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All Articles on Learn Excel. Anyone running a small business knows the oozing bits of joy when you hear a customer saying, “Can you send me an invoice?” While creating an invoice is an easy task, if you want something that is professional looking, easy to manage and works well, then you are stuck. That is where Excel really shines. By using an invoice template, you can quickly create and send invoices. Today I want to share one such template with you all. Why? Because we are awesome like that. Continue » One of the most useful features of Excel is formula help box. Although I love it, sometimes it does get in the way when writing formulas.

Solution?!? Simple. Continue » Back when I was working as a project lead, everyday my project manager would ask me the same question. “Chandoo, whats the progress?” He was so punctual about it, even on days when our coffee machine wasn’t working. As you can see, tracking progress is an obsession we all have. So today, lets talk about best charts to show % progress against a goal.

Nathan Zaru - Nathan Zaru Blog. Creatives Outfitter :: Products and Tools for Creative Professionals. For too long, Creatives have suffered from inefficiency, disorganization, and careers at the mercy of bureaucracy. Behance aims to organize, connect, and empower creative careers, so the best ideas can see the light of day. Behance’s “Action” and “Dot Grid” product lines have become indispensable utilities for Creatives at work. Back in 2006, when the Behance team was just imagining ways to organize and empower creative people, they knew that they needed to start with themselves. So the very first thing they designed was the Action Pad. As Scott Belsky and Matias Corea from Behance tell the story, "Brainstorming from our apartments during the hours outside our day jobs, we used our personal Action Pads to capture and complete countless action steps that ultimately pushed Behance from vision to reality. Ghostly and Behance partnered in 2014 to bring Behance's paper product line to more people around the world.

Work with SEO in Excel - The ultimate Excel plugin | Niels Bosma. How Nissan Uses Ecommerce Tracking Without Directly Selling Online. Google Analytics’ e-commerce tracking allows online merchants to measure items sold and tie those results back to their digital marketing activities. But did you know that it can also be used to track non e-commerce activity? Nissan Motor Company does just this. Nissan operates in the automobile industry, and owns a network of websites designed to help consumers around the world decide which Nissan vehicle they would like to purchase. Nissan uses e-commerce tracking whenever a visitor submits a request for a test drive or a brochure. They treat each request as if a car were sold, and record details such as the model, colour, transmission type, and location of the vehicles people inquire after. A traditional Google Analytics implementation for a non e-commerce site would simply use goals to measure conversions. They wanted to be able to measure more information about each inquiry within their Google Analytics reports.

It is easy to assess product popularity globally and by market. The Best Content Marketing Infographics. The Inside Scoop to Finding Link Building Opportunities with Free Alerts. We all know that when it comes to getting high rankings in the search engines link building is one of the most critical activities you can engage in…whether you are using tactics to get a large amount of links or zeroing in on attracting high-authority links. But most of that work is done manually. This can be time-consuming and boring. This is why I’ve been exploring ways to automate my search for link building opportunities with free alerts. I’ll share these tools with you…and then explain how you can take advantage of the link building opportunities that arise from these discoveries. Finding link building opportunities with Google Alerts Google Alerts is the old-school way of finding link building opportunities.

For each Alert, you'll need to decide the following: Content of the search – This is the topic you want alerts about. You can get more accurate results by using the Advanced Search features (+, -, "", or, not) or Operators (link:, site:). Here’s a search for “QuickSprout”: How to Build an Advanced Keyword Analysis Report in Excel - YouMoz. Analyzing keyword performance, discovering new keyword opportunities, and determining which keywords to focus efforts on can be painstaking when you have thousands of keywords to review. With keyword metrics coming from all over the place (Analytics, Adwords, Webmaster Tools, etc.), it’s challenging to analyze all the data in one place regularly without having to do a decent amount of manual data manipulation. In addition, dependent on your site’s business model, tying revenue metrics to keyword data is a whole other battle. This post will walk you through a solution to these keyword analysis issues and provide some tips on how you can slice and dice your data in wonderful ways.

With Microsoft Excel, we can create a report with all the keyword data you will need, all in one place, and fairly easy to update on a weekly or monthly basis. What we will need to do is push Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Adwords, Ranking data, and Revenue data all into one excel spreadsheet. Amazing. DIY SEO: How To Check On-Page Ranking Factors Using Google Docs. My kids and I really enjoy watching the MAKE Magazine video podcasts together. It’s one of those rare and happy things that a ten-year-old girl, an eight-year-old boy, and an adult can watch together and find interesting.

Inspired by these podcasts, I thought it would be a good idea to create a do-it-yourself SEO project. So today, we’ll make a Google Spreadsheet that checks a web page for various on-page factors that can affect SEO. Getting Started What you need: A Google Account for logging into Google SpreadsheetsA URL that you want to check. In this article, I’ll be checking Once you are signed in to Google Spreadsheets, you will be able to make your own copy to work with by opening the spreadsheet and selecting File -> Make A Copy… If you would rather start with a blank spreadsheet and fill it in as you go through this article, select File -> New -> Spreadsheet.

How It Works A good resource for Xpath queries can be found here. Testing The Basics Extra Credit. Want Guest Post Links? Find Them Via Twitter [TOOL] - YouMoz. For a long time I’ve been pulling an RSS feed from Twitter for the query: “guest post” OR “guest author” [TOPIC] into my Google Reader. Every morning I would check it, blaze through 15-20 URLs -- most of which were the same URL being tweeted. Then, I'd record the best guest post opportunities, reach out to bloggers, publish a guest post and get links.

It was a great strategy and resulted in a lot of guest post links. Although having an RSS feed was a bit more efficient than performing a Twitter search every day, it was boring, time consuming and I just really didn’t like doing it. Things you don’t like, don’t last. So, I made a tool that does all the heavy lifting. Because it has helped me tremendously, I thought it could also help out other agency SEOs and small business marketers / owners. How to use it 1. 2. 3. You’ve likely chosen a topic too narrow if you’re seeing an error. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parting Remarks Next Versions. Buzzstream Review: How Does it Measure Up?

Raven SEO Tools Review. Grade your marketing on Marketing Grader by HubSpot. Best link dev idea generators Link Development forum at WebmasterWorld. Spam free search.