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Measuring the Performance of Built-in .Net Classes. I've always wondered which built-in .Net classes are faster compared to others.

Measuring the Performance of Built-in .Net Classes

There is a lot of conventional wisdom surrounding certain code classes in .Net and which ones are better to use than others. One thing that I always try and keep in mind when writing code is that different situations have different needs. As I am always keen to learn more about my trade, I decided to write some simple performance tests to see how these different classes compare against one another.

Once I got into writing them, I decided to test more and more built in .net operations. First off, I wrote a simple class using the .Net Stopwatch Class that would measure and record the time that each operation took to complete. Firstly, I started off by comparing the For Loop and the Do While Loop. While Loop vs. Then the For Loop: Now surprisingly, the while loop was faster in every circumstance that I ran it.

User Authentication with Angular and ASP.NET Core. User Authentication with Angular and ASP.NET Core.

User Authentication with Angular and ASP.NET Core

Full-stack Tutorial: Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core. I’ve been thinking about writing a blog post since the first version of Angular practically killed Microsoft on the client side.

Full-stack Tutorial: Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core

Technologies like ASP.Net, Web Forms, and MVC Razor have become obsolete, replaced by a JavaScript framework that’s not exactly Microsoft. However, since the second version of Angular, Microsoft and Google have been working together to create Angular 2, and this is when my two favorite technologies started working together. In this blog, I want to help people create the best architecture combining these two worlds.

How to implement Angular 6 authentication and authorization using asp net core – DOTNET DETAIL. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to implement Angular Authentication and Authorization with Angular 6 on client-side and ASP.NET Core on the server side using (JWT)JSON Web Tokens and Auth0.

How to implement Angular 6 authentication and authorization using asp net core – DOTNET DETAIL

As you know securing your application is one of the toughest things to pull off and how important it is to implement in the application. After this tutorial series, you will be able to understand how to protect APIs, Routes, and Roles. As you know we will do all the stuff using JWT(JSON web tokens) and Auth0. C# - Аутентификация в ASP.NET MVC и AngularJS - Stack Overflow на русском. Кэширование данных в архитектуре (C#) JWT Authentication with ASP.NET Core 2 Web API, Angular 5, .NET Core Identity and Facebook Login. JWT Authentication with ASP.NET Core 2 Web API, Angular 5, .NET Core Identity and Facebook Login This is an updated version of a post I did last May on the topic of jwt auth with Angular 2+ and ASP.NET Core Web Api.

JWT Authentication with ASP.NET Core 2 Web API, Angular 5, .NET Core Identity and Facebook Login

That post was based on ASP.NET Core 1.x so it's a little dated and not as relevant now since everyone is hacking on .NET Core 2.0 which brought changes to both the Identity membership system and jwt implementation. So, here's an updated guide on implementing user registration and login functionality using ASP.NET Core 2 Web API and Angular 5. As a bonus, I see lots of folks wondering how to include social login with token-based web api authentication and spa apps (no cookies) so I have implemented Facebook login in this demo to show a potential approach of how this could be done. Development Environment Get notified on new posts Straight from me, no spam, no bullshit. Full-stack Tutorial: Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core. 7 Debugging Techniques you should know in C# .NET - Michael's Coding Spot.

I think I spend more time debugging code than writing code, designing software architecture, trying to reproduce bugs and even going to meetings!

7 Debugging Techniques you should know in C# .NET - Michael's Coding Spot

Debugging is the biggest time consumer we have as developers. As time goes by, I keep learning new tricks that make my debugging more effective. I’ve gathered in this post 7 debugging techniques that I learned relatively late into my career and I consider advanced (though sometimes something advanced for some is trivial for others). Enjoy and I hope you learn something new!

7 lesser known hacks for debugging in Visual Studio. The Visual Studio debugger is a magical beast that can save you loads of time while finding and fixing issues in your application. It is chock-full of tools that can make debugging easier… if you know they exist, and where to find them! Let’s look at 7 lesser known goodies you can use to help you #SuperChargeYourDebugging. 1. Click to Set Next Statement Many of you may know about the context menu item Set Next Statement (Ctrl+Shift+F10) that moves the yellow arrow (the instruction pointer) to the target line of code. Краткое руководство: связываем ASP.NET Core Web API + Angular 5. Краткое руководство: связываем ASP.NET Core Web API + Angular 5. To the Moon на iPad. На луну! Data Transfer Object - это не лекарство от "болезни" Rich Domain Model. Programming Musings by Vikas. Domain Models, Anemic Domain Models, and Transaction Scripts (Oh My!) – <CharlieDigital/> Ever work on a small project (say 5-8 developers, a few hundred thousand lines of code) and get the feeling that the codebase is unreasonably large and difficult to navigate or use/reuse?

Domain Models, Anemic Domain Models, and Transaction Scripts (Oh My!) – <CharlieDigital/>

Ever notice that other people keep duplicating logic — like validation logic — all over the place, violating the DRY principle every which way? Ever notice how difficult it is to change one part of your system without breaking lots of stuff in another part (I mean, this happens anyways, to a degree, but is it a common occurrence on your project)? It would seem that your project might be suffering the side effects of an anemic domain model.

As I have observed that these models tend to be used mostly with a transaction script style design, I will use these two terms interchangeably. Почему я больше не использую MVC-фреймворки / СоХабр.

Functional JS

У нас проблемы с промисами / Блог компании Mail.Ru Group. Возможности консоли браузера. Scrolling Nav - One Page Scrolling Bootstrap Template - Start Bootstrap. Configuration, methods and events of the Kendo DataSource component. Overview See the DataSource Overview and Basic Usage for an introduction to the DataSource.

Configuration, methods and events of the Kendo DataSource component.

Configuration aggregate Array. TreeView in Dialog (AngularJS) Путь JavaScript модуля. How to cache an http get service in angularjs. Kendo instance. Kendo UI® Dojo by Progress. Kendo Grid Javascript data manipulation. The data the grid is bound to is available for use in javascript if required.

Kendo Grid Javascript data manipulation

It can be obtained through its datasource. To get the data for a given Id then you can use var grid = $('#kgridA').data('kendoGrid'); var dataItem = grid.dataSource.get(id); The dataitem represents all the data in the model the grid is bound to plus some more. A key field is the uid as this is a guid that is used in each tag on each grid row. For example if you had your model Id then you could find the datasource data and get the uid which then can be used to manipulate the html display for highlighting etc.

The dataItem can have its value set by specifying the property or using the set. Javascript - Нужен ли сейчас underscrore? - Stack Overflow на русском. A Few Angular Kendo UI Best Practices. We've been hard at work getting ready for the official Angular Kendo UI v1 release.

A Few Angular Kendo UI Best Practices

Stay tuned for more information on that very soon. In the meantime, I thought I would address several issues that I see quite frequently as issues on the GitHub repo. A lot of these issues stem from a misunderstanding of how Kendo UI works when used alongside of Angular. Most of them are minor, and just require you to use the correct constructs and objects when dealing with Kendo UI widgets. I know that these are common mistakes, because I make them myself all the time! Use ObservableArrays or DataSources Instead Of Arrays. Правильное использование promise в angular.js. Angular JS directive communication guide - part 1. The internet is loaded with tutorials and posts about simpler cases of directive-to-directive communication in AngularJS. However, I haven’t found the complete guide covering the less obvious scenarios as well, so here’s my shot at it. The first part will cover cases where directives are placed on the same element and where the caller is below the callee in the DOM structure.

The next one will focus on callers above callees and highlight several problems with transclusion. Angular JS directive communication guide - part 1. JavaScript: прототипы, конструкторы, .prototype, .constructor, .__proto__ Сразу после того, как мы создали функцию, у нее есть свойство prototype, куда записан некоторый объект: var Foo = function() {} alert(Foo.prototype) Правда, это свойство как тот суслик, который есть несмотря на то, что его не видишь: var Foo = function() {} Foo.prop = 'ololo'; for (var i in Foo) { alert('Foo.'

Browsersync + Gulp.js. Node js Tutorial - Setup Web Server in 3 Minutes with http-server Module. Plunker. AngularJS, передача аргументов из директивы в контроллер. How to call a method defined in an AngularJS directive? С чего начать изучение AngularJS. Часть2 – Шаблоны оживают. Javascript - Calling directive's methods from parent controller in AngularJS. Dan Wahlin - Creating Custom AngularJS Directives Part 2 – Isolate Scope. Creating Custom AngularJS Directives Series In the first post in this series I introduced custom directives in AngularJS and showed a few simple examples of getting started. In this post we’re going to explore the topic of Isolate Scope and see how important it is when building directives.

What is Isolate Scope? Общение директив между собой в AngularJS — Antenko. И снова привет! Сегодня мы поговорим о такой опции директив, как require. Понимание данного функционала AngularJS не входит в базовый уровень знаний, который требуется для разработки простых приложений, поэтому у многих вызывает кучу вопросов. Очень часто при написании директив возникает необходимость в их взаимодействии, общении, чтоб одна из них могла, например, вызвать метод добавления нового элемента в массиве у другой. Общение директив между собой в AngularJS — Antenko. AngularJS: Как вызвать функцию контроллера внутри директивы? Javascript - $(window).resize() in safari : why it works also if scroll window (but doesn't resize)? Javascript - How to require a controller in an angularjs directive. Директивы в Angularjs для начинающих. Часть 2. На мой взгляд, директивы являются основной изюминкой декларативного стиля Angularjs. Однако, если открыть комментарии пользователей в разделе официальной документации Angularjs, посвященной директивам, то вы увидите, что самый популярный из них: «Пожалуйста, перепишите документацию, сделайте ее более доступной и структурированной.

Начинающему разработчику на Angularjs сложно в ней разобраться» («Please rewrite a clearer well structured documentation of directives., this is not friendly to first time angular developers»). С этим трудно не согласится, документация пока еще сыровата и в некоторых моментах приходится прилагать большие усилия, чтобы разобраться в логике и сути функционала. Поэтому я предлагаю вам свой вольный пересказ данной главы в надежде, что кому-то это позволит сэкономить время, а так же рассчитываю на вашу поддержку и участие в комментариях. Итак, поехали! Template и TemplateUrl. Javascript - setTimeout not working on safari mobile. Контроллеры директив в AngularJS. Изучение программирования и разработки. AngularJS на практике - пример реальной директивы. Язык JavaScript и то, что вы о нем не знали: логические операции.

Учебник по фреймворку ReactJS для новичков по-русски. The Bézier Game. Разработка директив angularjs — это просто. AngularJS директивы – это клево AngularJS является каркасом (фреймворком) для построения web приложений, который позволяет создавать сложные приложения достаточно просто.

Одна из его лучших возможностей, это создание директив, которые являются повторно используемыми web компонентами. Это дает возможность создавать новые HTML теги и атрибуты, которые могут динамично отображать контент в ответ на изменение данных, и обновлять сами данные, в случае необходимости. Это очень высокопроизводительный подход, поскольку он позволяет вам оборачивать сложное взаимодействие с DOM в повторно используемые пакеты кода. Plunker. jQuery Plugins as Angular Directives. So you’ve chosen AngularJS as your framework of choice for you next big web project. Good for you! But during the course of development you realize you need to utilize some external libraries.

Maybe you need a slider component, and decide to go with the one included with jQuery UI. Kendo UI - Learning JavaScript. Ядро. – ds.laboratory. Read this article in: English, Japanese, German (version 2), Arabic, French, Chinese. JavaScript шаблоны проектирования: Observer или Наблюдатель – Блог Данилова Анатолия. Observer JavaScript Design Pattern with examples- Node.js Tutorials for Beginners. Node.js v8.2.1 Documentation. Scroll to selected row/cell - Grid - Kendo UI Forum.

Функциональное программирование с примерами на JavaScript. Часть первая. Основные техники функционального программирования. Linq.js Reference. Kendo UI Dojo. Virtual Mode. High Performance with RadGridView and Virtual Mode including Filtering, Sorting and Grouping - Telerik UI for WinForms - KB. High Performance with RadGridView and Virtual Mode including Filtering, Sorting and Grouping - Telerik UI for WinForms - KB. Tleaf. Promise. С чего начать изучение AngularJS. Angularjs - Is there a generator for jasmine angular controller tests? Kendo UI Dojo. JavaScript. Ядро. – ds.laboratory. Building Reports from Object Collection using ReportViewer. Блог Makeomatic: разработка сайтов и мобильных приложений.

Функциональное программирование с примерами на JavaScript. Часть первая. Основные техники функционального программирования. Cancel checkbox parent click - TreeView - Kendo UI Forum. Grid.scrollTo ( $row ) - Grid - Kendo UI Forum. Frozen rows - Grid - Kendo UI Forum. Edit fiddle. Create Checkbox Custom Item Templates. Kendo UI Dojo. Kendo UI Globalization. How to Use BrowserSync for Faster Development ― Scotch. Edit fiddle. Edit fiddle. GitHub - azat-io/you-dont-know-js-ru: Russian translation of "You Don't Know JS" book series. JavaScript. Ядро. ESC key to close a modal window - Window - Kendo UI Forum. KENDOUI HOWTO: How to close a KendoUI window on ESC key. Angular Service as a Kendo DataSource. Using the AngularJS $http Service inside a Kendo UI DataSource - Part 2 - Falafel Software Blog.

Kendo UI Window

List filter with AngularJS. Getting started with Yeoman. Javascript - How to populate Kendo grid with an angular $http GET call.