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Social Studies

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Point of View | Nowa Techie. In Social Studies, my 5th graders have been learning about the causes of the American Revolution. Recently, they were researching ‘The Boston Massacre’. Being that we are in the US, the texts that we have, have a colonist/American point of view. This lead to; what was the British take on it? This lead us to a Google Search. However, we didn’t want to view anything that was written in the US, we wanted information from the UK. So how did we find out the UK point of view? We navigated to a new tab, which brought up Google. This sends us to a new page with several search filters. This brought up the search results with the filter in place. This, of course, led to an interesting discussion on why the accounts that we had been reading about and the accounts according to the UK were different.It was a great opportunity for my students to experience different points of view, why they exist, practice critical thinking skills, and begin to learn to question what really happened.

Like this: The 21st Century Social Studies Classroom Shelf. 10 Engaging Digital Education Sites For Any Social Studies Classroom. 5 Utterly Fascinating History Education Resources. History just keeps happening – there’s nothing you can do about that. But learning as much as possible is deeply rewarding, and helps you better understand the world. This week Cool Websites and Apps digs into five sites that give you a better idea of history.

Explore maps from other ages, see where people are moving to and from, then work out one way of discovering who the most famous people in history are. Let’s get stared. Geacron: See the World Map for Any Year The nations of today didn’t always exist: almost all of them didn’t take their current shape until relatively recently. Recent examples, like South Sudan, are obvious to imagine, but some other bits of history are downright unintuitive until you explore them. What other weird facts like this can you find? It’s fascinating to see how the world took shape over the years, with countries as we know them today slowly taking shape. The world was opening up, and Europe was taking shape. Orbis: Google Maps for Ancient Rome. Google Tools for Social Studies - Google Docs.