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Schools are doing Education 1.0; talking about doing Education 2.0; when they should be planning Education 3.0. Schools are doing Education 1.0; talking about doing Education 2.0; when they should be planning and implementing Education 3.0. This post seeks to compare the developments of the Internet-Web to those of education. The Internet has become an integral thread of the tapestries of most societies throughout the globe. The web influences people’s way of thinking, doing and being; and people influence the development and content of the web. The Internet of today has become a huge picture window and portal into human perceptions, thinking, and behavior. Logically, then, it would seem that schools would follow suit in mimicking what is happening via the Internet to assist children and youth to function, learn, work, and play in a healthy, interactive, and pro-social manner in their societies-at-large.

Education 1.0 Most schools are still living within and functioning through an Education 1.0 model. Derek W. Education 1.0 is, like the first generation of the Web, a largely one-way process. Social. L'école et le défi du numérique : il faut une nouvelle pédagogie. À moins de vingt jours de la présidentielle, le débat politique qui touche l’éducation porte sur l’enseignement du numérique dans les écoles. La question posée concerne le rôle des professeurs et leur capacité à enseigner le numérique à leurs élèves. De mon point de vue, cette configuration de la relation d’enseignement est faussée. La première épreuve de l'édition 2010 du baccalauréat, le 27 juin 2010 à Meudon (F.DURAND/SIPA) Ce n’est pas le rôle principal des professeurs d’enseigner le numérique et les pratiques qui s’y rapportent. Leur rôle principal, c’est de savoir poser des questions auxquelles les gens peuvent répondre par le numérique.

D’autre part, le numérique, c’est quelque chose que les jeunes savent très bien utiliser puisqu’ils sont nés avec et qu’ils en ont un usage quotidien (et pour les choses qu’ils ne savent pas, ils peuvent très bien discuter et échanger leurs compétences). Le numérique comme outil Nom (outil) : Powerpoint / Verbe (savoir) : présenter. 10 Ways Technology Supports 21st Century Learners in Being Self Directed. A Day Made of Glass 2: Same Day. Expanded Corning Vision (2012) The 6 Biggest Challenges Of Using Education Technology. In an unplanned series of sorts, we’re showcasing a couple of posts about the 2013 NMC/EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Horizon Report for Higher Education . We’ve already talked about the key trends in the report , but it also addressed another important topic when it comes to classroom technology – the challenges involved with implementing new technologies.

The Horizon Report identified six broad challenges to implementation which span the widest range of users – while recognizing that there are many significant local barriers that present their own challenges as well. They’ve taken some of the obvious issues such as financial limitations and physical limitations (getting wifi through the thick bunker-like walls of some 1940′s buildings, for example) and looked more specifically at the nature of higher education and how that presents challenges to implementing new technology.

Teachers needs to be learning how to use the technology themselves, too. Do you teach at the higher ed level?