Yellowfish, ca. 1910.

Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

Music, accompanied by singing and dancing, was an important part of Native American ceremonial life. Courtesy Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, Item #2120/61. Native American music - Musical instruments in the ...