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Glowing Photo Luminaries. When I was growing up, we had a formal dining room that was only used on special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.

Glowing Photo Luminaries

At one point I thought that was a really wasted use of space, but now looking back- because it was so special, that room was home to some of my most precious family memories. It’s the only room where we used my great grandmother’s gold-plated china. And where we sat on fancy padded chairs and got to drink sparkling cider and use the fancy butter knives.

It’s also the only room where every meal was eaten by candlelight- and it was magical. My parents would dim the lights and right before we started our meal, they’d light tall candlesticks and the little flickering lights would reflect off the crystal goblets and make everything twinkle. Recently I was cleaning my garage and came across a big pack of vellum from my drafting days in college. To make these, I used my photo printer to print some of my favorite family photos onto vellum. Marigolds Are the Temptress-Assassins of the Botanical World. Carving Rocks with a Dremel. There is something very gratifying about carving into a rock.

Carving Rocks with a Dremel

This project was kind of therapeutic. Light Related Decor. Project 1: Rock + Bowl + Flame ( 31 DIY Projects for Busy Gals) 31 minute project You'll need: Sakrete Quickset Concrete a bunch of rocks (perhaps dug up from your yard) a plastic bowl a large canned good chafing dish gel fuel pack PAM cooking spray newspaper plastic tub for mixing concrete stick to stir concrete You are going to create one of these (which, FYI, Restoration Hardware doesn't sale anymore, hence why we are making our own) In pictures: For the readers: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. and 7.

Project 1: Rock + Bowl + Flame ( 31 DIY Projects for Busy Gals)

Fun ambiance for the whole family. Check out what's to come with 31 DIY projects for Busy Gals by clicking the log above. 25 inspiring, easy and fun DIY projects for home decorating. Flapping Paper Butterfly. I had a baby so I’ve invited some fave guests to take over for me while I spend time with the little guy.

Flapping Paper Butterfly

Today’s post is from super crafter and cute mom, Amelia of The Homebook. Growing up, I had an aunt who lived in Canada. Every year for my birthday she’d send me a card and a fancy little gift. She always found the neatest things! One year, when I was maybe 10 or 11, she sent me another card—and when I opened it up, a paper butterfly fluttered out of the card. I made my butterflies into Monarchs, but you could use different materials to create any sort of colorful butterfly.

Materials: You’ll need heavy cardstock, 24 gauge wire, silicone rubber bands (I found mine in the hair aisle at Walgreens) needle-nose pliers, scissors, tape, a paintbrush, a black marker, and a white ink pen. Step 1: Measure and cut your wire. Step 2: Find the center of the longer wire. Step 5: Find the center of the shorter wire, and wrap it around the base of the paintbrush.

How to make your own air dried porcelain with common household ingredients. Anything that is quick, affordable and makes beautiful things is a craft winner for me . But…I often find myself uninspired for something new and different. I’ve found it in air dried porcelain (aka Porcelana Fria). What will someone make with 3 cups of white glue (PVA) 3 cups of cornstarch (Corn flour) one tablespoon of white vinegar one tablespoon of glycerin (health food or hobby shop), and 2 tablespoons of canola oil? The beautiful mouse and necklace pictured (compliments of Espirit ) is the answer! Amazingly simple and a GREAT school holiday project, get the kids into the kitchen to cook up some home made, air dried, porcelain. Festive Stars made from Recycled Drinks Cans. November 1st, 2011 I’m preparing for a couple of craft fairs (details coming soon) at the moment and decided to have a go at making some Festive decorations by recycling some drinks cans I’ve been collecting.

Festive Stars made from Recycled Drinks Cans

I found this tutorial the other day and thought I could adapt it to me own needs. So here goes… Projects To Make From Aluminum Cans. Thirst-Quenching, Color-Drenched Recycled Aluminum Can Mosaics. You have undoubtedly seen mosaics before (perhaps even recycled metal versions crafted out of aluminum beverage cans) but have you seen Jill Helms’ take on the eye-catching eco-art form?

Thirst-Quenching, Color-Drenched Recycled Aluminum Can Mosaics

Well, how about stepping into her studio and looking around for a while? As you can see, several recognizable brands can be found amid her final bold, rainbow-tinted creations — iconic beverage cans such as Bud Light, Coke, Sprite, Welch’s Grape Soda, Rock Star Energy Drink and even Hansen’s Natural Soda. While the Wisconsin-born artist, who obtained her formal training at Illinois State University, has not personally knocked back a soft drink in decades, she has developed a keen eye for rescuing randomly discarded roadside and parking lot-strewn empties. Helms has a particular fondness for the bold graphic designs found on energy drinks, sometimes even purchasing a few beverages that are packaged inside colorfully dynamic containers.

Aluminum Can Flowers

Kid Projects.