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Mputer Arts - Design and make a portfolio book. 2010 Logo Design | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Ph. Every new year I like to try new things with the Abduzeedo logo. In 2009 I changed the typography a little bit, but now that it's 2010 I decided that the blog needed a symbol. That necessity came up when we are finishing the Abduzeedo iPhone app and we needed to have an icon. So in this tutorial/case study I will show you how I created the symbol and what the inspiration behind it was. We will use Adobe Illustrator for the tutorial Inspiration My first idea was to play with a triangle. Of all plane figures the triangle is both rigid and strong, but the beauty of the equilateral triangle reminds us of those lessons necessary to keep our spiritual building both strong and secure, now and forevermore.

Following this idea I looked for references in style. Also, check out our series of articles about logos called Logos A-Z, especially the first one that is for the letter A - Step 1 Open Illustrator and create a new document. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7. Create a Grimy Text Treatment with a Pen Tablet in Illustrator | In this tutorial I will show you how to create a grimy text treatment utilizing Illustrator’s Blog brush, Live Paint, and a pen tablet. You can easily apply these techniques to other illustrates, type treatments and logos. Final Image Below is the final type treatment we be working towards.

Tutorial Details Program : Adobe Illustrator CS4 (This tutorial uses the Blob Brush, a tool specific to CS4. Step 1 Create a new document and type out some text with the Text tool (T). Step 2 In the Layers panel, rename your layer to “Template” by double-clicking on the layer and changing the name in the Layer Options dialog. Step 3 For drawing the outlines and contours of the treatment, we are going to use the Blob Brush(Shift + B) and a pen tablet. Step 4 Zoom in really close to you first letter and start tracing it with the Blob Brush (Shift + B). Step 5 Once you are done tracing the first letter, create some more Brush strokes within the letter making it more grimy! Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11. Create an Abstract, Textured Artwork in Illustrator | Vectortuts. Ever wondered how to create a textured, abstract piece of art only using Illustrator.

Well, here your challenge is to learn how to do it! We'll be using mostly the Blend Tool, Paintbrush Tool and textures to enhance the image. A basic understanding of each and every tool is advised. Final Image Preview Below is the final image we will be working towards. Want access to the full Vector Source files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this one? Join Vector Plus for just 9$ a month. Tutorial Details Program: Adobe Illustrator CS4Difficulty: BasicEstimated Completion Time: 30-60 minutes Step 1 First, we'll start off with looking for some textures. Create a square document (I made mine 1800 by 1800 pixels), inside Illustrator. Step 2 Add some grungy watercolor splats to give it that traditional painted feeling. Place them on top of the texture and use the blend modes Darken or Multiply to blend them on top of the texture.

Step 3 Now you can use it as a brush inside Illustrator. An Illustrator’s Project: From Start to Finish. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the steps of how to create an illustration art piece so that you can witness what goes behind a digital illustrator’s work, as well as gain some new insights for your own projects’ workflow. We’ll go through conceptualization and idea gathering, creating illustrations in Illustrator, and then finishing the piece in Photoshop. Preview Introduction Have you ever found it hard to start and finish a project? Maybe your thoughts are disorganized and vague or you aren’t feeling particularly productive, but you know deep down you want to create something beautiful.

All you need in this case is some inspiration, some Illustrator tips and tricks, and a little bit of Photoshop magic. I’ll share with you how I start a piece with the help of my trusty sketchbooks, and then how I execute a project with Illustrator, where I create the elements of the illustration. Resources free textures by bashcorpo Step 1: Look for inspiration Step 2: Sketching time! Conclusion.