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Social media Trends 2011

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10 Social Media Trends for 2011. 17 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2011. 6 tendances sur les médias sociaux en 2011. Comme je l’avais déjà fait l’année dernière, je profite de ce début d’année pour faire un retour sur les tendances qui vont se développer en 2011. Tendance 1 : Tout continuera à aller trop vite ! L’information aujourd’hui va trop vite et les entreprises ne prennent plus le temps d’analyser ce qui fait sens ou pas par rapport à leur stratégie de marque, et parfois, certains leur mettent le pied à l’étrier à grands renforts de chiffres pour légitimer le besoin pour l’entreprise d’être présente sur Twitter ou Foursquare. Quelques chiffres qui peut être bon de (re)consulter pour (re)placer l’église au milieu du village : Méfions-nous des chiffres autour des médias sociaux !

Là encore, arrêtons de vouloir mettre la charrue avant les bœufs (houla faut que j’arrête les expressions de mes parents !) Tendance 2 : le concours de popularité sur Facebook va s’apaiser Aujourd’hui, sur Facebook, c’est la bataille des chiffres pour savoir qui a le plus de fans. Le problème est celui des règles du jeu. Social media trends to watch for 2011. Just like you, I get hordes of messaging on social media. And this is in addition to all the other work you might be doing in the area -- conferences, summits, your own personal social media activities. The list goes on. When I was asked to write this article, the focus was on how to make these social activities digestible, actionable, and relevant to marketers, media, and those who work with them. And even while writing this piece, news of evolving trends was pouring out at a dizzying rate.

To give this article more long-term relevancy, I've categorized the trends I will discuss into interconnecting "ubertrends" -- the trends that will directly impact the emergence and growth of supporting micro-trends and how they might relate to your business. Ubertrends: Social monetization and social ubiquityThe escalating, evolving social media landscape is being driven largely by two interconnecting ubertrends: social monetization and social ubiquity. Stay informed. How big is this market? 10 Ways Social Media Will Change in 2011.

With more than 550 million people on Facebook, 65 million tweets posted on Twitter each day, and 2 billion video views each day on YouTube? , social media has become an integral part of our connected lives. But this is just the beginning. For the past two years, I have been forecasting the evolution social media will undergo.

Key trends for 2010 included social media integration across applications and devices, lowered technological barriers, mobile pervasiveness and social media ROI as a focus. 2011 will also be marked by new developments that will shape the very fabric of our behavior, culture and identity. 1. Guest author Ravit Lichtenberg, founder and chief strategist at Ustrategy - a boutique consultancy specializing in helping companies excel in the socio-digital age. Following the success of various social media SaaS vendors and application providers, and fueled by ?

2. Read Ravit's Previous Forecasts 3. Photo by LotusHead 4. Consumer? 5. 6. 7. ? 8. 9. 10. Eight Social Media Trends for 2011. A couple of weeks ago, I promised to write about the additional social media trends I’m seeing for 2011. If you missed the first four (content, FTC rulings, net neutrality, and customer engagement) you can find that Spin Sucks post here.

I’ve had a chance to review the post-it note I keep on my desk and following are four additional trends you should pay attention to as you plan for 2011. 1. Social commerce. 2. 3. 4. So, other than content, customer engagement, net neutrality, FTC rules, social commerce, group buying, Q&A sites, and mobile, what trends are you seeing, using technology, for 2011? Connect: Authored by: Gini Dietrich Gini Dietrich is the founder and chief executive officer of Arment Dietrich, Inc., a firm that uses non-traditional marketing in a digital world. See complete profile. 10 Social Media Trends for 2011. How to leverage the latest trends, from location-based marketing to new video platforms and text campaigns. Just when you thought you had Twitter down, a basic understanding of LinkedIn and you finally know how to upload a video to YouTube, I present my take on social trends that are on the horizon next year. From plug-ins to location-based marketing initiatives to the move to higher bandwidth, there's change afoot in the world of social media.

I've compiled these 10 trends from my own observations, the opinions of my fan base online and other experts. Consider this a starting point for what to incorporate in your own social-media strategies in the New Year. 1. Location-Based Marketing: Location services will grow in popularity as people get more comfortable checking in to a business. It's time to acquaint yourself with sites and applications such as Foursquare, Facebook Places and Gowalla. 2. 3. 4. I recommend you choose a cause for 2011 and keep your campaign simple. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Seven Important Social Media Trends For The Next Year. Social media changes from month to month. Trends come and go quicker than the seasons change. The latest trendy site could be next year’s Myspace and the hottest new site probably hasn’t even been conceived yet or is at the couple of guys in a garage stage.

Having said that there are some trends that I think will continue over the coming year and with that in mind I wanted to share them here. Rather than focusing in on the finer detail I have compiled the list below in broader terms with all the main players represented. All in all it should be an exiting year ahead in social media and these should be seven of the main trends… Group Buying This really has been the huge power house of online commerce in the last year. Question And Answer Sites These sites are hardly new and have been around for years but a new range of social features and bigger audiences have seen existing sites and some innovative start ups make this an interesting space once again. Mobile Facebook Credits Branded Content.

Five Social Media Trends for 2011. Where is social media headed? What is important to learn about now so that we feel like we’re “in the know” six months down the road? Although everyone and their uncle is doing or will be doing 2011 prognostication pieces, I’m jumping into the fray and offering my own predictions and a bit of analysis on where we’re headed as we close out the final six weeks of 2010. Consumer Content Curation “Are we in the stream?”

Therefore, what’s happening in Facebook is that consumers are turning off brands posting to their walls, using Friends lists to pay close attention only to their “real” friends, and commenting on or sharing only when something is really juicy. For brands, this means it’s not going to be enough to create content – you have to create content that gets curated into people’s streams. Niche Location 2010 may have been the year of location, but 2011 will be the year of Niche Location. Image via CrunchBase Gamification and Social Gaming I love this topic. QR Codes Social Commerce. Six Social Media Trends for 2011 - David Armano - The Conversation. By David Armano | 10:44 AM December 6, 2010 It was a banner year for social media growth and adoption. We witnessed Facebook overtake Google in most weekly site traffic, while some surveys reported nearly 95% of companies using LinkedIn to help in recruiting efforts.

In my outlook for last year, I cited that mobile would become a lifeline to those looking for their social media fixes, and indeed the use of social media through mobile devices increased in the triple digits. I also outlined how “social media would look less social” or more accurately exclusive, and indeed, we’ve seen the re-launch of Facebook groups, which focus on niche interactivity, and more recently, the emergence of Path, billed as “the social network for intimate friends” which limits your network to only 50 people. In other areas, such as social media policy, I was less accurate. So what could we see happening in 2011? It’s The Integration Economy, Stupid. Tablet & Mobile Wars Create Ubiquitous Social Computing.