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Angular .component() Transclusion - component inception. · Powder to the People. 04 Jul 2017 2017 has been a trans-year if I have ever seen one - trans-gender, trans-age, so lets not forget then about transclusion! If your not familiar with transclusion in angular then go and read about it. I’ll wait. So you have mastered making reusable components, and now you want to transclude components but still be able to use the goodies (read functions) outside the transcluded component? Cause, you as well as I wanna make stateless stupid components. Well you’ve come to the right place! Examples you say!? Lets say our component is a sidebar with a search box, underneath the search box we can have filters to further refine our search.

Here is the logic for the <search></search> component. Simple component, holds a little input for searching and also a transclusion slot with a nice little named transclusion slot for ease of semantics. Named transclusion slots are the bomb... So now we can focus on the next component in line. Search-wrapper.html. Software Architecture and Design Component-Based Architecture.

Advertisements Component-based architecture focuses on the decomposition of the design into individual functional or logical components that represent well-defined communication interfaces containing methods, events, and properties.

Software Architecture and Design Component-Based Architecture

It provides a higher level of abstraction and divides the problem into sub-problems, each associated with component partitions. The primary objective of component-based architecture is to ensure component reusability. How to build a plugin/extensible application architecture in Angular 5+ Have you ever wondered how to make your Angular application extensible?

How to build a plugin/extensible application architecture in Angular 5+

Let’s say you have a base Angular application and in the future you plan to develop different features that have almost the same structure, but you don’t really want to deploy the whole application each time a new feature is ready for production, or, moreover you plan the allow 3rd party users to implement features and upload it into your app. That kind of system can be achieve in Angular by dynamic loading of external Angular modules into a main application. I’ve read many good articles which explained more deeper this mechanism, but I couldn’t find a whole straight forward solution example that worked out for me.

Gathering all the pieces together from different informational sources I managed to obtain a solution that does the job and in which the plugin applications can use all the angular features. Angular .component() Transclusion - component inception. · Powder to the People. Using Angular 1.5's Multiple Transclusion Slots - Most (well maintained) Angular projects eventually reach the point where they would benefit from having a few generic components that use transclusion.

Using Angular 1.5's Multiple Transclusion Slots -

Maybe you have a timeline feed screen with multiple types of feed items. Or some tabs widget. Or a generic modal you use across the app. Transclusion allows us to create very customizable components since you can inject them with other components, and not just pass rigid inputs (e.g. specific bindings). That’s pretty much how things like ng-repeat work: you provide those directives with inner HTML that they then use.

Prior to Angular 1.5 a component could only transclude a single entry: whatever you gave it was had to be used as a whole. But, among other goodies introduced in 1.5 we also got multiple slot transclusion, which comes in handy at times. Communication between collaborating directives in Angular. Build a Tabs Directive in AngularJS. Directives are an integral part of Angular but are often hyped as being "difficult" and "complicated".

Build a Tabs Directive in AngularJS

As a result, they don't get the love they deserve. While there's certainly a lot to know, the barrier of entry is surprisingly low. By thoroughly embracing directives now, you can create more modular code that'll be even easier to port to Angular 2! As always, if you have any questions or comments about this tutorial, feel free to reach out to me on twitter. What We're Building This tutorial will take you through building a fully-functional tab directive based on the styles and functionality of the Bootstrap widget. Component directives in AngularJS 1.3 - Transclusion - bit1.

Transclusion is the process of extracting a collection of DOM element from one part of the DOM and copying them to another part of the DOM, while maintaining their connection to the original AngularJS scope from where they were taken. ~ Angular docs In the previous post I demonstrated how to use AngularJS to create encapsulated component directives that ‘extend’ the functionality of HTML, allowing us to create an HTML-like Domain Specific Language to use within our web pages.

Component directives in AngularJS 1.3 - Transclusion - bit1

There are use cases where we want to in some way process the HTML content that appears between a component directives tags, while maintaining the original scope of that content. AngularJS directive binding a function with multiple arguments. Dan Wahlin - Creating Custom AngularJS Directives Part 3 - Isolate Scope and Function Parameters. Creating Custom AngularJS Directives Series In Part 2 of this series I introduced isolate scope and how it can be used to make directives more re-useable.

Dan Wahlin - Creating Custom AngularJS Directives Part 3 - Isolate Scope and Function Parameters

A big part of isolate scope is local scope properties that rely on characters such as @, = and & to handle data binding as well as function delegation. By using these properties you can pass data into and out of AngularJS directives. If you’re new to local scope properties in directives I’d recommend reading the first two posts in this series. In this post I’ll explore passing parameters out of a directive into an external function. Dan Wahlin - Creating Custom AngularJS Directives Part 3 - Isolate Scope and Function Parameters. Writing component based app with angular 1.5. The angular team introduced the .component() method in version 1.5, it allows us to write component based apps using angular 1, this approach makes it easier to transfer your code base to angular 2.

Writing component based app with angular 1.5

In this guide we will build "Goatlove"(Got-love :), which is a dating app, for goats. It will help us to see component based architecture in action, and hopefully, find some goats around the world a true love. You can find the entire code here. Components based architecture The component based architecture is a rising star in the world of web development, with libraries like React, and the new direction Angular 2.0 is headed. Working with components means separating your apps into small chunks, usually just a few lines of code each. Angular 1.X embraced the use of directives, but defining a directive for me was really annoying, all the boilerplate, markup, link functions, transclusion, etc... we're quite intimidating. Javascript apps and rendering big lists. While writing apps with angular.js (which I love) I've come across performance issues when rendering big lists.

Javascript apps and rendering big lists.

Like in For example if I do this with 2500 docs. It takes a while to render and slows the page down. <tr ng-repeat="doc in allDocs"> <td><a ng-href="{{doc.url}}">{{doc.title}}</a></td> <td>{{doc.description}}</td></tr> We can see and measure this performance using chromes flame chart in the javascript cpu profiler. There are a bunch of angular.js digest cycles and stuff happening. Optimise your Angular 1.x app: Fast rendering with HyperScript and virtual-dom.

While AngularJS is certainly not a slow framework, there are cases where dealing with large amounts of data could cause a significant performance degradation, particularly when we render a lot of it on the page.

Optimise your Angular 1.x app: Fast rendering with HyperScript and virtual-dom

For those not familiar with the issue: every ng- attribute and element, {{expression}} and $scope. $watch contributes to slowing down the $digest cycle, since Angular creates a lot of “watchers” to check that data for changes. This is especially true when we frequently invoke costly functions from the template and use multiple ng-repeats to render large lists of items. There is only so much that you can do to reduce the number of $$watchers on a page. Redux, with Angularjs — Javascript@HK Meetup – Translate Engineer Error. Homepage Translate Engineer Error Sign inGet started.

Redux, with Angularjs — Javascript@HK Meetup – Translate Engineer Error

Writing component based app with angular 1.5. The angular team introduced the .component() method in version 1.5, it allows us to write component based apps using angular 1, this approach makes it easier to transfer your code base to angular 2. In this guide we will build "Goatlove"(Got-love :), which is a dating app, for goats. It will help us to see component based architecture in action, and hopefully, find some goats around the world a true love. You can find the entire code here. Toddmotto/angularjs-styleguide: AngularJS styleguide for teams. How AngularJS Application Works? -Tutorial Savvy.

AngularJS Dependency Injection - Demystified · Anand Mani Sankar. 08 Sep 2014 One of the features that I really like in AngularJS is its use of dependency injection across the framework. I listed it as one of the best features of Angular in my last post. And as promised, I’ll try to cover this topic in a little more detail here. What is Dependency Injection? AngularJS' Internals In Depth. About The Author Nico is an enthusiastic JavaScript hacker based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. When he’s not hacking away at freelance projects, or contributing to the open … More about Nicolas Bevacqua … AngularJS presents a remarkable number of interesting design choices in its code base. Two particularly interesting cases are the way in which scopes work and how directives behave.

The first thing anyone is taught when approaching AngularJS for the first time is that directives are meant to interact with the DOM, or whatever manipulates the DOM for you, such as jQuery (get over jQuery already!). AngularJS presents a remarkable number of interesting design choices in its code base. The first thing anyone is taught when approaching AngularJS for the first time is that directives are meant to interact with the DOM, or whatever manipulates the DOM for you, such as jQuery (get over jQuery already!). Further Reading on SmashingMag: AngularJS Dependency Injection - Demystified · Anand Mani Sankar. AngularJS Dependency Injection - Demystified · Anand Mani Sankar.

Toddmotto/angularjs-styleguide: AngularJS styleguide for teams. Toddmotto/angularjs-styleguide: AngularJS styleguide for teams. Javascript - How apply ng-annotate and then uglify inside gulp-if? 6 Gulp Best Practices You Can Use Today to Radically Improve Your Development Experience. This post discusses a tool that we rarely use anymore. More info to come with a breakdown of the tools we currently use. Over the past 2 years, Gulp has established itself as an important piece of most modern front end projects. As early adopters of this life changing technology at Rangle, we've encountered our share of pitfalls which guided us to valuable lessons about sublteties that can make a world of difference.

Today, we'd like to share some of the learned insights with you. 1. The number of files in a project grows daily, and so do the places these files get imported in. Gulp: как я проект для production собирал, livereload запускал и перехват ошибок делал. Basic gulpfile for minify and concat css and javascript. Gulp task sample (css and js minify+concat, compress images, watching for changes) Creating Extensible Widgets Part 1: jQuery to AngularJS in 30 seconds. Whether you’re developing websites or web applications, you’ve probably encountered the need for some form of interactive controls that don’t come out of the box from the browser. The date picker is a classic example of such functionality. In many cases, the interactivity can be generalized and packaged into reusable components which I’ll call widgets.

One of the most common ways to write widgets is through jQuery plugins. An example of a popular widget framework is jQueryUI. jQueryUI is used in Trello to add cross browser drag and drop functionality to its cards interface. AngularJS introduces new concepts to rethink the creation and usage of widgets. AngularJS Directives with jQuery Plugins - Blog. AngularJS directives are very powerful, but first time it looks quite tricky on how to set them up with jQuery plugins. Correct Way To Integrate JQuery Plugins In AngularJS - Solid Foundation Web Development. jQuery Plugins as Angular Directives. So you’ve chosen AngularJS as your framework of choice for you next big web project. Modular AngularJS App Design. I am a sucker for modules. Something about bundling a set of functionality and display logic into a module that can be easily redistributed for many apps makes my skin tingle. So when I saw that “modules” were a big part of the AngularJS methodology, I was super excited to try it out.

I quickly realized however, that most of the examples online used one module for the entire application, which didn’t seem all that modular to me. At my current company we are developing an app that is ideal for the modular approach. Egghead. Особенности реализации MVP для Windows Forms. Speeding up AngularJS apps with simple optimizations. AngularJS is a huge framework with that already has many performance enhancements built in, but they can’t solve all our problems.

No matter how fast the framework, we can all create sluggish code through bad practices and not understanding key concepts that help it perform well. The following performance pointers are some of the things I’ve learned from developing Angular applications that will hopefully enable you to keep building fast applications. Async/await: собираем грабли. Голосование. Ios-dblclick/ios-dblclick.js at master · mrblackus/ios-dblclick. Паттерн MVP для WinForms - C# Windows Forms - Киберфорум. A complete toolchain for AngularJs - Gulp, Browserify, Sass. .net - Implementing MVC with Windows Forms. Best Practices for Building Angular.js Apps – Jeff Dickey. Update 2016–04–17: I wrote this article almost 2 years ago for Angular 1.x. This article is still tremendously popular somehow, but I want to warn that it may not be the best for Angular 2.x or other methods of building JS front-ends. AngularJS Hello world example. Основы AngularJS: модуль, контроллер, выражения.

AngularJS Hello world example. Руководство по стилю программирования и оформления приложений на AngularJS / DEVACADEMY. Projects. Using Gulp to Build My AngularJS App. Building Angular development environment with Gulp. Извращения кодера, блог php программиста. AngularJS — разделение приложения на модули и загрузка компонентов с помощью RequireJS. AngularJS — разделение приложения на модули и загрузка компонентов с помощью RequireJS. TomDoc for JavaScript? Ultimate guide to learning AngularJS in one day. Refactoring Angular Apps to Component Style. Ultimate Angular: AngularJS Courses, Master AngularJS 1.6. Ultimate Angular: AngularJS Courses, Master AngularJS 1.6. Toddmotto/angularjs-styleguide: AngularJS styleguide for teams. What javascript tree data structures are available?

TreeModel. Building Scalable Angular Apps Using Flux Architecture. Dynamic Controllers in Directives with the undocumented "name" property. Ultimate Angular. How to use JavaScript closures with confidence. Angular Performance: Tuning the Engine. AngularJS Performance in Large Applications. Sharing Data in AngularJS: Be Aware of $watch. Using Services and Messages to Share Data Between Controller in AngularJS. Working with Angular and its Technology Stack in .NET. Sharing Data in AngularJS: Be Aware of $watch. Keeping Angular "service" list data in sync with controllers. Angularjs-styleguide/typescript at master · toddmotto/angularjs-styleguide. Using the observer pattern to replace slow watches in AngularJS – Richard JE Cooke.

Using the observer pattern to replace slow watches in AngularJS – Richard JE Cooke. Angular Observable Data Services. Angular Observable Data Services. Angular-fh1kyp - StackBlitz. Angular Application Architecture: Build Reux-like Apps with RxJs. Максим Голованёв – Использование RxJS для связывания компонентов приложения. DEV Labs 2017 (JS). Реактивное программирование с RxJS. Подкаст о Frontend & Backend разработке #8 (Design Patterns: Part 2, V8) DEV Labs 2017 (JS). Реактивное программирование с RxJS.

Christianalfoni WebApp Enthusiast. Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces. Application State Management – kentcdodds. Application Architecture for Building User Interfaces. Communication between Angular 1.5 components (and with the API) [“NG 1.5 from the trenches” 3/7] – Crafting directives to handle Complex Scenarios. Характеристики модели Смартфон Xiaomi Redmi 4X 32GB — Мобильные телефоны — Яндекс.Маркет. Смартфон Xiaomi Redmi 4X 32GB — Мобильные телефоны. Components With Shared Data in AngularJS. Angular components communication. Практический JS: избавляемся от утечек памяти в IE. Замыкания в Javascript [Часть 2] Dan Wahlin - Creating Custom AngularJS Directives Part 3 - Isolate Scope and Function Parameters.

AngularJS - Isolate Scope "&" Замыкания в Javascript [Часть 2] Утечки памяти в замыканиях JavaScript. Few ways to pass values to a Function in Isolate scope : {{AngularJS}} – Part 12.