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Perché tutti i libri italiani sono in Garamond. Quasi tutti i libri italiani sono in Garamond, anzi, per essere più precisi, in Simoncini Garamond, un carattere disegnato da un tipografo francese nel Cinquecento – Claude Garamond – e rimaneggiato da un tipografo bolognese nel 1958 – Francesco Simoncini.

Perché tutti i libri italiani sono in Garamond

Significa che se i libri italiani fossero nudi, senza copertine, sarebbe impossibile distinguere tra i vari editori se non sulla base della gabbia (il rettangolo di testo sulla pagina) e della carta. Alle terme gratis: dove fare un bagno termale in Italia senza spendere un euro. In tutta Italia esistono terme dove l’accesso è gratuito: sono cascate, pozze o laghetti naturali che sorgono vicino agli stabilimenti a pagamento e che hanno gli stessi benefici.

Alle terme gratis: dove fare un bagno termale in Italia senza spendere un euro

Ecco la mappa completa Almeno una volta nella vita tutti abbiamo sognato di trascorrere una giornata alle terme per rigenerare fisico e mente. Pochi però sanno che in Italia esistono sorgenti termali gratuite che hanno gli stessi benefici di quelle a pagamento. Scuola - Riflettere sugli eBook. My book of cartoons ‘You’re All Just Jealous of my... I 5 sorprendenti modi in cui i colori controllano la tua vita. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. Annalisa Vargiu business card.

Thought of You. 5 Etiquette Tips for Photo Sharing. Beth Blecherman is Founder of, a site that curates information on family technology.

5 Etiquette Tips for Photo Sharing

Her new book "My Parent Plan" applies her years of technology project management to helping parents make their own plans. Follow her at @TechMama. The use of new and changing technology brings with it new etiquette challenges that can be both difficult to understand and address. As parents, we need to not only figure out our own digital etiquette, but oversee our kids' exploration through these new waters as well. Case in point: Randi Zuckerberg recently shared a family photo with a group of friends on Facebook and that photo went public on Twitter. Yes, it is ironic that someone connected so closely to Facebook had a privacy issue. So in this world where content can be shared across different devices and social networks, how can parents best establish their own rules for proper digital etiquette, then role model and teach those rules to our kids?

How to Copy Your DVDs With Mac OS X: 10 steps (with pictures) Steps Copying an Unprotected DVD 1Insert the DVD that you want to copy into your Mac's CD slot.

How to Copy Your DVDs With Mac OS X: 10 steps (with pictures)

For many Macs, you will need an external DVD reader, since most Macs don't come with CD slots anymore. You can buy an external disk reader from Apple for less than $90.To attach an external DVD reader to your Mac, connect the DVD reader's cable to your Mac's USB port (on the left side of a Mac laptop or on the back of an iMac desktop monitor). 2Open Spotlight . Click the magnifying glass icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Ripping a Protected DVD 1Insert your DVD into your Mac's CD slot. Burning a DVD 1Eject the original DVD. Community Q&A Unanswered Questions What should I do when VLC tells me it cannot do mp4 audio encoding? Ask a Question. Apollo 11: To the Moon and Back, LIFE Covers the 1969 Lunar Landing. For millions of people who witnessed the Apollo 11 mission, watching on television or following it on the radio as humanity improbably, actually walked on the moon, the event perhaps did not feel quite real until, more than two weeks later, LIFE published its definitive account of the epic journey.

Apollo 11: To the Moon and Back, LIFE Covers the 1969 Lunar Landing

Today, in the age of 365/24/7 media consumption, learning that any publication had the confidence — or the audacity — to wait for two hours, much less two weeks, before publishing its take on arguably the most important and stirring story of the 20th century might strike some as close to unbelievable. But for a magazine like LIFE, which had earned its reputation as the de facto chronicler of the Space Race not through dumb luck, but through years and years of hard work, phenomenal photography and inspired reporting, waiting two weeks was simply the price one paid for getting it right. Less than a decade after JFK’s bold proclamation, America did just that. Torta di pane secco e pomodorini della Parodi. Christmas.