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DIY Jewelry (See Anthro) How to Make a Fork Bracelet DIY Fashion and Craft Tutorials | Stars for StreetlightsStars for Streetlights. I've always loved taking everyday items and making them into something interesting. Ever since I was a little crafty kid I loved devouring books that taught me how to make little dolls from clothespins, beads from rolled up magazines, and little fairy ornaments from wire and fake flower petals. The first time I saw my friend wearing a bracelet made from a fork a few years ago, I knew I had to try it (*ahem Carly ;)). I wrote up a tutorial a while back, but I've had some questions about the directions I gave so I decided to make a proper tutorial with a video!

:) (Please excuse my intro, if you can't hustle your website on your Youtube channel, where else are you supposed to do it? ;)) What you need:♥ A fork. I think these forks are the easiest to use, and I've used a lot of different forks. :)♥ Pliers, 3 pairs. 1 jewelry pair, 1 regular pair or needle nose, and an adjustable wrench.♥ Piece of thick fabric like denim or corduroy.♥ Strong hands. The other wrist. DIY Braided Clay Bracelet. Yes I am obsessed with polymer clay. Its such a fun material to work with because if you mess up... you just mash it all up and start again. Today's DIY is a spin off of this project that I did a little while back. Knead the clay with your hands to soften it up.

Using the palm of your hand roll out three long tubes. Mash the top of the tubes together and begin braiding. Using your own wrist as a guide determine how long you want to make your bracelet. Connect the two ends and gently mash ( I cant think of a better word so mash it is) the two ends together. Bake for 25 minutes at 245 degrees. I decided bright yellow was not very "fall" so I switched it out for bronze. Have a little wrist party and make as many as you want! If you want to see more ways to create with polymer clay you can check here here and here. DIY Macrame Bracelet. Growing up by the beach in Southern California, the ability to knot a macrame bracelet was practically a right of passage. Although those days are long behind us, we’ve never forgotten the ever-so-simple square knot technique.

This time, however, we’re replacing hemp and wooden beads for more updated elements like colorful nylon cord and glossy metal charms. Happy knotting! You’ll need: Start by cutting the knotting cord into two 30 inch, two 20 inch and one 10 inch lengths. Fold the 20 inch piece in half, pull the loop through the ring, fold it over the ring, and pull the rest of the cord through the loop. Center the 30 inch cord under the two middle strands. Pull tightly and slide the knot up to the top. Finish the 2nd half of the square knot by folding the left cord over the middle strands and under the right cord. Pull tightly and repeat the steps – left, right, left, right . . . Repeat the same step on the other cord. After sewing up both knotting cords, trim away any excess.

A Super Easy DIY Beaded Leather Bracelet. Ric Rac Rose - The Ribbon Retreat Blog. I love these easy-to-make Ric Rac Roses! Isn’t it beautiful? You can make these and use them in hair, on jewelry, on clothing, as embellishments on anything! And with The Ribbon Retreat’s large selection of Ric Rac, your possibilities are endless! They are also sold at an awesome price for $.65 a yard! – Supplies – Ric Rac (I used 3/4″) Hot Glue Accessory to attach it to The first thing to know about this Ric Rac Rose is that the wider the Ric Rac, the taller the rose. I started out by cutting two pieces of Ric Rac at 21 inches.

I ended up using a bit less than 21 inches… probably 16 or 17 inches. Now we are going to “braid” the two pieces of Ric Rac together. Keep going until you get to the end. Take the end and curl the Ric Rac in. Continue rolling the Ric Rac. You can put a little hot glue on the sides as you are rolling it. Here is how the side looks. When you like the size of your rose, you can stop rolling. Now put some glue on the under side of the rose. It looks pretty, just like this!