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The tragic polar bear that suffers for selfies. Trapped in the middle of a shopping centre in China - his white fur contrasting against the unnaturally blue display he is an unwilling part of - this sad polar bear has no escape.

The tragic polar bear that suffers for selfies

Nowhere to hide from people taking photos – banging on the windows and shouting. Nothing natural, no attempt to create an environment that would meet the needs of any living bear – never mind this vast magnificent animal. The bear is just one of a number of animals stuck within the Grandview shopping centre in Guangzhou. The facility has been dubbed “the world’s saddest zoo” and alongside two polar bears it also includes six young belugas, five walrus calves, a wolf and arctic foxes. Chinese netizens have repeatedly asked the public to stay away - effectively shaming the facility from the outset. Lawsuit to Stop the Black Bear Hunt by Chuck O'Neal. Speak Up Wekiva, Inc. is a small group of volunteers who filed a lawsuit against the FWC to stop the ill-conceived and unscientific hunt of the Florida Black Bear.

Lawsuit to Stop the Black Bear Hunt by Chuck O'Neal

There are no administrative costs, office expenses or salaries paid from money donated to us. 100% of the donations are used to pay legal bills and court costs in pursuing justice for the bears. We formed Speak Up Wekiva, Inc. in 2013 to stop the sale of state park and wildlife conservation land by the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection. Près de 300 ours tués en 2 jours au cours d'une chasse controversée en Floride. 207 Bears Were Just Killed ... For No Clear Reason At All. UPDATE: Florida's first bear hunt in 21 years, which was supposed to last until October 30, was called off by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission on Sunday, after just two days of hunting killed 295 bears across the state.

207 Bears Were Just Killed ... For No Clear Reason At All

Welcome To The Stop The Florida Bear Hunt Website. Florida bear hunt: 280 bears MASSACRED as THOUSANDS flock to kill. The week-long cull – branded a "trophy hunt" by activists – began across the state yesterday amid furious protests.

Florida bear hunt: 280 bears MASSACRED as THOUSANDS flock to kill

One of the first kills of the hunt went to 49-year-old Bryan Smith, who claimed: "He had a good life and a good death. " Several lactating females have also being killed, according to local media reports – meaning their cubs will starve to death. Adam Sugalski, director of the Stop the Florida Bear Hunt group, told the hunt is "undemocratic, unscientific and immoral". Alaska. We have changed the location for our Ultimate Bears photo tour in 2012, taking you to Clark National Park.


We no longer have to go through Kodiak and lose valuable days; we can offer you direct flights from Anchorage or Soldotna to Lake Clark. This amazing trip will bring you extremely close to wild brown bears, as we photograph them in their natural surroundings, with a rugged backdrop of mountains and glaciers, wild rivers and creeks. We will be staying in a very comfortable lodge, booked exclusively for our group. It is located in Lake Clark, in the middle of over four million acres of wilderness. We offer you outstanding photographic opportunities to view the earth’s largest carnivore, roaming the wildest and most untouched habitat remaining in the world. Non aux ours polaires à Marineland. CONSERVATION. L’ours polaire, avec ou sans glace ? Avec la fonte de l’Arctique, les ours polaires vont disparaître.

CONSERVATION. L’ours polaire, avec ou sans glace ?

Certains ont été placés dans des zoos, mais la captivité vaut-elle mieux que la mort ? Mercedes, unique spécimen d’ourse polaire en captivité du Royaume-Uni, est allongée sur le dos et joue avec une branche de sureau cassée dans l’enclos voisin, celui des hippopotames pygmées. Pour que l'ours polaire ne soit plus la vache à lait des zoos  ANIMAUX - L'Ours polaire est une espèce emblématique.

Pour que l'ours polaire ne soit plus la vache à lait des zoos 

Les Inuit le considéraient comme un parent, les explorateurs voyaient en lui le reflet de leurs souffrances et de leur ténacité à vaincre l'Arctique, les médias et les associations de protection de l'environnement en ont fait le symbole du dérèglement climatique. Personne ne souhaite nuire à l'Ours polaire et ne veut éradiquer l'espèce dans aucune des régions de son domaine, l'Arctique. ONGs y parlamentarios piden terminar con la esclavitud animal tras muerte de Taco. Consternación y cientos de comentarios generó la noticia del fallecimiento durante la mañana de este viernes del oso polar Taco, en dependencias del Zoológico Nacional del Parque Metropolitano de Santiago.

ONGs y parlamentarios piden terminar con la esclavitud animal tras muerte de Taco

El ejemplar nació el 10 de diciembre de 1996 en el zoológico de Rotterdam, Holanda, y llegó al país donado por un proyecto de colaboración entre ambos zoológicos, pese a las manifestaciones de diferentes organizaciones animalistas. Las teorías sobre su muerte son variadas, y si bien todavía no se conocen las razones de su fallecimiento, algunas organizaciones apuntan a que su vida en cautiverio podría ser una causal.

En este sentido, el coordinador nacional de Animal Libre, Mauricio Serrano, aseguró a El Dínamo que “desde el Zoológico Parque Metropolitano hace un tiempo nos comentaron que Taco estaba en perfectas condiciones y hoy en la mañana nos dicen que falleció. La tragique vérité derrière "l'étrange créature" capturée dans une vidéo. Les médias sociaux malaisiens était en effervescence le mois dernier après que des images d’une créature « étrange » aient été diffusées sur la toile.

La tragique vérité derrière "l'étrange créature" capturée dans une vidéo

On y voyait sur celles-ci une bête rampant à travers les plants détruits d’une plantation d’huile de palme. Personne n’avait su jusqu’alors ce que pouvait bien être cette créature. Les internautes laissaient entendre qu’il était question d’un alien, mais ce n’est bien sûr pas le cas. En effet, les experts indiquent que ce n’est pas une découverte passionnante en provenance d’un autre monde, mais plutôt un triste témoignage montrant à quel point la vie sur cette planète est traitée.

Voici la vidéo en question : No, This Isn't An Alien. Contrary to speculation, a strange-looking animal crawling through the wreckage of a palm plantation is not from another planet.

No, This Isn't An Alien

Instead, it is an indication of the tragic status of the one we're on. The video features a sun bear, which when healthy looks like this: Credit: Cuson via Shutterstock. What a healthy sun bear looks like. Exactly why the creature in the video looks more like Gollum is not yet known. “We were shocked. On social media sites, the distressed creature was dubbed the "Malaysian Chupacabra" after the mythical creature some people thought was captured last year. Facebook group Nature Talks Back have used the video to draw attention to the plight of animals in Borneo.

Arturo Polar Bear

RIP Oliver – the bear who inspired a movement. Oliver, a bear who survived 30 years in a Chinese bear bile farm cage before being dramatically rescued, has died at Animals Asia's Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre. Oliver had spent four and a half happy years at the sanctuary. On Wednesday, following a gradual deterioration in his condition, in conjunction with team discussions, vets took the decision to euthanise him. The surgery was full with staff who had rescued and cared for him, all saying their goodbyes. His rescue in 2010 from a bear farm in Shandong was captured in the movie "Cages of Shame". During the 1,500km journey home, he required life-saving surgery on the roadside.

Brown bears are only expected to live around 30 years and Oliver had spent that time in a cage. "Cages of Shame" continues to be shown to animal lovers in towns and cities across the world. Animals Asia founder and CEO, Jill Robinson MBE said: Terre - Est-ce que les ours polaires se sont éteintes? It's November and that time of year when the sleepy town of Churchill, Manitoba, on the western shore of Hudson Bay in Canada, turns into polar bear central. Hundreds of polar bears, lean but lethargic - their last full meal eaten in the late spring - pass the hours wandering around aimlessly, mock fighting, or simply lying belly-up catching the dim rays of the Arctic gloaming.

They are waiting until the ice freezes over and they can go and hunt seals. Outnumbering them are the tourists who've flown in from around the world to get a unique "up close and personal" view of one of the Arctic's most iconic species. And last, but not least, there's the scientists. While some scientists visit the "Polar Bear Capital of the World” to study the bears, others, such as Polar Bears International's Steven Amstrup, are there because they also see a unique opportunity to inform people about the plight of polar bears. Because polar bears, most scientists agree, are in trouble. Earth - Will polar bears become extinct? L'amitié inhabituelle entre un ours noir, un lion et un tigre du Bengale.

Polar-bear-OV-COP16-french. Le commerce international de l'ours polaire ne sera pas interdit.