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C++ faq - The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List. Free Programming Books - Part 5 - Project: Fenix. 3D Engines. How to Take Your First Coding Project from Start to Finish. I've used various versions of Windows for years, Linux in various flavours for another few years, and OS X for about 2-3 years total. I'm now a convert to OS X (though proudly not part of the cult of Mac — I enjoy the OS, I don't want Jobs' offspring) for general desktop use, switching to Windows for gaming. I find app quality is generally significantly higher on OS X than Windows (and certainly Linux). Do note the word "generally" — some of this stuff is cross-platform and in some cases Windows offers something better!

The drawback of this is that most of it costs a couple of bucks, but that's a small price to pay if you're using your computer for various tasks daily. The UNIX core and bash are very important to me. Having a terminal that can actually do something is priceless. User experience also plays a large part. Then there are the extras, like the *virtual* immunity to malware. Online IDE.


Apache Flex. Apache Flex, formerly Adobe Flex, is a software development kit (SDK) for the development and deployment of cross-platform rich Internet applications based on the Adobe Flash platform. Initially developed by Macromedia and then acquired by Adobe Systems, Flex was donated by Adobe to the Apache Software Foundation in 2011[1] and promoted to a top-level project in December 2012. Overview[edit] Versions[edit] Macromedia Flex 1.0 and 1.5[edit] Macromedia targeted the enterprise application development market with its initial releases of Flex 1.0 and 1.5. The company offered the technology at a price around US$15000 per CPU. Required for deployment, the Java EE application server compiled MXML and ActionScript on-the-fly into Flash applications (binary SWF files). Adobe Flex 2[edit] Adobe significantly changed the licensing model for the Flex product line with the release of Flex 2. Enterprise-oriented services remain available through Flex Data Services 2. Adobe Flex 3[edit] Related tools[edit]

Blockly - A visual programming editor. 3D Engines.

Planet Project

WebGL. Switzerland 3D Demo Viewer. Web. Java. Esfandiar Maghsoudi - Blog. Programming and Web Development Help | Android Development. PHP.