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Revenue Performance Management. Each year, various business magazines ceremoniously unveil their Fastest Growing Companies lists. The companion profiles typically attribute the catalyst to broad and amorphous differentiators like leadership, innovation, and culture. The truth is far more specific. Over the past few years, Eloqua has studied the revenue performance of a wide range of companies.

We have identified a small group of companies that consistently outperform and outcompete their peers. It’s not luck. Revenue Performance Management (RPM) is a systematic approach to identifying the drivers and impediments to revenue, rigorously measuring them, and then pulling the economic levers that will optimize marketing ROI and top line growth. As a business strategy, RPM requires the right mix of people, process and technology in order to drive real revenue growth.

The pattern that emerges among best in class adopters of RPM shows the following four business practices are key to a successful RPM strategy: 1. 2. 3. 4. Broadcast Yourself. SaaS Metrics - A Guide to Measuring and Improving What Matters. This blog post looks at the high level goals of a SaaS business and drills down layer by layer to expose the key metrics that will help drive success.

Metrics for metric’s sake are not very useful. Instead the goal is to provide a detailed look at what management must focus on to drive a successful SaaS business. For each metric, we will also look at what is actionable. There is an updated (re-written) version of this post available here: SaaS Metrics 2.0. Before going any further, I would like to thank the management team at HubSpot, and Gail Goodman of Constant Contact, who sits on the HubSpot board.

Let’s start by looking at the high level goals, and then drill down from there: Key SaaS Goals Profitability: needs no further explanation. Two Key Guidelines for SaaS startups The above guidelines are not hard and fast rules. In the next sections, we will drill down on the high level SaaS Goals to get to the components that drive each of these. Three ways to look at Profitability Other Metrics. What is the average customer acquisition cost for a SaaS company. What accounting/invoce service is better for startups; Freshbooks, Quickbooks, Shoeboxed, Expensify. What are the top 5 questions to ask before taking on a new project. Project | Project Professional 2010 | Project 2010 Server. Project Management Certification. Pmforum.

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