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Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shooters. Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shooters Margarita Jell-O Shooters ~ A fun farewell to summer and a festive edition to your Sunday football tailgate party or gatherings.

Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shooters

For another Jello shooter variation like this one, check out my Lemon Drop Jello Shooters cut into the shape of lemon wedges and my Rocky Candy Shooters shaped just like the rock candy you loved as a kid. Strawberry Margarita Jello Shooters As many of you know, my Lemon Drop Jell-O Shooters are my issued dish from my girlfriend who holds the annual tailgate kickoff amongst our friends. This year with Matt being in the hospital, I sent them forward to the gathering in our absence. Now that we can finally make the next one in two weeks, she has again requested Jell-O shooters. That being the case, I opted to try what you see here. Besides how cute and fun are these? Printthis recipe Saveto recipe box Yield: Makes 24-30 Shooters Ingredients: 24-30 Strawberries Margarita Mix Directions: Strawberry Prep: A few notes: 10 Best Sexual Drinking Games.

Some of the best sexual drinking games can be done either in an intimate setting with only you and your girlfriend or you can make it a party and have multiple people.

10 Best Sexual Drinking Games

The ten most commonly played sexual drinking games are: Nine cans of beer or the floor. In this game you will need about nine cans of beer per person, (NOTE: not everyone will finish this game) a shot glass and a time keeper. Every minute for 100 minutes you take a shot of beer. At first that may seem easy enough but when you add it up it comes out to about nine beers in just over an hour and a half. How to Make Jello Shots (with pictures) These are very strong Jello shots, with 3/4 oz. (22 ml) or 1-1/2 oz. (45 ml) of vodka in each shot, respectively.

How to Make Jello Shots (with pictures)

Eat them responsibly. 1Start with a 3-ounce (85 g) package of Jello. Lime and orange flavors are ideal, as they will taste similar to vodka-based mixed drinks. Cherry may leave your Jello with a flavor reminiscent of cough syrup. Berry blue and grape are not recommended either. 2Mix the powder with 1/2 cup of boiling water. 5Pour the mixture into cups. Jolly Rancher Vodka Tutorial. Official Family Guy Drinking Game. Cake Batter Martinis. This has my name alllll over it.

Cake Batter Martinis

I know I just shared a big, fuzzy drink with you yesterday but before you go voting me off the island, hear me out. I.couldn’ I teased you about it last week and couldn’t wait another day to share! So here’s the deal. I strive my hardest to develop recipes to share with you guys that are simple, easy, and most importantly – filled with accessible ingredients that you most likely have on hand. This obviously doesn’t fit that bill… but can you blame me? I have no issue running to the grocery store and spending major bucks to create a recipe to tell you about… however, I just can’t justify dropping a benny at the liquor store for one outlandish drink that I may sip once a year. [And really, while we're in the circle of trust here I will tell you that I searched high and low (read: 5 different liquor stores) for this cake-flavored vodka. I highly suggest buying the whipped cream vodka because, um… well hello? S'moretini Shooters.

Me again.

S'moretini Shooters

Here to convince you that you need yet another trendy, insanely-flavored bottle of booze. I do what I can. I know what you’re thinking. “Does marshmallow vodka really taste that different from that whipped cream vodka you already insisted that I buy? Or how about the cake batter vodka that I went out and bought immediately in order to drink a cake martini for breakfast?” Well… not technically. You seriously don’t want to see our liquor cabinet. Mixers. Skittles Vodka Tutorial. Drinking Game: Rez-a-Roller. Everyone sits at a table, and takes turns rolling two six-sided dice.

Drinking Game: Rez-a-Roller

Direction of play starts counter-clockwise. With each roll there is an effect, one for each individual die, and possibly one for the combination of them. Single-Die Effects: 1 = Roller Drinks 2 = The Bitch Drinks (we'll get to that later) 3 = Person to Your Left Drinks 4 = Person to Your Right Drinks 5 = Social, Everyone Drinks 6 = You Pick 1 Person to Drink So, for starters, say you roll a 1 and a 5. Then you would have to drink, and then everyone would -- so you'd drink twice. So if you rolled a 1 & 1, not only do you have to drink twice, but now you also have to remove an item of clothing. Special Things: The Tusk-Master (Double 3's) - Whenever Tusk-Master says "tusk" everyone must touch the nose of someone else at the table.

Alcoholic Soaked Gummy Bears.