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Frag Mutti: Nähfuß + Tesafilm für schlecht gleitende Materialien. Start your day with water and lemon ~ Dr. David Jockers. (NaturalNews) Clean water and fresh squeezed lemon is one of the most well tested energy boosters around. Most people in America rely on caffeinated beverages like coffee to get aroused in the morning. These adrenal stimulants produce dirty energy in the form of blood sugar swings and oxidative stress. Water with lemon produces clean energy by hydrating and oxygenating the body to extraordinary energy and mental clarity.

After sleeping through the night the bodily tissues are dehydrated and need clean, pure water to filter out toxins and improve energy production in the cells. Most individuals turn to stimulants like coffee in the morning to give them a jump start. Unfortunately, coffee is a diuretic that depletes your body of water reserves and essential minerals and electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium & magnesium. People feel energized by coffee due to the effects of caffeine on the adrenal glands. Fresh lemon helps oxygenate the body and maximizes enzyme function. . [...] 1. 11 Foods That Make You Smarter. Too much sun? Try these natural cures. PUBLISHED: July 9, 2012 at 12:57 pm • LAST EDITED: June 29, 2012 at 12:58 pm Gardening, Health • 0 Comments By Sue Rodgers IT’S that time of year again, when despite all the warnings we strip off and soak up too much sun. Often we don’t realise the damage until it is too late, when those pink bits start to hurt.

Fortunately there are a number of herbal remedies that can bring relief, often instantly. Top of the list is aloe vera, a fleshy cactus grown all over the Mediterranean. To use, slice through one of the leaves and scoop out the sticky gel inside. Aloe vera not only soothes pain and calms any inflammation it also speeds up the healing process by stimulating the growth of new tissue. I always keep a leaf of aloe vera in my fridge during the summer months as the extra cold soothes the pain even faster. But if you don’t have access to fresh aloe vera, you can buy pure 100 per cent gels from health shops and some supermarkets. Add ice cubes to the tea and when cool apply to the pink bits. Recyclebank. Vodka has many uses. Some of them are interesting and some are way out there.

So read on to discover a countdown of some weird and wonderful uses for vodka. 16 weird and wonderful uses for vodka... and a few drink recipes. At a recent cocktail party, I was surprised to find people favoring brandy and bourbon drinks over vodka drinks. It surprised me because vodka has always seemed to me to be the go-to choice for a good drink. Maybe a Martini, a vodka tonic, a Cosmo, or even a Black Russian, all delicious drinks. I’m a vodka fan, personally. With vodka out of favor at the local bar, I started to wonder how else vodka might earn its keep, and found out something pretty interesting. Vodka is versatile. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. And the number one, weirdest use for vodka I can come up with is - drum roll please - using it to make a screwdriver... but hey, that’s just me.

For me, it’ll always be a martini, James Bond style, please. Share this with Your Friends. How to Make a Yellow Jacket Trap. Lots of Jokes - Did You Know? Q. Why do men's clothes have buttons on the right while women's clothes have buttons on the left? A. When buttons were invented, they were very expensive and worn primarily by the rich.

Since most people are right-handed, it is easier to push buttons on the right through holes on the left. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Mary liked this a lot and when returned to Scotland (not a very good idea in the long run), she took the practice with her. Q. A. Q. A. This isnt happiness&8482; (Things My Father didn't Teach Me, How to tie a Tie)&&. ABOUT ARCHIVE FOLLOW Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ Ads Via The Deck Things My Father didn’t Teach Me, How to tie a Tie share it 3,740 notes.

The Seven Wonders of the World. The Traveller's Medicine Cabinet: 5 Essential Drugs for the Road. While out roving you aren’t always (or even often) anywhere near a hospital or pharmacy. But, if you pack these nutritional supplements and natural medications wherever you go, you’ll be able to cope just fine. #1: Kratom The Situation You’re hiking the Appalachian trail in the dead of winter. It’s freezing cold, the terrain is rough, and you’ve got another four hours of trudging through the snow before you reach your destination for the night.

Suddenly the worst happens; your boot gets caught between two rocks, you lose your footing and tumble to the ground, wrenching your ankle in the process. . © Miserlou What It Is A leafy green plant grown mainly in Southeast Asia. Uses First and foremost, Kratom is a powerful painkiller similar to Morphine or Opium. Side-Effects Kratom is mildly addictive, about on par with caffeine.

Forms Kratom can be purchased in dried leafy form, as an extract, a resin, or in pill form. Legality Kratom is legal in most of the developed world. . #2: Kava Kava Kava Kava None. 7 Common Foods That Can Actually Get You High. EDITORS' DISCLAIMER: Cracked does not endorse eating the below foodstuffs for the express purpose of getting high, as the side effects are usually horrible enough to make you forget you were high in the first place.

Thus the information in this article should only be used for scintillating chitchat at cocktail parties and around the office. Rye grain is occasionally infected with the ergot fungus. Ergot contains several psychoactive chemicals such as ergotamine, a compound used in the synthesis of LSD. So if some day your half-eaten sandwich suddenly sprouts a mouth and prophesizes doom for the human race, you'll know why. The Downside Ergot outbreaks are rare so eating a Reuben will most likely not turn you into Hunter S. Thompson at the Kentucky Derby. But most modern farmers clean their rye in a potassium chloride solution to guard against, something medieval farmers never did. Fun Fact Some users compare the nutmeg "high" to a hellish case of the flu.

Not an actual photo of incident.