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Cats are spoiled rotten with German-designed towers and walkways. Cat person?

Cats are spoiled rotten with German-designed towers and walkways

Your kitty will never forgive you if you don’t get them something from Goldtatze, a German company making waves for their intricate walkways and towers designed for your four-legged friends. This company came about when craftsman and designer Stefan Hoffman ‘decided to make some walkways for his cat, Mowgli,’ since the kitty needed extra space to climb in the apartment. The result? A Massive up-in-the-air climbing playground for his kitty. Suspension bridges, scratching poles, and even kitty condos (yes, so spoilt!)

Via ViralNova. Architecture for Dogs. Hara Design Institute recently designed a series of doghouses with amazing design.

Architecture for Dogs

Each niche was made ​​and thought by a different architect and proposing structures adapted to different types of dogs. A very successful project to discover in the following article. Inflates Interactive Blow-up. The collective numen/for use invented huge interactive sculptures, allowing the public to get real experiences.

Inflates Interactive Blow-up

The proof is with Net Blow-Up, this giant net installed by the sea in Yokohama, Japan on the Zou-na-hanna terrace. An interesting building photographed by Tomohisa Tasho to discover in the future. 9 Facts Every Creative Needs to Know About Collaborative Teams. Look behind any creative success story and you’ll usually find a great team, a group of passionate people who raised each other’s game.

9 Facts Every Creative Needs to Know About Collaborative Teams

When thinking about productivity we often focus on the individual, yet it’s by optimizing teams that we can truly take our projects to the next level. How? One secret weapon you have is to appreciate the psychological factors that turn a group of individuals into a cohesive team unit. To help you optimize your team selection and working habits, here are nine facts that can help you get the most out of working with others: 1.

One the earliest findings in social psychology was the “social facilitation” effect – the way the mere presence of other people engaged in the same task as us can boost our motivation. 2. Everyone knows that sports teams enjoy an advantage when they compete in the familiar surroundings of their home stadium. The mere presence of other people engaged in the same task as us can boost our motivation. 7 Crucial Things That Will Save You as an Independent Creative Over the Coming Years. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed . Thanks for visiting! As most of you will have noticed, the current economic climate isn’t particularly rosy when it comes to available work for us creatives.

Let me rephrase that . The current economic climate isn’t particularly rosy when it comes to available work for a large proportion of us creatives. There are many people out there who, for various reasons, still do earn a very good living from creative projects, and many who are doing better now than they ever have in the past. Just like with all industries that get hit by an economic correction, the weak don’t survive and many of the strong remain . Is there anything we can do to put us in the best possible position, so that we not only survive, but so that we succeed well too? Be aware of the following key things that could make all the difference for you as a creative worker over the coming years… 1. Hack Things Better. Nikki Graziano.

Nathan Sawaya. Improv Everywhere. Epipheo Studios. SOLIPSIST.