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Lee Boudreault

I enjoy life (as much fun as reality really is), Why be angry, Its not worth the time i have living. Im very loving and snuggly. I love children, my baby girl changed my life, I LOVE U MY BABY CORAL


Untitled. No Internet Lockdown. Chernobyl Expert: Fukushima’s final toll will be worse — Multiple facilities, longer duration, population far more dense (RADIO) Title: Karl Grossman, Fallout from FukushimaSource: The Majority Report with Sam SederDate: March 13, 2012 Professor and investigative journalist Karl Grossman on lessons learned (or not) from Fukushima disaster and state of Nuclear Power in world today [...]

Chernobyl Expert: Fukushima’s final toll will be worse — Multiple facilities, longer duration, population far more dense (RADIO)

At 12:45 in Dr. [Alexey] Yablokov himself believes because of the multiplicity of nuclear facilities, and the fact that the population is far more dense than the area around Chernobyl, and the fact it went on for so long — the discharges, the releases — Dr Yablokov believes it will be worse than Chernobyl in terms of the final toll. Yablokov is a member of the Russian academy of sciences, and adviser to President Gorbachev at the time of Chernobyl -Guardian. No Internet Lockdown petition gets shout-out in C-11 Committee meeting. Women make Men DUMB! Dr. Russell Blaylock interview on MSG and brain-damaging excitotoxins MSG, Mar 2012. Citizens Scientists Reveal Bubbly Milky Way. Fractional Reserve Banking. Ron Paul's Fight to the Finish. CONFIRMED OBAMA BIRTH CERTICATE IS A FAKE ! MAKE VIRAL !.mp4. URGENT!! FBI Director Wont Say If Govt Can Target And Kill Citizens Within USA!! Pentagon & Obama Declare Congress Ceremonial. Uprising: 2012. We DARE you to WATCH and SHARE this video! *(MUST SEE!)*

Education Petition: The Queen of England/La Reine d'Angleterre: Dismiss Stephen Harper as PM. Let's see what kind of action the Queen might take if enough people(particularly people residing within the territory claimed by the state of Canada) wrote to her and asked her to dismiss Stephen Harper from his position of Prime Minister of Canada.

Education Petition: The Queen of England/La Reine d'Angleterre: Dismiss Stephen Harper as PM

At the very least, let's draw some awareness to the important reasons why you might be wanting to unseat Stephen Harper, and to the fact that the Queen is still our Head of State! (La version en français suit la version anglaise ci-bas) *Note when signing petition, please include your own reason(s) within the letter* Scroll down past description to see other signatures and reasons Article published in the Huffington Post March 2nd 2012: Chantal Dupuis: Queen Elizabeth Writes Back After Getting Letter From Quebec Resident Calling For Stephen Harper To Be Fired target="_blank"> La version en français suit la version anglaise ci-bas Original letter sent by Chantal Dupuis: Montreal, December the 16th 2011. 3 Ex-Con Execs Ask Election Canada To Investigate MP Julian Fantino.

It’s time for a Royal Commission on election fraud. It’s an attack on the very principle of free and fair elections.

It’s time for a Royal Commission on election fraud

Not just a fundamental Liberal value, but a Canadian one: your right to vote. Media reports stemming from an Elections Canada investigation have revealed a pattern of election fraud, including allegations that: Voters were deliberately misled about the location of their polling station;Liberal supporters received harassing phone calls purporting to be from the Liberal Party; and;Thousands of “instant-voters” voted without giving an address. Liberals are calling on the Conservative government to immediately launch a Royal Commission on electoral fraud to determine whether the Canada Elections Act and other Canadian laws are sufficient to protect the integrity of our electoral system.

The Liberal Party of Canada has also proactively disclosed its calling data related to the 2011 federal campaign in an effort to assist Elections Canada with their ongoing investigation. Elections Fraud. Jamie Biggar March 3 Rally Against Voter Suppression. Why It Won't Be Stopped. KONY 2012. Why I am leaving the Empire, by Darth Vader. 'I no longer have the pride, or the belief' After almost 12 years, first as a summer intern, then in the Death Star and now in London, I believe I have worked here long enough to understand the trajectory of its culture, its people and its massive, genocidal space machines.

Why I am leaving the Empire, by Darth Vader

And I can honestly say that the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it. To put the problem in the simplest terms, throttling people with your mind continues to be sidelined in the way the firm operates and thinks about making people dead. The Empire is one of the galaxy’s largest and most important oppressive regimes and it is too integral to galactic murder to continue to act this way. The firm has veered so far from the place I joined right out of Yoda College that I can no longer in good conscience point menacingly and say that I identify with what it stands for. How did we get here? What are three quick ways to become a leader?

I hope this can be a wake-up call. Facebook. Facebook.