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A neurocientista de plantão - A neurocientista de plantão - Você quer mesmo ser cientista? Parte 2: uma proposta prática. LigerCat.


Easily the best thing you'll hear all week: a beluga whale mimicking human speech. We should try the opposite.

Easily the best thing you'll hear all week: a beluga whale mimicking human speech

Let a human child live with whales, and see if it learns to communicate with them Like a student exchange program! This is a brilliant idea. I've got a couple of extra kids who are good swimmers.

Projeto Design

Biofuels. Breakout Labs: Home. Aging. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science. Videos. Quick and Cheap DNA Sequencing On the Horizon? The MinION device might sequence your entire genome over the course of hours and plug into your computer.

Quick and Cheap DNA Sequencing On the Horizon?

Photo by Nigel Chapman Photography When the human genome was first sequenced about a decade ago, the achievement took years and cost $1 billion. Now, scientists and entrepreneurs are predicting that the task will soon take just under 6 hours, with a price tag of just $900. A company called Oxford Nanopore Technologies claims it will accomplish this feat using a device that can plug into your computer’s USB port. The key to this remarkable rate of progress?


Prion. Synthetic Biology. Immunology.