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25 API’s Imprescindibles para el Marketing Online. Viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011. Cuando un negocio se fundamenta en la web, pasan cosas muy curiosas... una de las primeras es que el marketing online se hace necesario casi desde el principio. Otra -derivada de la primera- es que se desean unos niveles de análisis del negocio a un nivel muy superior a empresas offline y con un presupuesto ridículamente más bajo. ¿Qué es lo que acaba pasando? Pues que se suele terminar tirando del desarrollador/técnico/programador para todas estas necesidades de extracción de datos organizados de mil formas y para ser observados por mil perfiles distintos. Por eso, si eres desarrollador web y "sufres" este tipo de peticiones, tienes 2 opciones. Cabrearte como un mono cada vez que suceda y mirar infojobs constantemente (sabiendo que ahí nunca hay buenas ofertas y aprendiendo a currarte más tu perfil de Linkedin), o aprovechar la situación y adaptarte aprendiendo a dar lo que se te pide...

Api de Zoho Reports Google BigQuery Google Chart Tools: 5) GeoIp: 5 Listening Tools for Sentiment Analysis. There’s always a reason why a person’s ears are located above his lips. Excellent communication only happens when someone listens first before they rant or comment. But for brands and businesses, listening to billions of customers is a big responsibility and commitment. Businesses now put a premium in enhancing their social monitoring efforts and sentiment analytics. Big brands are now realizing the value that social media monitoring it gives to their CRM. It’s a no-brainer. Brands have learned from the Dell Hell incident a couple of years ago where Entertainment Weekly’s founding editor, Jeff Jarvis, blogged about the lemon he got from a Dell laptop. Too bad Twitter wasn’t around yet for Michael Dell and company to address the gamut of complaints.

Facebook has launched its “People Talking About” metric a few weeks ago and has been testing the waters for sentiment analysis to be part of Insights. Connect: Authored by: Mac Ocampo "Mac here. See complete profile. NextGEN Gallery. WordPress Gallery Plugin NextGEN Gallery is the most popular WordPress gallery plugin, and one of the most popular WordPress plugins of all time, with over 13 million downloads. It provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images, with the ability to batch upload, import meta data, add/delete/rearrange/sort images, edit thumbnails, group galleries into albums, and more. It also provides two front-end display styles (slideshows and thumbnail galleries), both of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more.

The NextGEN Gallery WordPress gallery plugin is now proudly maintained by Photocrati Media. NEXTGEN GALLERY 2.0: MAJOR UPDATE IN JULY 2013. INTRODUCING NEXTGEN GALLERY PRO. NextGEN WordPress Gallery Plugin Features Upload Galleries Our WordPress gallery plugin offers diverse and powerful functionality for getting images from your desktop to your website. Manage Galleries. Free CSS Menu Templates & Design Tutorials | Daily Syntax. Real-Time Insights Finder. Export and Analyze Social Media Analytics |

Five Social Media Metric Tools | oneforty. [Etude Akamai] Etat des lieux de l’Internet mondial. Vitesse de connexion, attaques de trafic, connectivité mobile…La société américaine Akamai, spécialisée dans l’accélération de la diffusion des contenus et des applications sur le web, vient de publier son rapport sur l’état des lieux de l’internet, au 1er trimestre 2011.

Basée sur les données collectées depuis sa plateforme où transite 15 à 30% du trafic web mondial, cette étude offre une vision globale du trafic généré sur la toile. En voici les principales tendances: Les villes où la connexion est la plus rapide Les villes d’Asie font figure de bonnes élèves. En effet, 61 villes japonaises et 5 villes en Corée du Sud et à Hong Kong comptent parmi les 100 premiers de ce classements.Lyse, en Norvège, est la ville en Europe où la connexion est la plus rapide. Elle se place au 33ème rang.18 villes aux Etats-Unis, occupent les 100 premiers rangs de ce classement.

Pénétration Internet Connectivité sur les réseaux mobiles Attaques de trafic. BLUE VERTIGO | Web Design Resources Links | Last update AUG.29.2011. Eight Ways to Communicate Your Strategy More Effectively - Georgia Everse. By Georgia Everse | 4:54 PM August 22, 2011 A frustrated CEO recently shared with me that her employees had lost their edge. They were internally focused, their speed-to-market was down, and they couldn’t find a good balance between serving customers well while making healthy margins. The result was slow progress against the company strategy and an inability to profitably deliver on the value proposition.

She had attempted to motivate employees and be clear about the strategy, but she was falling short and was looking for answers on what to do next. The solution in many cases is to overhaul internal communications strategies in order to convince employees of the authenticity, importance, and relevance of their company’s purpose and strategic goals. Here are just a few communications approaches that will help you effectively reach your employees and encourage behaviors that advance your strategy and improve your results. 1. 2. 3. Inspire. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

En savoir plus - Derniers concurrents de Facebook. 42 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed. The weekly roundup is back and, as usual, Mashable has been working hard compiling the latest features and news analysis to fuel your social and techie adventures. Whet your appetite with a list of Google's top 10 most expensive acquisitions. Move onto an appetizer of MySpace memories.

Have a second helping of back to school iOS apps. Finally, satiate your sweet tooth with a history of online activism. And be sure to come back for seconds next week! Editors' Picks 8 Tips for Small Business Homepage DesignPeople do judge books by their covers — and your website's homepage is the modern bookcover. Social Media Top 10 Twitter Trends This Week [CHART]Wondering which topics had Twitter abuzz this past week?

The Changing Face of Corporate Facebook Landing Pages. As businesses get more involved in using social media, they are starting to redo their landing pages, or places where you enter their ecosystems on Facebook, Twitter et al. We were reminded by this post by my colleague Paul Gillin that it could be a good time to brush up on your Facebook Markup Language and other techniques to not just pretty up the place, but provide solid information as well as calls to action for your visitors. What can you put on these pages? Lotsa stuff. Anything that you can code up in HTML can appear here, including forms (sign up for our weekly newsletter), lead generation, polls, playing the latest video news item, a link to all the other social media accounts of the company, clickable images, and links.

To get started, take a look at this post from Social Media B2B blog. Does it have a link to the Like button? Does it have a call to action to some other place within Facebook? 8 B2B Facebook Landing Pages. B2B marketers see the growing numbers of Facebook users and join the ranks of businesses who set up outposts on the world’s largest social network. As Facebook is a tightly controlled environment, there are few opportunities for branding and creating a branded experience for your customers and prospects. The prime one is the creation of custom tabs, and especially landing pages that people see when they first arrive at your Facebook Page. These Pages are now fully functional web pages hosted within the Facebook environment.

This gives B2B companies more flexibility in design and functionality for these landing pages. Metrics That Really Matter. “Social media holds the promise of many new opportunities for promoting our businesses, acquiring new product ideas, and improving customer service. But it also changes fast, has a lot of moving parts, and there are many ways to be analyzed and measured.

The path to the “bottom line” doesn’t seem as straightforward and direct in social media as it did in more established sales and marketing practices.” – Author, Michael F. Lewis We receive so much statistical data and so many metrics from the internet, that without guidance it can be almost impossible to decipher what we are seeing. Social Media Analytics “Experts” would have you believe that the new metrics they have introduced are the statistics that will bring your business to the next level. In reality these metrics are fabricated to promote and validate their services, having little bearing on success. So what metrics are important? Revenue or ROI will always be very important to executives and other business leaders. Michael F. Worldometers. 38 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed. Aaaaand...we're back! The list might seem intimidating, but this week's roundup of top Mashable features will ultimately save you loads of time otherwise spent scouring the web for tech resources.

We've compiled the past week's features, how-tos and insights into a handy little package — and it's just for you. Presenting everything from geeky galleries to thoughtful think pieces, this handy guide is here to help. Editors' Picks 15 Beautiful and Creative QR Codes [PICS]Creative QR codes can entice consumers into scanning them. We've found 15 excellent examples in our inspirational gallery.7 Ways Google+ Users Are Getting More Out of Their CirclesWe've talked to users who have devised clever ways to use Google+ circles. Here they share their best practices so you can learn from their early mistakes and successes.HOW TO: Use Google+ For Your Job SearchThe new social network on the block is a burgeoning space for early adopters to congregate.

Social Media Tech & Mobile Business & Marketing. Publicidad en web: usted no lo haga. Hace unos días me sorprendió una noticia en Emol sobre un estudio de eyetracking en el que se afirmaba que cierta publicidad en los sitios web era totalmente efectiva. Pensé que era una mala interpretación de la noticia, sin embargo, después de hacer varios comentarios vía twitter me contactaron de la empresa Omnicom Media Group (OMD), responsables del estudio, para hacerme llegar el documento y un comunicado donde aparecen las principales conclusiones. Qué dice el estudio Dice entre otras cosas lo siguiente: Mis preocupaciones He leído y participado de varios estudios de eyetracking y este estudio contradice todo lo que se ha escrito con respecto cómo los usuarios ven (o no ven) la publicidad.

Famoso es el artículo de Jakob Nielsen en el que habla de la cegura de los banners, donde afirma luego de sus numerosos estudios que: “The most prominent result from the new eyetracking studies is not actually new. Eduardo Manchón hace un excelente resumen sobre esto: How a Social Media Pro Educates the “Digitally Illiterate” 2-Day Hands-On Social Media Training Sessions Scheduled in Sydney, Singapore, London, Paris, Toronto, New York, Chicago and San Francisco Eric Schwartzman (@ericschwartzman) has a message for those he refers as the “digitally illiterate.” “Digitally illiterate clients and digitally illiterate bosses have unrealistic expectations of what social media can do and cannot do,” he says.

“Bringing organizations up to speed on how to use social media is really where it’s at today.” Schwartzman, a world-renowned social media trainer and author of the book “Social Marketing to the Business Customer,” delivers hands-on sessions in major cities around the world. He is teaming with Social Media Today to present the ultimate in face-to-face social media training in eight cities beginning Sept. 1-2 in Sydney, Australia. He sees no contradiction in live training to better utilize online communications. “You learn just enough to be dangerous, He says. Connect: Authored by: Paul Simon See complete profile. 20 Top WordPress Plugins - 2011 Edition - Kevin Gibbons, London Blog Club. Network Error. InShare1,645 A study published in 2010 surfaced a startling statistic, “75 percent of employers say their business has no formal policy instructing employees on the appropriate use of social networking sites on the job.”

The report, “Employer Perspectives on Social Networking,” compiled data from 34,000 businesses in 35 countries. Does your organization have a formal policy regarding employee use of social media? Perhaps better asked, does your organization offer training, guidelines, and insights to help employees excel in new media on behalf of your business? In the same study, 63% of employers that employed social networking policies reported that those policies improved productivity.

More than a third also stated that social media policies helped protect intellectual property. Social Media represents the democratization of information and the equalization of influence. Training Day The careful selection of capable officials combined with coaching is only the start. When writing Engage! Médias sociaux : le top des 25 meilleures pratiques selon Brian Solis. Brian Solis est considéré comme l’un des gourous des relations publiques aux Etats-Unis. Auteur d’un livre sur l’engagement, il se positionne comme l’un des experts sur les pratiques liées à la présence d’une marque sur internet. Une pratique qu’il exerce au sein du cabinet Altimeter Research Group. Dans un récent billet, sur les règles de l’engagement sur les médias sociaux, il fait le point sur les meilleures pratiques destinées aux porte-paroles de la marque sur Internet, et plus spécifiquement sur les médias sociaux. Un billet inspiré par un chiffre assez évocateur issu d’une étude réalisée par Manpower: “en 2010, 75% des employés déclarent ne pas avoir de charte ou de règles formelles pour aller sur les medias et réseaux sociaux” A contrario, ceux qui ont une charte remarquent qu’ils sont plus productifs et évitent des erreurs sur ces médias. 1.

Définissez une voix et une personne représentative de la marque, de sa mission et de ses caractéristiques. 2. D’autres points ? 10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy. Sharlyn Lauby is the president of Internal Talent Management (ITM) which specializes in employee training and human resources consulting. She authors a blog at A few weeks ago, I wrote that your organization should have a social media policy, and one of the things I heard among all the great comments was: "Okay, but what should it say? " There are generally two approaches to social media policy making. Some organizations handle social media in an evolutionary way.

Other organizations, meanwhile, feel more comfortable establishing a clear policy from the outset. Whether you're writing your social media policy from the get-go, or letting it develop organically in reaction to situations as they arise, here are 10 things you should definitely consider. 1. All policies need to address what's in it for the reader/user — what should the reader take away after reading the policy? But that’s the spirit of social media — it’s all about leveraging the positive. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

57% of marketers use email marketing; 44% use social media. Time Management in Social Media - the definitive guide. Facebook makes it dead simple for brands to join conversations | The Conversation Manager. Le community management, choléstérol de l’entreprise. 50 badges de Foursquare y cómo conseguirlas — ALT1040. Commenting?: 8 Tricks to Use When you Don’t Know What to Comment. Social Media Tools & Listening Centers 2011 | The Conversation Manager. Session Occ - Project Management. Hyper Alerts - The best way to get email alerts. Openbook - Connect and share whether you want to or not. Track Short Links using Google AnalyticsUnilyzer. OnStartups - Stack Exchange. Online CV Generator - free CV builder | RESUME generator.

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