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Battery Calibration - Calibrating Your MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air Battery. New or old, all of the MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air portables use a battery that has an internal processor designed to maximize battery performance. One of the functions of the battery's internal processor is to estimate remaining battery life by analyzing the current state of the battery charge, as well as the rate at which power is being consumed. In order to make accurate predictions about remaining battery charge, the battery and its processor need to undergo a calibration routine. The calibration routine helps the processor gauge the battery's current performance and make accurate predictions about the remaining battery charge.

When to Calibrate Your Battery When you buy a MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air, you should run the battery calibration routine during the Mac's first day of use. Once the battery has been calibrated, its remaining time indicator will be much more accurate. How to Calibrate Your MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air Battery. Mac OS X のキーボードショートカット. 言語 キーボードショートカットは、お使いのキーボード上でキーの組み合わせを同時に押すことで OS X の機能を呼び出す操作です。

この記事では、OS X の一般的なキーボードショートカットを紹介します。 キーボードショートカットの利用では、修飾キーと文字キーを同時に押します。 たとえば、現在選択されている範囲 (テキストやグラフィックスなど) をクリップボードに貼り付けるには、「command」キー ( と刻印されているキー) を押してから「C」キーを押します。 修飾キーは、多数のキーボードショートカットで使われます。 以下に、OS X のメニューに表示される修飾キーの記号を示します。 起動に関するショートカット 予期される機能が開始 (表示) されるまでキーまたはキーコンビネーションを押したままにします (たとえば、起動中に Startup Manager が表示されるまで「option」キーを押し続けます)。 スリープおよびシステム終了に関するショートカット Finder 用キーボードショートカット アプリケーションおよびその他の OS X に関するショートカット 注意:アプリケーションによっては、以下に示すアプリケーション用キーコンビネーションの一部がサポートされない場合があります。 *注意:テキストが選択されていない場合は、挿入ポイントから拡張が開始されます。 ユニバーサルアクセス - VoiceOver キーボードコマンド Mac OS X v10.6 での VoiceOver キーコンビネーションの違いについては、こちらの記事 を参照してください。

注意:VoiceOver メニューおよびユーティリティが正常に機能するには、キーボードの環境設定で「F1、F2 などのすべてのキーを標準のファンクションキーとして使用」を有効にする必要がある場合があります。 フルキーボードアクセス フルキーボードアクセスでは、キーボードを使って画面上のアイテムを操作できます。 マウスやトラックパッドを使わずにメニューバーのメニューを操作することができます。 ユニバーサルアクセス ― マウスキー システム環境設定の「ユニバーサルアクセス」で マウスキー が有効になっている場合は、キーボードまたはテンキーを使ってマウスのポインタを移動できます。 参照:マウスのショートカット 最終更新日: 2014/01/30. Portable Mac apps on a PC formated USB flash drive How-to... For those who use both Mac and PC. There is a way to run both PC and Mac portable apps on a USB flash drive seemlessly by creating a HFS+ formatted sparse disk image directly on the FAT formated USB flash drive. First there is a website for portable apps for Mac at where you should download Portable Firefox, Portable Adium, Portable Thunderbird, etc. And of course for PC users. Second, format your USB flash drive as FAT (MS-DOS) if it isn't already. Third, on a Mac, go to "Disk Utility" and select your USB flash drive, then go to File-> New-> Blank Disk Image.

Type a name for it, select a place for it (your USB flash drive), select a size, but make it around the size of your USB flash drive so you have room on the disk image for your portable Mac apps. Creating a sparse disk image means that you're creating a disk image that is not going to use up any free space on your USB flash drive until you add files to it. - Nick. 100 Portable Apps for your USB Stick (for Mac and Win) 42 Useful Portable Apps For Mac. A while back I posted 10 Useful Portable Applications to Run On Your USB Drive. I thought it was time to do the same type of post for all of the Mac folks. If you do not find something in this list to suit your needs, with a few Google searches you are likely to find something to work for you.

Opensource Mac FTP client. If you aren’t using Cyberduck, here is a basic run through. The play anything media player. Highly recommended if you are using multiple computers. All-in-one instant messenger (Google, ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN…) Firefox for both Windows and OSX. The cross platform version of Mozilla Thunderbird will allow you to access your email application anywhere you have a computer with a USB port. Easy to use webpage capture tool. An Opensource web browser built for Macs by Mozilla.

Game of skill and patience. Over 40 portable apps spanning everything from games to word processors, media players to a BitTorrent client, you shouldn’t be lacking anything in this pack of applications. OS X Portable Applications. OS X Lion: About Multi-Touch gestures. Tip: The Trackpad or Mouse panes of System Preferences contains preview movie clips for each gesture. Learn about the Multi-Touch gestures you can use in OS X v10.7 Lion or later and its applications. These gestures can be performed on a portable Mac's Multi-Touch trackpad, on a Magic Trackpad, or on a Magic Mouse.

Tip: Click here for a QuickTime movie that demonstrates a number of OS X Multi-Touch gestures. Click here for a web page containing animations for each gesture. OS X offers more fluid and realistic gesture responses, including rubber-band scrolling, page and image zoom, and full-screen swiping. And with the new animations, gestures look and feel more responsive and natural. Scrolling note: Scroll bars will only appear when you are scrolling. Magic Trackpad – Two finger swipe in the direction you want to move your content. Magic Mouse – One finger swipe in the direction you want to move your content.

Smart Zoom Magic Trackpad – Double-tap with two fingers. Pinch out to zoom in. Dan Rodney's List of Mac OS X Multi-Touch Gestures. Best Mac Apps For Lion. The 12 Best Mac OS X Lion Tips. How To Use Mac OS X Lion Gestures. Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts. To use a keyboard shortcut you press a modifier key with a character key. For example, pressing the Command key (it has a symbol) and then the "c" key copies whatever is currently selected (text, graphics, and so forth) into the Clipboard. This is also known as the Command-C keyboard shortcut. A modifier key is a part of many keyboard shortcuts. A modifier key alters the way other keystrokes or mouse/trackpad clicks are interpreted by OS X.

Modifier keys include: Command, Shift, Option, Control, Caps Lock, and the Fn key. Here are the modifier key symbols you may see in OS X menus: Startup shortcuts Press the key or key combination until the expected function occurs/appears (for example, hold Option during startup until Startup Manager appears). Sleep and shut down shortcuts Finder keyboard shortcuts Application and other OS X shortcuts Note: Some applications may not support all of the following application key combinations.

Universal Access - VoiceOver keyboard commands Full keyboard access. Nine Things You Should Do After Installing OS X Lion. Lion is here — and as MG summed up in just 3,000 words, it’s great. No operating system is perfect, though. At least, not for everyone, and especially not right out of the (non-existent) box. Looking to make your Lion experience that much better, we’ve bundled together a bevy of tips and tricks that you really ought to have ready on your first trip into the new OS. Now, something to keep in mind: these tips aren’t one-size-fits-all.

Read through the list and pick out the ones that sound good, and be sure to drop a comment if you’ve got a tip of your own. After Lion launched yesterday morning, reports started pouring in that folks who made the jump from Snow Leopard to Lion were seeing terribly sluggish performance. Here’s why: Lion makes a good number of changes to the way the Spotlight search works. Three years ago, I threw my printer in the trash. Okay, fine. Open up a PDF in Preview. ), then click the signature button ( ), then hit “Create Signature from Built-in iSight”. Some love it. OS X Lion: Fourteen Lion-taming Tips. OS X Lion (read our OS X Lion review here) is supposed to include 250 new features, but in reality, that's probably an understatement. No matter where you click in Apple's latest OS you'll encounter tricks and options that Apple doesn't necessarily advertise, but which advanced users will want to know about. This story includes fourteen tips that will take you from creating your own bootable USB key to customizing your dock to, heaven forbid, creating a restore partition with OS X Snow Leopard.

The various panes in System Preferences offer the best way to explore the hidden features of OS X. You may find yourself saying, "I didn't know I could do that" when you find the option in the General pane that lets you minimize an application window by double-clicking its title bar (a feature left over from ancient Macs), or, in the Dock pane, the option to automatically hide the Dock and display it again when you move the cursor to the lower edge of the screen. 35 Absolutely Essential Mac Apps.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published at FreelanceSwitch, but has been moved here since it makes more sense on AppStorm! For one reason or another, a lot of freelancers use Macs. It may be the raw power, the stability or they may just look rather – cool? Well, both of us know why that really is. It’s the apps! The software that makes the hardware bling, and it’s not necessarily thanks to Apple. Aperture and iCal may be nice, but often we rely on the smaller, even more useful applications. 1. Is a great little application for all those little snippets of text you need all the time. 2. Is a world of its own. 3. Is very simple. 4. Does what the long forgotten (or so it seems) Spirited Away did. it hides inactive applications. 5.

Is a maid for your Mac. 6. Is an application I personally can’t live without anymore. 7. Is quite neat. 8. Is a great tool for writers. 9. Is a simple, yet very powerful application and full screen writing is the name of the game. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.