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Curation et entreprise 2.0

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Raising Your Content Curation to the Next Level. Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles As companies become media publishers as part of their social media marketing strategy, one topic that always confuses my clients is the topic of content curation, or sourcing information from 3rd party sources and then sharing them on your social media properties. Windmill Networking Content Marketing contributor Bob Geller wrote a great post yesterday on how content curation can help complement your content marketing and social media marketing efforts. If you’re still trying to get a grip on content curation, let me frame the topic the same way I do for my clients: There is a certain frequency at which you need to be active on social media in order to get noticed.You’re probably not blogging on a daily basis.Every social media post can’t be about you – unless you’re a movie star, musical artist, or consumer brand with a fanatical following.Therefore, what else can you post to try to reach your content strategy and frequency strategy goals?

Web 2.0 | Métiers et #Amalgames. The Guiding Principles of Content Creation and Curation. We’ve all heard the phrase, typically uttered by agencies and ‘social media experts’, “Content is King”. This proclamation throughout the industry is the crux of a main challenge faced by fashion and luxury brands in particular. For brands so deeply rooted in exclusivity, serving up a wide array of ongoing content in a public arena presents quite the conundrum. Yet, if creating engaging and relevant information is the key to digital success, it is critical brands understand the guiding principles of content creation and curation. As it has been learned throughout the industry, it is not especially effective to merely be present within social media.

Simply hanging the proverbial shingle that is a dedicated Twitter handle or Facebook page does not equate to social success by any stretch of the imagination. As mentioned at yesterday’s Luxury Interactive conference in London, “Content is the social currency.” So, how do brands determine their approach to content creation?

A shel of my former self. A shel of my former self. Le curator : chainon manquant des dispositifs entreprise 2.0. Résumé : en quelques semaines un nouveau concept a fait irruption sur la toile : le curator, qui peut être défini comme un filtre et un diffuseur d’information de qualité et ciblées. Nouveau phénomène de mode ou élément clé d’un dispositif réussi ? Avec un peu de hauteur il semble bien qu’il soit le complément idéal du community manager là où ce dernier n’a pas de sens, l’un s’adressant aux vraies communautés, l’autre à ceux qui veulent l’information sans l’intéraction ainsi qu’à ceux qui ont besoin d’être stimulés pour intéragir.

Le curator pourrait donc être la personne qui alimente les “social sceptiques” aussi bien que les discussions des communautés voire le community manager lui-même qui peut avoir besoin de contenus experts pour faire son travail. Il y a parfois des thèmes qui émergent d’on ne sait où et qui d’un seul coup se retrouvent au cœur des discussions. Pourquoi parler du curator ici ? Qu’est ce qu’un curator ? Je reprend ici le schéma proposé par Anthony Un exemple ?