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EntityRelationship. This page is mostly a translation of Google's Modeling Entity Relationships article in CouchDB terms. It could use more code examples and more examples of actual output. Since this is a wiki, feel free to update this document to make things clearer, fix inaccuracies etc. This article is also related to Transaction model use cases discussion, as it involves multiple document updates. As a quick summary, this document explains how to do things that you would normally use SQL JOIN for. Why would I need entity relationships? Imagine you are building a snazzy new web application that includes an address book where users can store their contacts.

For each contact the user stores, you want to capture the contacts name, birthday (which they mustn't forget!) Toggle line numbers (Note that type doesn't mean anything to CouchDB, we're just using it here for our own convenience. That's great, your users immediately begin to use their address book and soon the datastore starts to fill up. One to Many. NoSQL goes mobile with the help of CouchDB | Software, Interrupted. If there is one aspect of mobility that has yet to live up to user expectations, it's the ability for data to be accessible in near real-time across multiple devices.

Despite all the advances in technology, including a wealth of Wi-Fi and 3G networks, many devices become impotent without an Internet connection. This issue becomes even more apparent when you are dealing with browser-based applications and smartphones that don't have multithreading functionality to maintain state across applications and data stores. I recently had the chance to chat with Damien Katz, the creator of CouchDB and CEO of Couchio, a newly formed support and services organization for CouchDB, funded by Zimbra founder and venture capitalist Satish Dharmaraj. Apache CouchDB is a document-oriented database that can be queried and indexed in a MapReduce fashion using JavaScript.

CouchDB on mobile devices help address the "data island" problem that keeps data glued to a user's mobile device or a central server. CouchDB: Technical Overview. A Database for the Web CouchDB is a database that completely embraces the web. Store your data with JSON documents. Access your documents with your web browser, via HTTP. Query, combine, and transform your documents with JavaScript. CouchDB comes with a suite of features, such as on-the-fly document transformation and real-time change notifications, that makes web app development a breeze. See the introduction , technical overview , or one of the guides for more information. Want to Contribute? CouchDB is an open source project. One of the first things you should do is actually use CouchDB, and get to know it, read about it, evangelise it, and engage with the wider community.

Why don’t you check out JIRA and help us triage some of those issues? Do you want to contribute code? MongoDB.