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1503 Salford Uni Report DIGITAL. The impact of classroom design on pupils' learning: Final results of a holistic, multi-level analysis. P.

The impact of classroom design on pupils' learning: Final results of a holistic, multi-level analysis

The indoor sound environment and human task performance: A literature review on the role of room acoustics. JavaScript is disabled on your browser.

The indoor sound environment and human task performance: A literature review on the role of room acoustics

Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. Open Access funded by VSNU open access Highlights Review of the influence of sound on human performance in light of room acoustics. Most laboratory studies prevent translation to effects of room acoustics. Evidence on the influence of room acoustics on human performance is lacking. Building and Environment. Building and Environment is an international journal that publishes original research papers and review articles related to building science, urban physics, and human interaction with the indoor and outdoor built environment.

Building and Environment

The Journal invites research articles conveying robust, tested knowledge on: • technologies... Read more • technologies, especially smart technologies, and integrated systems for high performance buildings and cities• thermal, acoustic and visual performance and comfort, and air quality in building science and engineering, and their impacts on human beings • tools for the design and decision-making community, including tested computational, economic, educational and policy tools• solutions for mitigating environmental impacts and achieving low carbon, sustainable built environments.

Theseus. Koulujen huono sisäilma heikentää oppimistuloksia ja lisää poissaoloja - Tiedote. Dissertation. Illuminating the Effects of Dynamic Lighting on Student Learning. Philips Research. 57b76261c219f5e7083e9978cd2cd66d. 175840 160128CookBook. Why is it So Hard to Get Good Schools? - Larry Cuban - Google Böcker. How Teachers Taught: Constancy and Change in American Classrooms, 1890-1990 - Larry Cuban - Google Böcker.

The Open Classroom. Like automotive models, women’s hemlines, and children’s toys, pedagogical fads come and go, causing an immediate stir but rarely influencing teaching practice in any significant way.

The Open Classroom

The notion that every innovation dreamed up by reformers inside and outside public schools makes its way into the nation’s classrooms is popular among those hunting for reasons to malign the schools. But it is crucial to distinguish between mere intellectual chatter and ideas that provoke substantive change. Where on this spectrum does the idea of the “open classroom” lie? At first glance, it would seem to be just another fad. It burst onto the American education scene in the late 1960s, only to fade away by the late 1970s. British Invasion The open-classroom movement originated in British public elementary schools after World War II. For more than a decade, U.S. schools had been subjected to withering attacks, blamed for everything from the launch of Sputnik to urban decay.

Schools without Walls. Jultika.oulu. This study explores self-regulated learning (SRL) in the learning context of a primary school.


The research focus is on the occurrence and promotion of SRL. The research is a qualitative case study. The theoretical foundation rests on research into SRL and its promotion. The research context was provided by the pedagogical development of the UBIKO project, which took place at the Oulu University Teacher Training School (Oulun normaalikoulu). The data consists of the structured diaries of students from grades 4 and 5 (N = 90) and the thematic interviews and descriptions of the learning context by their teachers (N = 6). FULLTEXT01. Hyötyä, tietoa, elämyksiä — kirjastojen vaikuttavuuden ulottuvuuksia. Untitled. The Evaluation of the Impact of a Stand-Biased Desk on Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity for Elementary School Students. For all author emails please log in. 1 School of Public Health, Texas A&M University Health Science Center, 1266 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843, USA 2 Department of Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University, 4225 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843, USA * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

The Evaluation of the Impact of a Stand-Biased Desk on Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity for Elementary School Students

Received: 6 June 2014 / Revised: 1 September 2014 / Accepted: 2 September 2014 / Published: 10 September 2014 Due to the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity, the association between classroom furniture and energy expenditure as well as physical activity was examined using a standing-desk intervention in three central-Texas elementary schools. Of the 480 students in the 24 classrooms randomly assigned to either a seated or stand-biased desk equipped classroom, 374 agreed to participate in a week-long data collection during the fall and spring semesters. McGiff, Charlotte - TylaElworthy. 1503-Salford-Uni-Report-A5-DIGITAL. The Evaluation of the Impact of a Stand-Biased Desk on Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity for Elementary School Students. Bok_och_antologi_Unos_Uno_SKL.pdf. 183455.

ErgebnisberichtDL_7(1) Untitled. Design Features for Project-Based Learning. By Susan J.

Design Features for Project-Based Learning

Wolff, Ed.D. Introduction This publication is a condensed version of a doctoral research study by Susan Wolff entitled “Relationships among People and Spaces: Design Features for the Optimal Collaborative, Project-Based Learning Experience.” Dr. George Copa, Oregon State University, was Wolff’s major professor. The findings from the study included a synthesis of 32 design features of the physical learning environment that support and enhance collaborative, project-based learning.

Wolff_DesignShare_3_7_02.pdf. Aktiiviset-oppimistilat-hanke.pdf. SchoolVision shows excellent results - Philips. Kun kunkin luokkahuoneen olemassa oleva valaistus vaihdettiin SchoolVision-järjestelmään, keskittymisaika, keskittyminen ja oppilaiden käyttäytyminen paranivat kaikki merkittävästi.

SchoolVision shows excellent results - Philips

Dynaamisissa päivänvalo-olosuhteissa oppilaiden suorituskyky parani ja he myös lukivat nopeammin ja tekivät vähemmän virheitä. Todisteet lukuina. Tulokset - ALY Avoin Luova Yhteisö. Tietoyhteiskuntakehityksen strateginen johtajuus.pdf. Wp_Adaptable_Spaces.pdf. Theseus. OKM - Tulevaisuuden peruskoulu. Suomalainen koulutus on tunnustettu kansainvälisesti korkeatasoiseksi.

OKM - Tulevaisuuden peruskoulu

Viime vuosina oppimistulosten kansalliset ja kansainväliset arvioinnit ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet, että perusopintojaan päättävien oppilaiden oppimistulokset ovat heikentyneet. Ensimmäiset merkit nuorten osaamistason laskusta havaittiin jo noin kymmenen vuotta sitten. Tällöin havainnot olivat vielä yksittäisiä ja paikallisia. Nyt osaamistason laskusta on kuitenkin jo useita havaintoja sekä kansallisissa että kansainvälisissä tutkimuksissa. Heikot perustaidot omaavien nuorten osuus ikäluokissa on kasvanut. Hankkeen työryhmiin nimitettiin yhteensä 45 oman alansa asiantuntijaa, jotka lähes vuoden työskentelyn aikana tuottivat kuvausta perusopetuksen nykytilasta, siihen liittyvistä ilmiöistä ja oppimistulosten heikkenemisen syistä.

Tkk-future-school-web.pdf. Vaitoskirja2012Kuuskorpi.pdf. 978-951-39-4871-9.pdf. Kayttajalahtoiset_tilat.pdf.