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6 Pro Tips for Marketing to Digital Natives. Are you trying to reach an audience of 17 to 34-year-olds?

6 Pro Tips for Marketing to Digital Natives

They're "Millennials" — those who came of age in a post-Internet world — and they're unlike the consumers that came before them. Millennials can sniff the hard sell, and they won't buy it. The way to win over these digital natives is to add some value, provide utility, entertain, acknowledge their individuality and get friends involved. Most importantly, be mobile — it's less a tip than it is a must. Millennials grew up on the Internet, and they're extremely connected. So, if you want to market to millennials, here are six tips for reaching and converting them. 1. According to Matt Britton, the founder and CEO of millennial marketing agency Mr Youth, the key to appealing to this demographic is driven by five major needs: Utility: Millennials are multitaskers.

Entertainment: The average YouTube user spends 15 to 25 minutes per day on the site — we like being entertained. Rewards: Who doesn't love swag? Internet Surpasses Television as Main News Source for Young Adults. The Internet is now the main national and international news source for people ages 18 to 29, a study from the Pew Research Center reports.

Internet Surpasses Television as Main News Source for Young Adults

In 2010, 65% of people younger than 30 cited the Internet as their go-to source for news, nearly doubling from 34% in 2007. The number who consider television as their main news source dropped from 68% to 52% during that time.* Of all 1,500 American adults surveyed, 41% say they get their national and international news from the Internet, up 17% from 2007. Forty-eight percent of those ages 30 to 59 cite the Internet as their main news source, up from 32% in 2007, while television went down from 71% to 63%. These numbers fall in line with the rise of the personalized news stream online. In addition, the television viewership culture has shifted in the past few years. Which is your preferred news source? *Figures add to more than 100% because respondents could volunteer up to two main news sources. Image courtesy iStockphoto: iqoncept. France : Raz-de-marée numérique chez les 11-17 ans. Le quatrième baromètre «Enfants et Internet» de l'agence Calysto montre une escalade numérique impressionnante des 11-17 ans, qui passent notamment une grande partie de leur temps sur les outils communautaires.

France : Raz-de-marée numérique chez les 11-17 ans

Toujours plus jeunes. Toujours plus équipés. Enfants et adolescents plongent chaque année davantage dans le grand bain des nouvelles technologies. Les chiffres les plus frappants de cette escalade numérique concernent les pré-adolescents. Désormais 55% des 11-13 ans auraient une page Facebook et 47% posséderaient déjà un téléphone portable selon le quatrième baromètre «Enfants et Internet» de l'agence conseil Calysto, réalisé en partenariat avec La voix de l'enfant auprès de 35.000 jeunes âgés de 11 à 17 ans. Facebook, nouvelle star des cours de récré Chez les collégiens et lycéens de 13 à 17 ans, le portable est devenu incontournable. Les jeux vidéo font également un malheur. 87% des 11-13 ans et 80% des 15-17 ans disent s'y adonner au moins une fois par jour.