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Outcome-Driven Innovation (ODI) Is Jobs-to-be-Done Theory in Practice. Jobs-to-be-Done Theory in Practice: The Hidden $150M Segment of Opportunity. When applying Outcome-Based Segmentation, hidden segments of customers can be discovered.

Jobs-to-be-Done Theory in Practice: The Hidden $150M Segment of Opportunity

A global company recently engaged the Strategyn team to help it segment a core market in a new way. The company, a recognized leader in the space, came to us with a hypothesis: they believed their demographic/psychographic/attitudinal-based segmentation model was faulty and wanted to apply an outcome-based (needs-based) segmentation model instead. They believed their segmentation model was faulty because customers from each of the targeted segments purchased a mix of their products — in other words, their products were not differentiated to address any unique unmet needs in any segment. Consequently, they were struggling to differentiate their offerings within these segments and were being forced to compete on price. 10 Ways to Speed Up a Slow Internet Connection on the Mac. The Internet is your Mac’s gateway to the rest of the world, and having a speedy connection is vital if you want to download movies, make video calls, play games, or even work online.

10 Ways to Speed Up a Slow Internet Connection on the Mac

Sometimes though, your Internet access might seem like it’s in serious need of a speed boost – but what can you do to ensure the fastest experience? Even the highest speed connection may need some fine-tuning and optimisation to live up to its potential. It’s also worth noting that you should keep your Mac up to date with the latest software updates, because network-related fixes are issued from time to time.

The most important thing to remember is that your Internet speed can never exceed the maximum speed provided by your Internet Service Provider. So, if you’ve only paid for a 2 Mbps Internet line, don’t expect to be able to achieve 20 Mbps! This guide explains some of the common (and not so common) ways to ensure that the Internet on your Mac is lightning fast. Test Your Internet Speed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Jobs-to-be-Done Radio by The Re-Wired Group. Unpacking the Progress Making Forces Diagram.

This week we talk through one of the tools that we use as we try to find Jobs-To-Be-Done: The Progress Making Forces Diagram.

Unpacking the Progress Making Forces Diagram

This diagram is used to understand the forces that are at play when a consumer seeks to make progress (by purchasing a product or service). Each force is unpacked and discussed in detail: The Push of the Current SituationThe Pull of the New SolutionThe Anxiety of the New SolutionThe Allegiance to the Current Situation We also discuss how the Progress Making Forces diagram is used in conjunction with JTBD interviews, and take a deep dive into interviewing techniques that we use to tease out forces such as the anxiety that consumers have about the new solution. The Jobs-to-be-Done Mattress Interview. By far the most popular request that we’ve heard about Jobs-to-be-Done Radio is that we get more tactical and share some of our consumer interview techniques.

The Jobs-to-be-Done Mattress Interview

This week we’re going to try to answer that request by sharing a live interview that was conducted at the Switch Workshop in November at 37signals. In this episode Bob Moesta, Chris Spiek, and Jason Fried interview a Switch Workshop attendee about a mattress that he recently purchased. As you listen to the episode, try to follow along using the timeline and the forces diagram. In the following episode, we debrief the interview and talk through some of the questions that people frequently ask after observing a JTBD interview. Listen to the Mattress Interview Q&A If you have questions that you want answered, leave them in the comments section below or ask us directly in the intercom button below. It's more than just Milkshakes. Get the latest on Jobs-to-be-Done here. Design Thinking and Jobs-To-Be-Done Innovation Method Intersect To Create Winning New Products. I had the opportunity to hear Yves Behar (founder of Fuseproject) and Tim Brown (CEO and president of IDEO) talk about design thinking at the Commonwealth Club on March 21, 2013.

Design Thinking and Jobs-To-Be-Done Innovation Method Intersect To Create Winning New Products

As both men spoke about the merits of design thinking, it struck me that many of the methods they describe are very much in alignment with the core methods of Jobs-To-Be-Done (J2BD) innovation framework. One could say design thinking and J2BD are two means to a common end: developing and launching new products and services customers want and value. While both approaches can be used exclusively of each other, they share enough common threads that, when put together, provide deeper insights and perspectives for the development team to innovate and launch great new products. What is design thinking? Design can be described as being responsible for that interface between us as human beings, and the world we make around us.

Design is collaborative, but not designed by committee. Combining Design Thinking and J2BD Kevin. A Method for Applying Jobs-to-Be-Done to Product and Service Design. Say you’re designing something new for a product or service.

A Method for Applying Jobs-to-Be-Done to Product and Service Design

Of course, you have your own ideas for what to do. But, how informed are you really about what is needed? This is a question I faced in thinking about game mechanics used in a social platform. A common product approach is to work up some game mechanics ideas, get them designed and deployed. The source for ideas? But that wasn’t sufficient. The Job-to-be-Done is not an Innovation Framework. Innovation is one of the hottest topics around today; due in no small part to the innovative technology and platforms that allow just about anyone to purse their ideas quickly and cheaply.

The Job-to-be-Done is not an Innovation Framework

But therein lies the problem…ideas. Trying to turn ideas into something marketable has a miserable failure rate which continues to this day. The bulk of the companies that fail fast also fail permanently; so that’s not helping. Cute phrases do little to help change anything; and one thing we should all remember is that (most likely) the same percentage of companies will continue to grow through innovation simply because not everyone can succeed.

The world-class innovators will always be a small club; but that doesn’t mean you can’t join it. There are a number of ways that innovation frameworks can help you. Adapted from Strategyn, UK Essentially, while we tend to view the world through the solutions we create, or use, we are all trying to accomplish something. And a customer need must… Jobs-To-Be-Done Framework. Theory and Approach. Jobs-To-Be-Done Framework For Marketing Appealing to emotion and function When marketing is examined through a jobs-to-be-done lens, it becomes apparent that the goal of marketing is to inform customers of a company's ability to help them get a job done better.

Theory and Approach

Strategyn knows that customers have both functional and emotional jobs they are trying to get done. Marketing a product around its functional benefits and around the factors that bring it emotional appeal is the key to an effective product positioning strategy. What Customers Want from Your Products. By Clayton M.

What Customers Want from Your Products

Christensen, Scott Cook, and Taddy Hall Editor's Note— Marketers have lost the forest for the trees, focusing too much on creating products for narrow demographic segments rather than satisfying needs. Customers want to "hire" a product to do a job, or, as legendary Harvard Business School marketing professor Theodore Levitt put it, "People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill.

Clayton Christense on job to be done. 9 - Clayton Christensen Polytechnique 24 Juin 2013 - increasing sales of milkshakes. 10 -Clayton Christensen Polytechnique 24 Juin 2013 - the 4 levels in the architecture of a job. 11 -Clayton Christensen Polytechnique 24 Juin 2013 - - understanding the job to be done. 12 - Clayton Christensen Polytechnique 24 Juin 2013 - " Strategy formulation vs implementation. 8 - Clayton Christensen Polytechnique 24 Juin 2013 - Focus on the job needed to be done.