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31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects. Charlotte - Temporary Tattoos Tutorial. How To Make Your Own Nail Polish In Any Color. Pregnancy insomnia can be a little bit of a blessing (depending on how you look at it).

How To Make Your Own Nail Polish In Any Color

Sometimes when I can't sleep I randomly get these ideas that just pop into my head. I quickly jot them down into my phone and revisit them when I am coherent in the morning. I would say only 30-40 % of them actually turn out like I imagined. Take this little project for example. I tested it out over the weekend to see if it would even work...and it worked! What you will need: Clear nail polish.Cheap eyeshadow. Take out the eyeshadow you want to use. Empty a small amount of clear nail polish out so you have room for the eyeshadow powder. Use the toothpick to mix up the color into the bottle. Baby onesie cupcake tutorial {and a sweet giveaway} Need a cute baby shower idea?

baby onesie cupcake tutorial {and a sweet giveaway}

Here's a fun way to package those baby essentials--make some cupcakes! For this project you'll need: 4 receiving blankets4 onesies4 medium rubber bands4 medium rubber bands4 coffee filtersthin coordinating ribbonscissorsa bakery cupcake box (I found mine at Packaging Specialties) First, fold the receiving blankets down until you have a 3" strip. Now for the cupcake icing. Then pinch the top and gather it together. Lay the icing at the end of the receving blanket and roll it up. Roll it all the way up, moving down as you go so that the top is peaked. Wrap it with a rubber band to secure it. Easy stretchy baby headband tutorial. Hee hee!

easy stretchy baby headband tutorial

Isn't this the cutest picture ever? I love this little sweetie. "hip" cover up for girls. I think these are a brilliant idea.

"hip" cover up for girls

They're perfect for hiding underwear and muffin tops that are often visible with today's lose-rise jeans, without having to wear a t-shirt or tank. Unfortunately, these hip cover ups are for grown woman. Anyone with a tween daughter will know that younger girls could use this too. Why, oh why do clothing companies make low rise or ultra low rise pants for little girls? Sheesh! "Hip" Cover Up Tutorial Supplies: *You will need a stretchy knit fabric. Tie Baby (tank top) There’s nothing like the perfect summer tank to get you through the dark days of January.

Tie Baby (tank top)

As the pioneer project on the site, Tie Baby is a refreshingly easy no-sew design. That’s right, just grab your scissors and get busy. Finish it off with a knot at each shoulder for some double trouble. See you at the beach! Halloween Costumes and a Trick-or-Treat Tote! His and Hers Heart (T-shirt) Surgery! A little last-minute, I know, but here’s wishing you a very Happy Valentine’s Day from Generation T!

His and Hers Heart (T-shirt) Surgery!

Here are two lovely T-shirt tutorials excerpted from Generation T and Generation T: Beyond Fashion–they’re designs that can be made all year, really, anytime you want to share the love. With a few simple snips and stitches, you can wear your heart on your sleeve, or right across your chest. (And, because I love you all so much, the second one is even no-sew!) Recycle a Broken Umbrella into a Pouch.

I Love to Create: Superhero Arm Warmers! This T-shirt transformation project is my favorite of the accessories in my first book.

I Love to Create: Superhero Arm Warmers!

They’re the Go-go Gauntlets (project #73) from Generation T: 108 Ways to Transform a T-shirt. They’re super easy to stitch up in an afternoon, and even easier to embellish with iron-on glitter sheets–which seriously increase the superhero factor. These arm warmers are especially good for:1) Completing late night deadlines (reports, papers, presentations, tax filing, etc.).2) Healing goose-bumped flesh in the over-air-conditioned spaces of warm-weather climates.3) Protecting long-armed folks from that pesky draft caused by the gap between the glove and sleeve in cold weather climates.4) Shielding the knuckles of bicyclists from biting winds when they ride really fast.5) Executing superhero power stances. 1. Measure the distance around the middle of your forearm (x). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I Love to Create: A Shoe Travel Bag! Living in New York, my shoes get especially dirty (it’s a special kind of filth).

I Love to Create: A Shoe Travel Bag!

On the occasion that I’m traveling away from New York (which I am very soon!) And packing for that trip, I like to protect the clothes in my suitcase from all of the grime that collects on my shoes. (The streets may be paved in gold, but that’s definitely not what’s sticking to the soles of my shoes.) T-shirt Neckties! The ultimate in formal attire meets the ultimate in casual wear in this necktie/T-shirt mash-up!

T-shirt Neckties!

Well beyond the traditional “Tie T-shirt” (which will pass for office dress code as much as the T-shirt Tux is appropriate for a wedding), how about a T-shirt tie? Enter Etsy seller SupperClub (aka Lily Rothman), who makes one-of-a-kind neckties from old T-shirts (and other vintage or recycled materials). There’s an Oxford tie for the recent grad. A Notre Dame tie to wear to the next big game. DIY storybook paper roses. DIY storybook paper roses You’re going to love today’s DIY project so much that you’re going to want to start tearing pages out from old books tonight!

DIY storybook paper roses

Remember the storybook roses in Shanna + Richard’s wedding? Sweet, right?