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Erica Simone Photography. TellThem. Die Vespa aus Holz. Die Vespa aus Holz Besser geht’s kaum noch: der portugiesische Schreiner Carlos Alberto hat eine alte, verfallene Vespa neu aufgemöbelt – komplett aus Holz. Der hölzerne Sattel könnte auf Dauer wohl ein wenig unbequem werden, aber der Coolness-Faktor ist so hoch, daß man darüber hinwegsehen sollte. (via BoingBoing) Vincent Wilkie hat diesen tollen Beitrag verfasst. Stephen Floyd: Cut-OutsWas kann man dazu noch sagen?

Creative Coffee. Junior Member Join Date Nov 2012Location BarcelonaPosts 10 Creative Coffee I want to share my favorite project, I hope you like it.Also I have the Making of,Making of Creative Coffee | CG Tutorials libraryEverything done in 3DSMAX, Vray and Photoshop 11-08-2012 01:12 PM # ADS Circuit advertisement Join Date AlwaysLocation Advertising worldPosts Many Junior Member Join Date Apr 2010Posts 1 Hi amazing vizualization everything is perfect, even the beer is lifelike the only thing that bothers me is heineken bottle - the neck proportions are all wrong, and since this is 'classic' bottle like coca cola, it stands out, looks like a vine bottle great job Junior Member Join Date Jan 2012Posts 3 Brilliant work looks better than the ref pictures, really appreciate the making of too.

Thanks. Personal Works - rauquenrol. Home Professional Works Personal Works Rigging MaxScripts R&D About me Links Mes animations Illustration and Animation Work in Progress 3dsmax /Vray, Mudbox, Photoshop, AfterEffects Facial Mocap Automatic Wrincles Test Facial Mocap using 2D tracking (After Effects) and my facial autorig Maxscript. Auto Volume Preservation Auto Wrincles Deformations. You can see a demo of my facial autorig Tool Here. Rig Hunter : Hand Study Camera Mapping and integration of a 3D hand, using my last Autorig Tools. No Muscles, only Bones, Scripted controllers and classic skinning You can see a demo of the Tool Here.

Court métrage en cours de réalisation Les designs sont finalisés et le storyboard est en cours. Modélisation du personnage terminé, textures et shaders en cours. Petit test d'integration pour me familiariser avec Boujou, d'autres suivront. Vidéo tournée avec un appareil photo, Boujou, 3DSmax, Vray, Photoshop, Fusion Meilleure qualité de vidéo si vous mettez en 720p en bas à droite du lecteur 3Dsmax 3Dsmax et Zbrush. Human Motorcycle : des véhicules faits en body painting. L’impressionnante sculpture de Nelson Mandela. Photomanipulation : les œuvres de Sarolta Ban. Sketch-box. San Francisco Street Photography by John Agoncillo » Yashica Mat 124G. BBB3viz. Edgar Photographie. STASH. Farins's deviantART Gallery. 3DEnvironmentalist | Dax Pandhi's Official Website. Graff. Works. Illustration « Hydro74. I was getting ready to work on a project when I noticed a folder I actually forgot about.

It was a old illustration mock for a client (that never paid, ha) from about 2 years ago. The illustration is decent. But i will never get a use out of it. Feel free to download it, check it out. the file is pretty raw, and keep in mind, it was from a couple years ago. HydroFree: The MudBug *Enjoy & Share a file with a friend this week. Finally Done… June 7, 2007 Ah… Feels nice to get this project done. So yeah, these are the final pieces. Here is the first piece. These two prints are in process of getting printed. Email me if interested: Here are a few pieces that were prepped for for Cosh today. This weekend I went over to the bookstore to pick up the new issue of Ride Magazine to see how the ad turned out for Kink which is on the back cover.

Last week was a pretty busy and insane week. Here is a larger version. Tech Rex V.5 May 23, 2007 Tech Rex V.4 May 21, 2007 Here is the line art. SEHER ONE. Des appareils photo en photos. T.S.Wittelsbach's Jewelry Sketchbook - Page 25. 32 magnifiques « infographies typographiques » Il y a les infographies et les infographies typographiques. Dans ces dernières, les designers usent de leur intelligence pour jouer avec les mots et les fontes de bien jolie manière. Les mots sont sans doute le meilleur outil existant pour véhiculer des idées. Mais les mots arrangés au sein d’une visualisation spécifique et travaillée peuvent être encore plus efficaces pour passer un message ou une idée. Aussi, si l’on voit fleurir sur le Web un grand nombre d’infographies, peu d’entre elles mettent l’accent sur la typographie.

Les infographies typographiques vont donc plus loin, mettant en valeur, grâce à la typographie et les effets typographiques, des messages clés au sein même d’une infographie. Un seul mot d’ordre : l’expérimentation. Source. Rare Photos: Hitler's Bunker, Captured by LIFE Photographer. In April 1945, as Russian and German troops fought — savagely, street by street — for control of the German capital, it became increasingly clear that the Allies would win the war in Europe. Not long after the two-week battle for Berlin ended, 33-year-old LIFE photographer William Vandivert was on the scene, photographing the city’s devastated landscape — and the eerie, almost unfathomable scene inside the bunker where Adolf Hitler spent the last months of his life; where he and Eva Braun were married; and where, just before war’s end, the two killed themselves. Between August 1940 and March 1945 American, Royal Air Force and Soviet bombers launched more than 350 air strikes on Berlin; tens of thousands of civilians were killed, and countless buildings — apartment buildings, government offices, military installations — were obliterated.

Vandivert, LIFE reported, “found almost every famous building [in Berlin] a shambles. Changing New York, 1935-1938 : un album. Bulking Out a Puppet- Mail Man. I think I'll take a little break from talking about my puppet head construction and save part III for another time. Today I'll be showing the progress of adding padding to bulk out my puppet. Unlike 'Elle' (Our actress character) who's body is mostly sculpted and cast in silicone, the Mail Man's will be padded out using sponges and foams since most of his body is covered by his uniform.

Once the armature is padded out his clothing will be made to fit and sewn together using real fabrics. There will be two Mail Man puppets used for filming so I will be working on both armatures simultaneously to make sure the two puppets are padded identically. You can find out more about the construction of these armature on my brothers blog HERE. Now for the hard part....or parts. Square holes where cut to allow access to the rigging points.

The chest secton was made using the same techniques as described above. Now for the soft parts. The arms where made using the thicker foam. Travaux. Lufthansa Boeing B747-8 / LH Magazine images. By: Marcin GruszczykSoftwares: 3ds max, After Effects, Brazil r/s, Photoshop We're glad to be able to show some of the images we've produced for Lufthansa's new Boeing 747-8. The images were featured in full glory in a special edition of the Lufthansa Magazine. As with our previous work for Lufthansa, Jens Goerlich was responsible for the photography side. All background shots were taken in the Mojave Desert, together with corresponding high-res HDR panoramic images. There were some additional shots of a runway taken at an airfield that were later composed into the original shots. Credits: Client, Production: Jens Polkowski / Deutsche Lufthansa AG Photography: Jens Goerlich Additional modeling: Fjodor Tscherkassow Postproduction: Meike Wittenstein / mo postproduction HDR pipeline: Jens Polkowski, Martin RepplingerCG Portfolio - more information Ads.

Arnaud de Mullenheim. Gabriel Charest's gallery. TeeBlitz Blog » t-shirt. Realistic Anatomies of Cartoon Characters | - Official Website for James Gunn. A few days ago, I posted this, Pacman’s skeleton - So I went searching for more cartoon character skeletons. Some of these you may have seen before… but they’re all amazingly cool shit… This first batch is by South Korean Hyung Koo Lee, and is the most impressive of the bunch - Bugs Bunny Donald Duck and Huey, Dewey, and Louie Tweety Bird Sylvester Felix the Cat Goofy Tom and Jerry The Roadrunner and Wile E. Mickey Mouse Here’s a Homer Simpson piece by an unknown artist - Sketches by Michael Paulus - Snoopy Pikachu Schmoo Bubbles the Powerpuff Girl Lucy Jorge Lacera did this awesome Care Bear - I can’t leave out these incredibly impressive pieces by Jason Freeny -

- HORIZON - on the Behance Network. Exercices : Aurélien BRION Architecte /Graphiste Perspective Strasbourg. Vintage cam. ,Model by Javi Martinez. 3dsmax /corona. Studio render with Corona (real DOF). Studio render with Corona. Lamborghini Gallardo studio test. 3dsmax/vray/ps Mills chair, model by Eduard Caliman. 3dsmax /vray/ps Lamborghini Gallardo test. 3dsmax/vray/ps Test de bokeh , DOF et lens effects via vray. 3dsmax/vray/ps Rendu studio Mercredes C class. 3dsmax/vray Texture et rendu studio d'une lampe bois. 3dsmax/vray Travail sur matières et éclairage. 3dsmax/vray Travail sur mouvement d'objets (motion blur) avec moteur physique "mass fx". 3dsmax/vray Test rendu studio. 3dsmax/vray Rendu studio d'un jouet. 3dsmax/vray.

Travail sur herbes et plantes 3d. 3dsmax 2012/Vray. Rendu Studio d'un modèle LEGO. Modélisation et rendu studio d'une Senseo. 3dsmax/Vray. Rendu Studio sous HDRI de mobiliers Ikea Mammut. 3dsmax/Vray. Travail sur herbes et plantes 3d. Fender Telecaster. 3dsmax/Vray Fender Telecaster. 3dsmax/Vray. Camaro test. Rendu Eames Chair. 3dsmax / Vray Rendu studio B B Sofa. 3dsmax / Vray Rendu test. Sandero stepway : MATRAY. Babioles. Arquitetura e etc. Photos : the morning after. Street Art – Mars 2012. Home • Stefan Minning: CG Artist and Developer • Pid - Official website. Pid is our 'nod' to old platforming adventure games and its action packed challenges and mindtwisting puzzles ultimately test the players creative ability and platforming skills. You play as a school boy stranded on a bizarre planet where he uncovers a huge conspiracy that keeps the planet mesmerized and prevents him from ever reaching home.

You can purchase Pid by clicking below, or pick it up on either Xbox-live, Playstation Network or Steam. Buy game (PC) + Soundtrack Materials Package Awards: European Innovative Games award 2012 PSNstores Editors Choice Award 2012 Best soundtrack 2012 Press: "Might and Delight have successfully filled the world with wonder and mystery. . - Killscreen "If you're looking for a game with a beautiful, unique art style, try Pid. if you're looking for a fun platformer, try Pid. . - Gaming examiner "Pid is fantastic from top to bottom.

. - PSNstores. ScatterFX 3dsmax plugin | The art of 3D artist Andre Kutscherauer. The Tool AK3D ScatterFX is a Map Controlled Scatter Tool for 3ds Max. It is designed for maximum creative control about the scatter process and it´s made for Free Art Projects, Marketing Projects, Architecture Projects and Map Controlled Crowd Population.

The Idea The workflow is as easy as in this screenshot. Chose and Baseobject, setup some Maps and select one ore more objects to scatter. You can setup up to ten different control maps for controlling the scatter process. For free Art projects Thanks to its consequent modular structure, all these maps can be combined to create endless combinations. Populate your world You can even scatter full rigged Bipeds! Control the masses The most crazy feature of ScatterFX is the function to map whole animated bipeds onto an object! Bipeds that are on a black pixel are the placed with their animation frame one and if a biped stands on a white Pixel it shows the last frame pose!

Brings life to Architecture projects Build Cities Related products: Michael Kutsche - Character Design/ Concept Art/ Illlustration - home. Pixeloo. Projects ‹ NOODLEZ Photography. The Curious Brain. CG « Miaz3. Parti du Volume 2 de Taschen "Architecture NOW HOUSE" Je suis resté fidèle à l’architecture du bâtiment créer par Gracia Studio, ceci dit j’ai dévié sur un environnement "bord de mer". A la base elle est située à Todos Santos au Mexique…Mais c’était un bon challenge ! Lire la suite Je me suis donné comme exercice d’archi la Azuma Row house de Tadao Ando.

C’est une architecture cubique avec des matériaux brutes. J’ai trouvé les plans dans un bouquin "L’architecture du XXeme siècle" de chez Taschen. Plus d’images sur mon portfolio: Free Model : Les deux chaises et la Hdri proviennent de : Les lampes plafond (3ème shoot) viennent de : L’horloge de : Le tableau sur la 2 ème image que l’on ne voit presque pas, c’est un super artiste allez jeter un oeil ! Les sites qui m’ont aidé : Projet réalisé sous 3Dsmax, moteur de rendu Vray et compositing sous EyeonFusion. The City of Samba. Publicité | GHIOM. Tianyi Zhu CG. Cosmic Motors Vehicles | danielsimon. Cosmic Motors™ is a fantasy manufacturer of vehicles of all kinds, located in the center of the Galaxion galaxy. CoMo, as it is affectionately referred to by its outer space fans, was founded in the Galaxion year 8966-B.CoMo soon became a rising star among the big established vehicle makers in the Galaxion system, and countless record-breaking CoMo vehicles steadily caught the attention of the public.

Besides their groundbreaking developments in transportation, CoMo gained fame by turning retired war machinery of other makers into the finest sports competition vehicles. The transformation of these retired war machines into racers accentuates the now peaceful state in the galaxy, even if there are still remote planets with ongoing conflicts.

Today, Cosmic Motors produces some of the finest vehicles in the Galaxion galaxy, successfully blending cutting-edge technology with battle-proven crude mechanics, packaged in a sophisticated design aesthetic. 20 Architectural Renderings that stand out from the crowd. Due to the fact that high end rendering technology is becoming more and more accessible and the number of people interested in architectural visualization is growing rapidly, the quality level of architectural renderings has dramatically increased during the last years. When Brazil and V-Ray engines first appeared, using global illumination in a rendering was enough to make it look photorealistic and differentiated itself from the competition.

Nowadays one has to go to great lengths if extreme photorealism is the main focus (Check out the post that featured some of the most realistic architectural renderings I have ever seen). With that in mind, I have compiled a list of 20 renderings which I consider to be original; some of them have great composition, others use a wonderful chromatic palette, but all of them stand out in one way or another and can be considered art, not just commercial work. Architectural visualization animations. The Art of Clifton Harvey | Jon-Do 3D computer graphic designer. PHOTO SOUS MARINE ile de la Réunion. Nixus blueprints. Marc Durand | dorvac. Demoreel 2011. - Character Animator - About Me. Xavier Gueit | Infographiste 3D. Explore-3d. CGPortfolio - Jignesh Jariwala. Jignesh Jariwala : Freelance 3D Artist India for modeling, texturing, animation, lighting, rendering, particle fx, visual fx.

Vidéo / "Plush TV", projet d'habillage pour chaîne fictive. Michael Hansmeyer - Computational Architecture: Columns. Welcome to Villafane Studios | Ray Villafane | Custom Carved Pumpkins. Kouji Tajima. CGPortfolio - Paco Zamudio. Fabien Jardet - Acceuil. Portfolio : Fabien jardet. Blueprint Skateboards. Keith Loutit's Small Worlds - Tilt Shift Video. VO | Valerie Oualid : Agent d'illustrateurs | Shotopop. Gabidule. Koolgraph anti social spirit and rock n roll - Tshirt Motor wear Originals.

Maxim Zhestkov | Director . Artist. Untitled. Chris Jordan - Running the Numbers II. Fredrik Ekholm - Showreel 2011. TEST COPIE PIXAR - J.G.C: Concept artist | Characters. Kaïro: Showreel 2011. Olivier Vernay Kim- Infographiste 3D. Exhibition 17 - 'Quote Unquote' Marc Messiaen's videos. SHOWREEL 2011 - EYARDT (Alex Chaudret) Wiek's Homepage » Spitfire. Technoimage. Pedro Conti.