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Every Setting Explained in One Video - YT. FilmicProUserManualv6. The Best Video App for Professional Quality Mobile Films. FilMic encore plus Pro – FiLMiC Pro presets: A Simple Setup Guide. DIY Video Studio is supported by its readers. Please assume links on this site are affiliate links or ads, and that I get commissions for purchases made through these links.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you if you use any of the links. If you want to record better videos on your iPhone and do it more quickly, the secret is to set up your FiLMiC Pro Presets in advance. Of course, there’s more to recording better videos than just setting up your presets. But being prepared is a vital step that will enable you to react quickly to every video recording opportunity. What are FiLMiC Pro presets Think of your FiLMiC Pro Presets as a collection of ready-made basic camera settings for various shooting situations and styles, any one of which can be loaded quickly. The FiLMiC Pro Preset controls allow you to configure, save and update presets for most of FiLMiC Pro’s settings. FiLMiC Pro Presets menu Now tap Resolution, the upper left box. Aspect ratio preset Audio . Tips for shooting Log on your iPhone. Tutorial for beginners - YT. 8 minutes pour prendre en main la caméra de référence.