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What can I share? Here at figshare, we appreciate that the name can sometime be misleading. It literally means the sharing of figures, nothing to do with the fruit. Last weekend at scifoo, this topic of conversation came up with Michael Nielsen, who wondered if people may just think that we host static images. We believe the future of academic publishing involves the raw outputs of the research, whether that is a video, dataset, pdf or any other file type you can think of. In this sense the ‘figure’ represents a unit of research, which bring us to the next question we get asked a lot: This is easy, there are no rules. figshare encourages the sharing of all research outputs that you feel may have some value for someone. ...and many more.

It was great to see strong recommendations in this area last week in a Joint Statement from DataCite, the International Association of STM Publishers, and CrossRef on the Linkability and Citability of Research Data: We will continue to evolve based on user feedback.


eLife. The Evolution & Medicine Review » Blog Archive » Evolutionary Medicine Course August 6-10 at Mt. Desert Island. Feb 24th, 2012 by The Editors Evolutionary Foundations for Medicine and Public Health: Focus on Infection and Cancer August 6-10 at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine Registration now open CME credit available This course will be limited to 40 participants. It will be appropriate for those with a background in biology and/or medicine at diverse levels. Faculty Description This intensive one-week course will introduce strategies for applying core principles of evolutionary biology to problems in medicine and public health, with a special focus on infection and cancer. Online Social Network Seeks to Overhaul Peer Review in Scientific Publishing.


Scientists, Fight For Access! | EvoEcoLab. Ask many scientists what they believe separates the pursuit of scientific inquiry from most everything else and you’ll get a wide range of open-ended, flowery, idealistic, and nearly altruistic, statements like ”unlock the mysteries of the world”, “the thrill of discovery”, “making a meaningful contribution to society”, or “improving people’s lives”. No matter how you cut it, scientists tend to agree that science is an important framework for systematically establishing the validity of claims by relying on evidence. Scientists’ idealism is honorable, and genuinely heartfelt. Few other groups of people really do want the change the world in such a positive, progressive manner. Yet, in a twist of irony, few other groups who prize evidence and free thought systematically follow dogmatic traditions that are directly in conflict with their idealistic world view.

Herein lies the paradox. As with any legislation, language is always very important.


Access to information is crucial for science. MyDivvi. Directory of open access journals. Pas un nouveau journalisme scientifique, mais un nouveau journalisme. L’association française Acrimed organise le 8 décembre un débat intitulé « Un autre journalisme scientifique est-il possible? ». Elle s’inquiète, à juste titre, que les sciences soient chroniquement marginalisées dans nos médias, « reléguées dans des rubriques secondaires ». Je ne sais pas ce qu’en diront les panélistes, mais je doute qu’un « autre » journalisme scientifique soit la solution. Commençons par les évidences : oui, les sciences constituent le parent pauvre des médias —une minute de science par 5 heures de nouvelles continues, selon le calcul déprimant qu’avait fait le State of the News Media 2008. Et parmi les explications souvent invoquées, il y a ce complexe d’infériorité qu’éprouve, face aux sciences, une bonne partie de la population, y compris les rédacteurs en chef.

Sauf que si on faisait ça, ce ne serait plus du « nouveau journalisme scientifique ». Et qui est ce « vous »? Oui, un nouveau journalisme est possible. Journals — BMJ Group. Group blogs: BMJ Web Development Blog » Blog Archive » BMJ Group journal articles now contain ‘Citing articles via Web of Science’ links. 8 Apr, 11 | by Claire Bower, Digital Comms Manager, @clairebower With users increasingly viewing articles as ’portals to greater information’, BMJ Group has introduced a new collaboration with ISI Web of Science, the multidisciplinary bibliographic database tool.

All of our journal articles now include the exact number of citations for each article being viewed, as well as a direct link to the list of citing articles on ISI Web of Science. Have a look at the screenshot below, which displays the exact location of these ‘Citing article via Web of Science’ links at article-level.

The technology that permits users to navigate from the ISI Web of Science to participating publishers’ full text journal content has been around for a while. This relationship allows subscribers of the Web of Science to link directly from the bibliographic record and abstract in the Web of Science to the full text of materials currently available through participating publishers. Feed. Wiley Open Access. HighWire Free Online Full-text Articles. Oxford Open | Oxford Open participating titles.

Titles participating in the Oxford Open scheme are broadly included in one of two open access models, either full or optional open access. All open access articles are automatically deposited in PubMed Central (PMC) by Oxford Journals. The journals included in this automated process have been determined by PMC, based on subject area. All Oxford Open content at PMC. The majority of Oxford Journals offer the optional open access model. This means that authors may chose to pay for open access publication in order to make their article freely available. However, open access publication is not a requirement for publication in these journals. Back to top of page. Biology Direct. Journal of Biology. How to overhaul peer review and scientific publishing. Many are quick to criticize the peer review process, but are there any viable alternatives? Anyone who doubts the inefficiencies and flaws of the current peer-review system would do well to read a review article published in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (Dec 2011) and evaluated for F1000 by Gary Aston-Jones and David Moorman.

The article, entitled “Toward a new model of scientific publishing: discussion and a proposal” by Dwight Kravitz and Chris Baker of the National Institute of Mental Health at the US NIH, highlights several serious problems with the scientific publishing machine. In particular, the authors note: Most for-profit publishers argue that the review process chaperoned by their editors ensures high standards of scientific research. How do the authors propose fixing the system? Editor’s Note: Stay tuned for our announcement next week about F1000 Research, a repository for original research that tackles many of these issues. F1000 Research.