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How to Develop a Better Speaking Voice. Professional Rankings, Best Companies & Top Industries | Vault. You don't need to purchase the Vault guide to get back on track. Just search our site or use the links above. © 2014 Inc. Browse > Powered by Translate Connect with Vault Please contact for assistance to configure your Vault account correctly for jobs-related functionality. Original text Contribute a better translation. Paradis Fiscal - Liste Noire des Paradis Fiscaux selon l'OCDE - Paradis Fiscal - Guide des Paradis Fiscaux dans le Monde et en Europe.

Paradis Fiscal - mise à jour 17 janvier 2011. L’OCDE a publié, à l’occasion du sommet du G20 de Londres, une liste des territoires non coopératifs. Il s’agisait en réalité de trois listes distinctes : une liste noire, une liste grise et une liste blanche correspondant au degré de coopération en matière fiscale. Liste Noire : Etats ou territoires qui ne se sont pas engagées à se conformer aux standards internationaux. Y figuraient : le Costa Rica, la Malaysie (Labuan), les Philippines et l’Uruguay. La liste Noire des Etats et territoires non coopératifs (ETNC) vis-à-vis de la France , valable à compter du 1er janvier 2011 et durant un an, a été actualisée par un arrêté du 14 avril 2011. Il s'agit des Etats suivants : Anguilla, Guatemala, Niue, Belize, îles Cook, îles d'Oman, Panama, Brunei, îles Marshall, Philippines, Costa Rica, Liberia, Dominique, Montserrat, Grenade, Nauru, îles Turques-et-Caïques, Saint-Vincent et les Grenadines.

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Choisir son master en dix questions. Offres stages. 'Game of Thrones is more brutally realistic than most historical novels' | Television & radio. SPOILER ALERT: This article discusses events in Game of Thrones that may spoil the viewing for those catching up on box sets. Although Hilary Mantel is apparently yet to begin the third volume of her trilogy of novels about Thomas Cromwell, we can be confident of several plot twists that it will not feature. Cromwell will not precipitate a civil war. He will not betray the husband of his foster-sister, with whom he is in love. He will not escape the executioner's block. In the hands of a great writer, of course, the fact that we already know a character's fate can serve to heighten rather than diminish tension. Gillen's character, Petyr Baelish, certainly knows whereof he speaks. If Baelish sounds more than a little like Thomas Cromwell, then perhaps that is not entirely a coincidence.

Gillen's look in the TV series, complete with black doublet and pointed beard, serves the viewer as convenient shorthand for the role he is playing in the drama: that of a Tudor Machiavel. Les 10 bars les plus insolites de Paris pour prendre l’apéro – partie 1. Après les recettes de cocktails et les 100 meilleures répliques de films, vous êtes fin prêt pour aller prendre l’apéro dans un des 10 bars les plus insolites de Paris. Notre capitale regorge de bars sympathiques répartis un peu partout sur ses 100km2 de superficie. Entre les bars où l’on boit dans des biberons et ceux qui possèdent un garage à poussettes, vous n’imaginez pas toute la créativité dont font preuve certains restaurateurs. Nous avons sélectionné pour vous les 10 bars les plus insolites, mais nous comptons sur vous pour nous aider à compléter cette liste !

Le Merle Moqueur - 11, Rue de la Butte aux Cailles 75003 Paris Une véritable institution sur la Butte aux Cailles ! Le Merle Moqueur est ouvert tous les jours de 17h à 2h. Le Bacardi Mojito Lab - 28 Rue Keller 75011 Paris Sponsorisé par la célèbre marque de rhum, ce bar de la Bastille est entièrement dédié aux amoureux du mojito avec un grand M ! Le Bacardi Mojito Lab est ouvert tous les jours à partir de 19h00. Financer le projet/bourses. Immobilier : le plan de métro des prix à Paris.

Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Frédéric Cazenave lance un outil permettant de visualiser les prix de l'immobilier à Paris selon les stations de métro. Cliquez sur l'une des 303 stations pour que s'affichent les prix au mètre carré. "Nous avons étudié les ventes réalisées dans un rayon de 300 mètres autour des stations à Paris, et de 500 mètres pour celles situées en banlieue. Ces chiffres seront mis à jour tous les mois, explique Sébastien de Lafond, le PDG du site.

Cette carte est avant tout ludique, mais elle permet aussi aux acheteurs de cerner rapidement où ils peuvent envisager, ou non, leur acquisition. " Qu'y apprend-on ? L'immobillier parisien est le plus cher autour des stations Invalides (14 221 euros le mètre carré), Solférino (14 033 euros) et Rue-du-Bac (13 958 euros). Aucune station de la ligne 1 qui, en traversant Paris d'est en ouest passe pourtant par les Champs-Elysées, ne figure dans le top 10 des stations les plus chères. Microwave snacks you can cook in a mug. Watch Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lawrence, and Naomi Watts ‘React’ to the Boob Song.

Oscar host Seth MacFarlane's boob song didn't just irk normal women (and men) watching and tweeting angrily from their sofas; it made plenty of attendees uncomfortable too. But three of the actresses he sang about were evidently in cahoots with MacFarlane at some level, as they agreed to pre-record footage of their "reactions" to their shout-outs, which was then spliced in during the show. Does their implied condonement make the song less offensive? When Naomi Watts was mentioned for her sex scene in Mulholland Drive, she looked appropriately horrified — perhaps a little too much so. Charlize Theron acted pissed, too. (Of note: her boob-showing character was a rape victim, so do with that what you will.) Jennifer Lawrence got a mention because, unlike the other song subjects, she has yet to show her boobs onscreen, so she got to do a fist pump: Why couldn't Amy Poehler and Tina Fey have hosted tonight, again?

Feminist Frequency. Without My Consent | Paths to justice for survivors of online harassment. Fat, Ugly or Slutty. Seth MacFarlane and the Oscars' Hostile, Ugly, Sexist Night. Watching the Oscars last night meant sitting through a series of crudely sexist antics led by a scrubby, self-satisfied Seth MacFarlane. That would be tedious enough. But the evening’s misogyny involved a specific hostility to women in the workplace, which raises broader questions than whether the Academy can possibly get Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to host next year.

It was unattractive and sour, and started with a number called “We Saw Your Boobs.” “We Saw Your Boobs” was a song-and-dance routine in which MacFarlane and some grinning guys named actresses in the audience and the movies in which their breasts were visible. That’s about it. The song was part of a larger skit whose premise was that William Shatner, as Captain Kirk, sends MacFarlane a message from the future about the dumb things he might do while hosting the Oscars. The Academy is supposedly a trade group, and yet it devoted its opening number to degrading a good part of its membership. How old is that? Geek Girl Con: Speaking Out on Online Sexism. Anita Sarkeesian and Maile Martinez by Jarrah Hodge (trigger warning for misogyny and language) This past weekend I headed down to Seattle for the second annual Geek Girl Con, which I’d been to the year before. Last year I really enjoyed the Con but found there was a bit of a lack of panels taking a really critical look at sexism and misogyny within geek culture.

This year was a huge improvement on that front, and since I went to a whole bunch of panels in this general vein, I’m not going to recap every single one. Instead I wanted to broadly share some of the problems/issues the various panels identified in this post, then do a follow-up looking at panelists’ tips and suggestions for change (as well as posts on some other issues/topics covered at the Con). On the issue of the sexism, harassment and misogyny that exists in geek culture, there were no shortage of truly appalling examples presented.

“Every day I get rape threats, every day I get death threats,” said Watson. Jarrah Hodge. How the web became a sexists' paradise | World news. Last week, Kathy Sierra, a well-known software programmer and Java expert, announced that she had cancelled her speaking engagements and was "afraid to leave my yard" after being threatened with suffocation, rape and hanging. The threats didn't come from a stalker or a jilted lover and they weren't responses to a controversial book or speech. Sierra's harassers were largely anonymous, and all the threats had been made online. Sierra had been receiving increasingly abusive comments on her website, Creating Passionate Users, over the previous year, but had not expected them to turn so violent - her attackers not only verbally assaulting her ("fuck off you boring slut . . .

I hope someone slits your throat") but also posting photomontages of her on other sites: one with a noose next to her head and another depicting her screaming with a thong covering her face. While no one could deny that men experience abuse online, the sheer vitriol directed at women has become impossible to ignore. Microaggressions : Power, privilege and everyday life. Everyday Sexism Chronicles Those Small, But Meaningful, Acts of Casual Sexism. Microaggressions. Those little things that, on their surface, “aren’t such a big deal,” but are actually illustrative of how far we haven’t come as a society.

The things that you point at to say “actually, we’re nowhere near equality.” The concept of microaggressions was originally developed in a racial context, to discuss: “the ‘everyday insults, indignities and demeaning messages sent to people of color by well-intentioned white people who are unaware of the hidden messages being sent to them,’ in [Derald Wing] Sue's definition.” The term caught on and started to be used more generally to talk about the small things people say, often without thinking about them, and how they pile up. Microaggressions became a popular site for collating examples, submitted by users with a range of experiences. Each event, observation and experience posted is not necessarily particularly striking in and of themselves.

Each carries a sting. Women tell their stories. In English. The average income of Jewish Israelis (at market exchange rates) is around $40,000; that of Arab Israelis $13,000; that of West Bankers $3,700. To put the fig­ures in his­tor­ical con­text, at the end of the Second World War, Jews accounted for about 34% of the pop­u­la­tion of his­toric or British Mandate Palestine, Arabs, 66%; the average income of the Jews was about twice that of Arabs. Though today’s pop­u­la­tion ratio is almost equal, the average income of the Israelis is about 11 times that of the West Bankers.

Few places in the world have a long land border with such a large average income dis­parity on the two sides. Palestine has fallen a long way behind. (...) Source : Le Monde diplomatique Thème(s) : israel, palestine, developpement, Économie, domination, controle, Colonialisme. Les 20 plus beaux endroits sur Terre : Buzzly. Bien que la plupart de la planète ai été découverte et bien documentée, il y a encore beaucoup d’endroits qui restent relativement inconnus, et sans aucune raison valable.

Voici la liste des endroits les plus magnifiques et souvent méconnus dans le monde qu’il faut visiter au moins une fois dans sa vie. Bon voyage à tous ! Tunnel de l'Amour, Ukraine Paria Canyon, Arizona, États-Unis Cratère de Ngorogoro, Tanzanie Grotte de Jeita, Nahr al-Kalb Valley, Lebanon Maui, Hawaii Mont Roraima, Venezuela Ayers Rock, Australie Grand désert de Uyuni, Bolivie Rocher de Pulpit, Preikestolen, Norvège Musée sous-marin, Cancùn, Mexique Pour voir la suite, rendez-vous page 2 ! Stfu 9gag. 1 Reason Why (with tweets) · mcdaldno.

The everyday sexism project. The Guy's Guide to Being a Feminist Ally in Video Gaming. One of the things I hear whenever I write about misogyny in video games is that there’s a silent majority of male gamers who are uncomfortable with the vicious sexism some of their counterparts deploy against women (and frankly, against men, too). Women aren’t alone in feeling hopeless, or like there’s no effective way to change either the behavior of individuals or the culture that leaves space for the harassment of women. So I hopped on Twitter yesterday and asked men who play video games, and who push back against sexist behavior when they see it, what kinds of arguments they’ve found to be effective. Dozens of you responded, with a lot of terrific advice. So if you’ve ever wanted to call out sexism in video games but weren’t sure how to start the conversation or how to make sure it would be productive, here’s the collective wisdom of the internet.