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Science Magazine: Sign In. Science Magazine: Sign In. Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas) systems provide bacteria and archaea with adaptive immunity against viruses and plasmids by using CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) to guide the silencing of invading nucleic acids. We show here that in a subset of these systems, the mature crRNA that is base-paired to More Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas) systems provide bacteria and archaea with adaptive immunity against viruses and plasmids by using CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) to guide the silencing of invading nucleic acids. We show here that in a subset of these systems, the mature crRNA that is base-paired to trans-activating crRNA (tracrRNA) forms a two-RNA structure that directs the CRISPR-associated protein Cas9 to introduce double-stranded (ds) breaks in target DNA.

Science Magazine: Sign In. Science Magazine: Sign In. Science Magazine: Sign In. Science Magazine: Sign In. Science Magazine: Sign In. Function, Targets, and Evolution of Caenorhabditis elegans piRNAs. Science Magazine: Sign In. Sciencemagazine : The function, targets, and... Science Magazine: Sign In. Text mining: what do publishers have against this hi-tech research tool? | Science. Professor Peter Murray-Rust was looking for new ways to make better drugs. Dr Heather Piwowar wanted to track how scientific papers were cited and shared by researchers around the world. Dr Casey Bergman wanted to create a way for busy doctors and scientists to quickly navigate the latest research in genetics, to help them treat patients and further their research. All of them needed access to tens of thousands of research papers at once, so they could use computers to look for unseen patterns and associations across the millions of words in the articles. This technique, called text mining, is a vital 21st-century research method.

It is a technique with big potential. Unfortunately, in most cases, text mining is forbidden. Any such project requires special dispensation from – and time-consuming individual negotiations with – the scores of publishers that may be involved. Asking for permission from publishers is an option, though time-consuming. The Tweeted Times - personal newspaper generated from your Twitter account. DEEP SCIENCE. BiofilmShewanella putrifaciens exhibiting filamentous connections known as "nanowires. " The nanowires are a recently discovered physiological behavior common to most microorganisms and represent a response to adverse environmental stress.

The nanowires provide conduits for energy sharing and communication between individual cells.Source: Uri Gorby-Pacific Northwest National Laboratory The surprising discovery of deep subsurface microbial communities in the mid-1980s launched a new and rapidly expanding subdiscipline within biology, known as geomicrobiology. In geomicrobiology, the fields of geology, geophysics, hydrology, geochemistry, biochemistry, and microbiology have merged to study how life on this planet interacts with the earth's geology, how life may have originated and how life evolved over billions of years. Biofilm: Black fluid emanating from a heavily corroded bore-hole at 3.1 km depth in the Mponeng gold mine in South Africa. FuturICT: The Tool That Promises To Predict The Future | Labcoat Life | Learn Science at Scitable. "If you dropped all the world's data into a black box, could it become a crystal ball that would let you see the future—even test what would happen if you chose A over B?

One researcher thinks so, and he could soon get a billion euros to build it. " - David Weinberger in Scientific American. Jake Bohm is perched over his notebook. Sat cross-legged on the rug in the living room and slowly oscillating back and forth, Jake spends hours a day, every day, filling the white pages of his notebook with lines and lines of numbers.

The graphite pencil he uses to write stays on him at all times—it is his precious possession. But if his graphite pencil is his precious possession then the numbers he writes are his precious messages. Jake lives with his father, a luggage handler at JFK International airport, in New York. He is an eleven year old boy with blue eyes and curly brown hair and is mute. The project is spearheaded by Prof. Image credits: top: FuturICT, bottom: from wikimedia commons. Spanish changes are scientific suicide. Spain no longer has a ministry of science. In the last days of 2011, its new government transferred national science policy to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, a duty for which this ministry seems most unsuited. Science was an unwelcome addition that absorbed more than half of the €1,083-million (US$1,438-million) budget cut imposed on the ministry.

This sends an alarming signal of the sacrifices that science may face when the government releases its budget for 2012 next month. This is the first time that neither 'science' nor 'research' have featured in the name of any top Spanish government department. It is not just a symbolic shift: it continues our country's trend of deliberately undermining and playing down the importance of science. The official line is clear: science is not a priority in Spain. Spain likes to boast that it has an equivalent to tenure track: the Ramón y Cajal programme. The hiring freeze is suicidal. Science et politique: 40 questions non résolues. (Agence Science-Presse) En général, science et politique se parlent peu et se connaissent mal.

Partant de là, des Britanniques ont dressé une liste de 40 «questions non résolues», dans l’espoir de «réduire les tensions» et d’en arriver à une liste qui ferait consensus. Cliquer sur la photo pour agrandir Ils sont une cinquantaine, provenant autant des milieux de la science que de la politique, à avoir contribué à cette liste, parue dans la revue en ligne PLoS One. Ils ont commencé avec 239 suggestions, ont voté pour les plus populaires, qui ont été réduites à 40 au terme d’un séminaire à l’Université Cambridge.

Parmi ces questions non résolues: quel devrait être le rôle exact des conseillers scientifiques des politiciens? Quels sont les mécanismes les plus efficaces pour identifier les preuves nécessaires à guider les décideurs politiques? Ce qui est plus facile à dire qu’à faire. Scientific vacancies: Search results : Naturejobs.