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Off Grid Info - Food Independence - Where To Get Heirloom Seeds - Non-GMO Seeds - Organic Seeds. Join 75,000+ Fans on Facebook: Follow Us On Pinterest: Please Share This Page: Here is a useful list of 40+ 230+ companies supplying heirloom / non-GMO / organic seeds. If health is wealth, then this page is solid gold! :) Please share this important information. If you have any additions or corrections for this list, please let us know! We welcome genuine suppliers based anywhere in the world. **UPDATE** This page has proven to be massively popular...! , we are gathering them up and will add them to this page as soon as we can.

Please Like Off-Grid On Facebook to stay in touch and receive our latest posts! USA (states in alphabetical order) EUROPE (except UK & Ireland) South Africa All inquiries - please contact: Privacy Policy | About. Saving Seeds. Eat local and save money through the art of seed saving. By Andy Tomolonis Courtesy Stock.XCHNG When winter rolls around, save seeds from self-pollinating plants, such as beans and tomatoes, to plant the following spring. Before you pluck the last piece of produce from your garden and put the patch to bed for late-winter, think about conserving part of the past season by saving your plants’ seeds. Saving seeds does more than offer you an economical incentive.

And while enhancing the “survival of the fittest,” you may also be ensuring a better future crop for your own garden. Finally, you can take pride in preserving the past by holding onto a plant that has survived for generations, but may be getting squeezed out of production by growers and suppliers who favor new hybrids. Here are some rules gardeners can follow when saving seeds: Choose only open-pollinated varieties of plants. This is the best method of saving seeds, unless you’re conducting an intentional experiment in breeding. Concord Seed Lending Library - Concord Seed Library. How farmers are saving seeds and building a Canadian collection. On Kim Delaney’s seed farm in Palmerston, Ont., the peppers, the tomatoes and the more than 100 varieties of vegetables she grows have had to cope with a lot of rain this season.

That means at the end of the summer, the finest specimens she’ll choose to collect seeds from – that she’ll package and sell to her customers to plant next year – will hold the genes they need to thrive in rainy weather. And because she’s been growing seeds for the past 13 years, what she produces will also be primed to do well in other conditions, too – even droughts. “Last year we had five and a half weeks without rain and this year we have rain every two days. So, the genes in the plant populations I am collecting are constantly adapting,” she says. By going through her fields and selecting the seeds from plants that have the characteristics she’s looking for – including taste and colour – Delaney is building a truly Canadian collection. This is incredibly rare. And broccoli, says Wildfong, comes from Mexico. Les variétés paysannes de blé en voie de disparition. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Angela Bolis "Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire, une variété, quand on réfléchit au mot ?

", interroge Jean-François Berthellot, les pieds enfoncés dans la terre collante de ses champs de blé. Dans sa ferme du Roc, dans le Lot-et-Garonne, l'agriculteur, membre du réseau Semences paysannes, en manie une conception quelque peu tombée en désuétude, mais qui a le mérite de donner un sens à l'adjectif "varié" qui s'y cache. Il en est ainsi de sa Japhabelle, dont il est particulièrement fier.

Une variété paysanne – qu'il nomme aussi "population" – haute, robuste, qui mêle des épis plus ou moins barbus, plus ou moins épais, et dont le vert tendre tire, selon les plants, sur le blond, le roux ou le noir bleuté. Entre sa banque de graines et ses champs, Jean-François Berthellot a amassé quelque 200 variétés de blé – en plus de ses autres cultures de légumineuses et de céréales. "Pour moi, il y a un raté historique, estime l'agriculteur.