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Have we found the universe that existed before the Big Bang? First of all, let me say that this is not a comment on the overall article, but a small portion of it included below. I stopped reading at the line "it's not clear whether one can even use the term "before" in reference to a pre-Big-Bang cosmos, as time itself may not have existed yet" There is no such thing as "time" as we see it. Time is not something that exists because time is an entirely human created notion. Events simply exist in the current moment, and we have memories of that moment in which they existed. There is no "back then" and the "future" does not exist. Our minds manifest the future as we perceive it to be and the past as events that transpired, that is our perception of "time". So to say that at one point it did not "exist" before the big bang does not make sense because time as we know it did not "exist" until the first human gained consciousness and invented the notion.

Culture Vaults : Resonant Frequencies and the Human Brain. One of the great revelations of 20th century science is that all existence can be broken down into simple wave functions. Every photon, energy emission, and elementary particle rings with its own unique wave signature. When we see a color, we are actually seeing a distinct frequency of visible light. When we hear a sound, our eardrums are actually being vibrated by subtle waves in the air molecules around us. Even the neurochemical processes of human consciousness ­ our very thoughts ­ ring with their own distinct wave patterns.

By studying the way that waves interact with other waves, researchers have found that even low-powered oscillations can have enormous effects on standing waves, physical structures, and even the human brain. The principle which describes this particular wavelength interaction is known as resonance. When you resonate with something, you are emitting a wave signature which is "in sync" with it. "The principle cannot fail," Tesla would say. Monroe's Big Discovery. Where to Get the Best Free Education Online.

Topic:Calculus. This diagram shows an approximation to an area under a curve. Credit: Dubhe. Calculus uses methods originally based on the summation of infinitesimal differences. Notation: let the symbol Def. indicate that a definition is following. Notation: let the symbols between [ and ] be replacement for that portion of a quoted text. Notation: let the symbol ... indicate unneeded portion of a quoted text. Sometimes these are combined as [...] to indicate that text has been replaced by .... Notation: let the symbol represent change in. represent an infinitesimal change in. represent an infinitesimal change in one of more than one.

To help with definitions, their meanings and intents, there is the learning resource theory of definition. Def. evidence that demonstrates that a concept is possible is called proof of concept. The proof-of-concept structure consists of background,procedures,findings, andinterpretation.[1] Let be a function where values of may be any real number and values resulting in produces a by as and. Tips and downloads for getting things done. @jsim: do you really need your stuff from 1972? Start a plan of data shredding. I have ZERO financial documents past 7 years old. It's a liability to have them longer than that. As for my flatfile Database of my Albums and cassettes I had in 1981... This also allows you to find the real important files and back them up. @jsim: Get a Drobo or build a FreeNAS @jsim: @Tim O'Brien: A Drobo? has been a great resource for me @jsim: 1) dont let the size of the project intimidate you 2) make a list of all hard drives, internal / external, and size 3) consider WinHoSo or some other NAS software for a central source for managing all drives at the same time 4) define an external "TO" location. this is where "Files I want to keep" are going. 5) (Google) search (I. 6) run through all the other stuff deleting what you dont want and organizing what you do. 7) Have an 'end solution' for once you go through all of that data.

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