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Enfant. 20 Email Design Best Practices and Resources for Beginners - Nettuts+ Even for experience designers, building email newsletters isn't easy. You receive a lovely looking design, and you crack on with the development. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work as it should in every email clients. Styles don't display, images aren't visible, etc. This is where these twenty best practices come in handy. 1: Keep the Design Simple Emails are not like complex website designs; they should be nicely designed, but somewhat basic. The cleaner the design, the easier it will be to code, and the less chance of any abnormalities happening between various browsers and email clients. 2: Use Tables Email clients live in the past, so all emails must be built using tables for layout.

Not Accepted Accepted 3: Have Web Browsers at the Ready Make sure you have as many web browsers as possible available to you. At the very least, use these: Internet Explorer 6Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 8Mozilla Firefox 3Apple Safari 3Google Chrome 4: Sign Up for all the Major Email Clients No Alt Tags. 50 Best Web Design Blog Posts In 2009 | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Neuf astuces pour être retweeté sur Twitter /// Agence marketing digital, viral, buzz et media sociaux ★★★ Vanksen|Culture-buzz.

Ceros’ Blog » 10 Hacks Wordpress, qui m’ont bien servi ! Bienvenue sur le Ceros' Blog, t'es un nouveau alors on te propose ( oué on est pas comme ça nous ! ) de t'abonner au flux RSS pour être au courant de nos nouveaux articles. A force de trifouiller le code WordPress, trifouillage qui m’apporte des fois bon nombres d’emm*rdes en tout genre ( heureusement Niko sait toujours quoi faire ! ), & de chercher sur google des solutions à mes envies, j’ai accumulé bon nombres de petits bouts de code pour apporter ou changer quelque chose sur WP. Il faut dire qu’avec la communauté & le nombre énorme de plugin WP mis à notre disposition, les capacités de cette plateforme sont casi-infinies & chacun trouvera son bonheur ! Je vous présente donc maintenant 10 de ces hacks qui, pour moi, ont été simple à mettre en place & peuvent être bien sympa ( ou pas ?

1. Le code ci-dessous est à coller dans le fichier single.php dans la « loop WP » et affichera 5 articles ressemblant au billet en se basant sur les tags. 2. <a href=" 3. 4. 5. 6. 12 Tips for Creating a Great Portfolio Site « Noupe. Sep 15 2009 If you’re a designer, artist, or photographer, chances are you need to display your work online. And while there are sites out there that will host your portfolio for you, their solutions are often not quite what you were looking for. Below are twelve tips for creating a better portfolio site. These suggestions apply to all kinds of portfolios, no matter what your particular artistic field. Also included are examples and a gallery of excellent portfolio sites, with what they’re doing right and what could use some improvement. 1.

This is one of the most important rules for designing a portfolio site: make sure the emphasis is on the work on display, not the design of the site. The work takes center stage, as it should. 2. Navigation needs to be straightforward on any site that aims to sell to the public. Uses a traditional top navigation bar is intuitive to most visitors. 3. Includes two ways to get in touch: a traditional contact page and a “request a quote” page. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.