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Splat! – Steve Wyborney's Blog: I'm on a Learning Mission. Matematiikkalehti Solmu: Matematiikkadiplomi. 100paiva. 100paiva. Clockres. Vahennyslaskupohjat. Hajotelmia noppa. More Math Games. Number Puzzles - Computation Practice - Problem Solving advertisement Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4.

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Lukuja Liikkuen – Tavuja Touhuten. Measurement-Foldable-FREE-533693 Teaching Resources. Customary Measurement Foldable is a three-flap foldable that can be used in a math interactive notebook or as a separate graphic organizer.

Measurement-Foldable-FREE-533693 Teaching Resources

Students can use it to take notes when learning about customary measurement. To create the foldable, print the two pages back to back. Fold in half on the vertical dotted line and cut the solid lines to form flaps. Students can lift up each flap and fill in the basic conversion units during your lesson. Great for math test prep and review! Halloween Math Activities For Kids. Coloring Squared. Addition Blocks. Math. Addition – Expanded Form – One Worksheet Missing Addends – One Worksheet Subtraction – Missing Minuends – One Worksheet Subtraction – Missing Subtrahends – One Worksheet. Kellonajat koulun. Sata muurahaista. Classroom Timers - Fun Timers. Iloa ja ymmärrystä matematiikkaan.


Tree color. 1lk geometria Anne. Käsitekortit. Kellonaikakortit seinälle. TEMMELLYS - Toiminnallisuutta matematiikkaan. Metsämatematiikkaa ym. Tuplakortit. 10monkeys opettajan opas. Matematiikka aivopuoliskoille 2 2007. Harjoitelmakortit. Lukujen 2-9 hajotelmat - Aihioetusivu.