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iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Icon and Image Sizes. Every app needs an app icon and a launch file or image. In addition, some apps need custom icons to represent app-specific content, functions, or modes in navigation bars, toolbars, tab bars, and other areas. Table 45-1 lists the sizes required for these custom icons and images. With the exception of the App Store icon—which must be named iTunesArtwork—you can name your icons anything you want. Use image asset entries in your Xcode project for your app’s icon files. To add icons, assign the corresponding image files to the image assets of your project.

For all images and icons, the PNG format is recommended. The standard bit depth for icons and images is 24 bits. Tips for exporting assets for iOS & Android design – UNITiD – UNITiD. If you design digital products, you will be confronted with slicing and exporting your visual assets so a developer can implement your design. If you are still in the prototype phase, please check out our popular prototype-tool: TAP for Fireworks. For the web this is pretty much a straight-forward task. You can export the assets in just one size or use stylesheets to adapt to different resolutions. If you are designing an app that should run on Android and iOS devices, things get complex. You don’t want your button to look great on the iPhone 4s and blurry on the iPhone 3, right?

Here are 10 tips we gathered along the way to help you slice and export assets for mobile apps. We use our favorite program Adobe Fireworks CS6 for designing, slicing and exporting. (note: This is not a hands-on tutorial about how to create and export slices with Fireworks. 1. Talk with the developer of the app before you start. 2. 3. Slicing assets needs to be done very accurately. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. iPad GUI PSD. Rearth Global. Un Tipo Digital – Diseñador visual de interfaces digitales » Diseño de móviles & tablets: las diferentes densidades. Me apasiona diseñar Apps para los smartphone y tablets pero cuando pasamos a la siguiente fase: adaptar ese diseño a todos los dispositivos, es como si me tirasen un jarro de agua fría.

Es un trabajo mecánico por el que tenemos que pasar y cuanto más eficiente lo hagamos, mejor. Para que una simple App pueda estar disponible para todos los tipos de smartphone y tablets de iOS y Android, tiene que diseñarse para iPhone, iPhone con pantalla retina, Android ldpi, Android mdpi, Android hdpi, Android xhdpi, iPad 2, iPad 3,…… eso sin incluir Symbian, BlackBerry y Windows 8.

(os pongo las guías de estilo de estos SSOO) Aquí vemos lo que os estaba diciendo: - Conversión entre las diferentes densidades. - Tamaños de las diferentes pantallas. - Tamaños de los iconos. Acceder a toda esta información de un solo vistazo puede causarte sensación de agobio, pero vamos a resumirlo para que resulte más fácil. Android: 160 mdpi – Pantalla: 320×480 px / iPhone: No retina – Pantalla:320×480 px. iPhone Screen Resolutions. Screen Sizes. Flat iPhone 4/5 Mockups.