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Using design to innovate. The way the NHS Institute works is inspired by the way many innovative organisations work. It has its origins in the design industry where the idea of having significant involvement from end-users in the design and production process has long been recognised and valued. Of course, it has sometimes been a challenge to explain how design methodologies can improve the delivery of public services. As the Design Council noted not so long ago: “… design is a problem-solving process but it is difficult to think of what problems it can help you solve when all you really know about designers is that they make nice gadgets like iPods or will have created the graphics for that attractive label on your tin of baked beans.”

We see design as a way of thinking and an approach to improving services that adds great value to the context of healthcare innovation. How do we use the service design approach for healthcare innovation? We use service design to support the NHS Institute internally. Design de service & user experience, l'innovation selon USER STUDIO. Live|work: Ben Reason. The solutions are not always medical/technical Ben Reasons’ presentation at the TechUK 2014 conference. Read more The solutions are not always medical Ben Reasons’ presentation at the Innovasjonskonferansen conference 2013, in Trondheim. Read more SERVICE DESIGN: From Insight to Implementation Service Design is an eminently practical guide to designing services that work for people. Fabrique de Services | nova7 | études conseil | prospective marketing design | Lyon. Développer une activité de service nécessite d’abord de s’interroger sur le sens et les valeurs de la société que l’€™on contribue à construire (en termes de rapport à l’emploi et à la propriété, à la culture matérielle, à l’engagement individuel et aux pratiques collectives, au numérique et aux réseaux sociaux…).

Cela soulève aussi des questions pratiques car un service est par nature difficile à formater : intangible, impossible à stocker, et souvent dépendant de la participation de clients ou d’usagers dont les attentes et compétences ne sont pas uniformes. Une Fabrique de Services… pour quoi faire ? Nos méthodes de marketing Nos méthodes de design Elaboration de persona pour stimuler la création de services nouveauxAteliers participatifs de co-design de services avec des usagers-clientsScénarisation de services (blueprinting, storyboarding…)Prototypage de services (supports matériel, personnel en contact…) en atelier ou in situSimulation de services et jeux de rôles.

Meet the team. We are passionate advocates of open innovation, building collaborative networks and promoting the value of healthcare innovation and service design. Lynne Maher | Interim Director - Innovation Lynne leads on innovation, specifically focusing on the design and redesign of health services and processes to support the NHS. Lynne is a member of the Innovators’ Council formed by the Cabinet Office, a Fellow at the Health Service Management Centre, Birmingham University and a Fellow of the RSA. Mark Mugglestone | Lead Associate Mark leads the continued development and implementation of the organisation's innovation process. He has an interest in the development of innovative methodologies that may help the NHS to improve patient care. Mark has held a variety of national roles focusing on healthcare improvement, including academic and applied research. Helen Baxter | Associate Helen leads on the ebd approach and the Innovation Practitioner Programme for the NHS institute.

La 27e Région.