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History-Georgian, Regency

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08.3-.06.12 Costume College. Regency England. Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine. As London begins the final countdown to the 2012 Olympic Games, the next issue of Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine takes a close look at the sports that Jane Austen and her contemporaries would have enjoyed in Regency England.

Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine

Swimming in the early 19th century Athletics were by no means the popular sport that they are today; football and rugby had barely begun to codify their laws; and goodness knows what the early 19th century British public would have made of synchronised swimming or rhythmic gymnastics. Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine. If you would like ‘swap’ links with Jane Austen’s Regency World please contact us.

Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine

Please advise us if you find any broken links. Jane Austen in Spanish: Jane Austen Books: Jane Austen Dancing, Canada - Jane Austen Society of Australia - Historical Costuming and sewing of Rococo 18th century clothing, 16th century through 20th century, by designer Lauren Reeser. British Money - British currency system, old British money, and slang terms for British Money.

Since 1971, the monetary system of Great Britain is based on the decimal system.

British Money - British currency system, old British money, and slang terms for British Money.

The basic unit of British currency (currency of the United Kingdom and the Crown Dependencies) is the pound, which is divided into one hundred pence. (abbreviated as p). The official full name pound sterling (plural: pounds sterling) is used mainly in formal language and also to distinguish the currency used within the United Kingdom from others that have the same name.

(GBP = Great British Pound) All About Romance Novels - Crowns, Pounds and Guineas: A Quick Guide To British Currency. Crowns, Pounds and Guineas: A Quick Guide To British Currency by Ellen Micheletti If you read a novel set in Great Britain, whether it is a romance novel or a classic by Charles Dickens, you will come across references to money.

All About Romance Novels - Crowns, Pounds and Guineas: A Quick Guide To British Currency

British Money. I quite often see queries on various genealogical mailing lists from people researching their British ancestors from overseas and are puzzled by some aspects of the money system.

British Money

So this page is just to help in answering some of these incidental questions that arise out of our family history research - it it not a page for those for whom the coins are a primary interest. Anacrónicos Recreación Histórica's Photostream. 5ª Reunión. Cádiz 1812. Romance Author. Measuring Worth - Measures of worth, inflation rates, saving calculator, relative value, worth of a dollar, worth of a pound, purchasing power, gold prices, GDP, history of wages, average wage.

Purchasing Power of British Pounds from 1270 to Present A Purchasing Power Calculator compares the relative value of a past amount of pounds to a present amount. A simple calculator uses only the prices of consumer purchases to do this whereas a complete purchasing power calculator, such as found in this website, uses various prices, wages, output, etc., depending on the context. For more information on this issue, consult Five Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a UK Pound Amount, 1830 to Present where you will also find further discussion of this issue. The answers you get from this calculator will be the same as those from the Relative Value calculator. That is, you will get the "simple" purchasing power calculator result and other choices that may be better depending on the context. To determine the value of an amount of money in a particular ("original") year compared to another ("desired") year, enter the values in the appropriate places below.

Citation. Making of America. Aking of America (MoA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction.

Making of America

The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. The collection currently contains approximately 10,000 books and 50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. For more details about the project, see About MoA. Making of America is made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. New Additions: We have recently added a new feature, subject browsing. 99 more volumes focusing on New York City were added to MoA in June 2007.

Nancy Regency Researcher. English law did not provide for marriages by proxy in England, so the question is moot.

Nancy Regency Researcher

Now whether a man could annul a marriage in which he married the wrong woman is a different and more complex question. First of all, the court would want to know why he didn't know the face and the name of the person he was marrying. Why didn't he speak out when the name was wrong? If the bride used the name of the other woman- a matter of stolen identity-- , yes, the marriage could probably be annulled, but still questions would be asked why he didn't know the difference before the vows were said.

If he married by license and said his vows, the wrong name wouldn't matter as much as a wrong name would by banns. Really, any man who paid so little attention to the woman he was marrying, deserves to be stuck with her. PEERS (Period Events & Entertainments Re-Creation Society) Classic essays - : Grammar & Composition. Classic american essays - : Grammar & Composition. "Advice on the Choice of a Mistress," by Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin, Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress (1745) How to win a duel.

Bob: Hi there, you’re listening to Past Masters from the National Archives in London.

How to win a duel

I’m Bob. Jo: And I’m Jo. Bob: And this month we’re going to be talking about duelling. We all know the stereotypes of glove-slapping and swordfighting but we’re going to use documents from our collections to look at the realities of what sort of people fought duels and why, what made duels start and what made them stop. Jo: And I’ll be giving tips on do’s and don’ts for anyone finding themselves inconveniently challenged to a duel and in need of some helpful advice.

Brown University Women Writers Project. Jane Austen Info Page. Jane Austen novels, fan fiction, and more. Living In Williamsburg, Virginia. The Republic of Pemberley. The Oregon Regency Society. Riding Sidesaddle; a very horsey post! Revised/modified on 11/15/11 (new photo, new links) I’ve rekindled my interest in riding aside these past few years, naturally.

Riding Sidesaddle; a very horsey post!

Depending on the level of interest, I'm thinking it would be fun to create a 'ORS Equestrian' division, and hold field days and costume-classes and more. But that's in the future. But my interest in returning to 'riding aside' has come closer to fruition. The Regency World of author Lesley-Anne McLeod.

Pride and Prejudice.

Regency Clothing

Old Bailey Online - The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913 - Central Criminal Court.