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Six Social Media Trends for 2011 - David Armano - The Conversation

Six Social Media Trends for 2011 - David Armano - The Conversation
by David Armano | 10:44 AM December 6, 2010 It was a banner year for social media growth and adoption. We witnessed Facebook overtake Google in most weekly site traffic, while some surveys reported nearly 95% of companies using LinkedIn to help in recruiting efforts. In my outlook for last year, I cited that mobile would become a lifeline to those looking for their social media fixes, and indeed the use of social media through mobile devices increased in the triple digits. I also outlined how “social media would look less social” or more accurately exclusive, and indeed, we’ve seen the re-launch of Facebook groups, which focus on niche interactivity, and more recently, the emergence of Path, billed as “the social network for intimate friends” which limits your network to only 50 people. The past year also saw some brands go full throttle on Foursquare’s game-like geo-location platform, attempting to reward mayors and creating custom badges for the network’s power users.

5 top trends in consumer-based Internet businesses for 2011 Jeremy Liew is managing director of Lightspeed Venture Partners in the U.S. He invests primarily in the Internet and mobile sectors. Every year, Lightspeed Venture Partners goes on record with some prognostications for what the future holds. an Engaged Audience [INFOGRAPHIC] Every web publisher — and especially content marketer — yearns for an engaged and loyal audience. But with the sheer volume of noise, clutter and — well, content — online it can be hard to figure out how to reach people and keep them coming back for more. The content marketing agency BlueGlass knows a lot about how to do this well. Looking for PageLever? Welcome to Unified! Looking for PageLever? Welcome to Unified! Unified acquired PageLever, a leading Facebook analytics company, in January 2013. If you're looking for award-winning insights, content, and advertising solutions for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, we'd like to show you the Unified Social Operating Platform. Fill out the form to the right and learn how Unified can equip you with the most effective insights, content, and advertising for every major social network. Sign Up For a Free Demo

Here Comes Clay Shirky Another entry in my irregular "What I highlighted and why while reading Here Comes Everybody" series. Our social tools are turning love into a renewable building material. When people care enough, they can come together and accomplish things of a scope and longevity that were previously impossible; they can do big things for love.Shirky, chapter 5, page 142. When I read this, I immediately thought of Jamie Notter and how often he talks about the importance of love/passion to what we do. I quote:

5 Social Marketing Predictions For 2011 Another year is almost over. The Christmas Number 1 song has been decided (in the UK at least ); the web has proved that even after a brutal recession, people still need to shop ; and, after a year in which Facebook & Twitter became (if they weren’t already) true phenomenons, we had the interesting experience of watching political leaks going social . Watergate 2.0 if you like. So what did we learn from the spread of social in 2010? What does any of this mean for the wider web, and world, and what does it herald for 2011? Well, my predictions have often been proved wrong, but where’s the fun in not even trying?

A Best Practices Approach to Social Media Research « Research Design Review Last month’s post – “Insights vs. Metrics: Finding Meaning in Online Qualitative Research” – talked about “social media metric mania” and the value of off- and online qualitative research tools “that dig behind the obvious and attempt to reveal how people truly think.” In light of these remarks, it is good to find researchers who are exploring social media research design and attempting to determine the necessary parameters to maximize quality output. The researchers at J.D.

Social Media Marketing Checkup Heidi Cohen | August 8, 2011 | 9 Comments inShare122 Five easy social media marketing steps. With budget season around the corner, is your social media marketing on track to achieve its business objectives? Your social media marketing assessment should be done in the context of your overall marketing mid-year checkup. 101 Social Media Stats to Make Your Spirits Bright and Your Head Spin Finding the right needle in the haystack that is the Internet is often times an exercise in futility and frustration. Sure, you can find “quick tips” for just about anything, a “how-to” guide for maximizing anything you’d like to maximize, and “case studies” that illustrate someone else’s success story which you believe – for a fleeting moment – you can just as easily apply to your own situation. Most often the tips are oversimplified, the how-to guides leave much to be desired, and the case studies seem to more like exceptions than they are rules. What you really need, at the beginning, middle, and end of the day, is the truth.

Top Trends of 2010: Content Farms The Web has always rewarded quantity more than quality, but over 2010 this truism became even more pronounced with the growth of Content Farms. These are companies which create thousands of pieces of content per day. Much of it is in the form of how-to articles and is often referred to as "evergreen" informational content, because it's relevant for much longer than news. By the end of last year, two of these content farms - Demand Media and - were firmly established inside the top 20 Web properties in the U.S. as measured by comScore. Why Your Social Media Initiatives Will Fail In 2011 50% of marketing lead social media initiatives will fail. Merry Christmas to you too! That’s the sobering statistical prediction from Gartner.

5 Reasons Email Marketing Crushes Social Media Marketing for B2B I know—how dare I have the audacity to hate on social media? It’s the way of the future! It will solve world hunger. It will have your babies. And very soon, it will even make your decaf soy latte in the morning.

Are SMEs struggling with social media marketing? It seems that many small business owners believe in the power of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter et al when it comes to marketing their business, but don’t have the time, resources, and often the inclination, to make effective use of them. According to a new poll of 500 decision makers, nearly a third of them said Facebook would be effective in generating sales for their business, but only 5 per cent of respondents said that they are using the site for marketing their business and exploiting it fully. Similarly, 18 per cent thought LinkedIn would generate sales leads but only 3 per cent are using it to the full. The figures for Twitter are 17 per cent and 4 per cent respectively. Social Anticipation: Using the Intention Web for Experience Marketing Jeremiah Owyang coined the term “Intention Web” to describe social media which captures and promotes users’ future plans. Where the asynchronous web is about the then, the real-time web is about the now, Intention Web properties are about the later. Event and experiential marketers seem to have been focused on using social media as a sort of historical record of their activities, posting content, including transcripts, photos, videos, Powerpoint presentations etc. after the fact.

Top Trends of 2010: Social Shopping In 2010, we've seen the rise of so-called "social shopping" services. They rely heavily on technologies such as social networking, crowdsourcing and smart phone scanners. Here we present five of the main social shopping developments of 2010.

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