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4 Great Core Exercises To Help Flatten Your Abs « Don't Eat Dirt. Everyone wants flatter abs, and a lot of people try to “spot reduce” by doing ab exercises to try to get them.

4 Great Core Exercises To Help Flatten Your Abs « Don't Eat Dirt

The problem is, you aren’t going to lose fat from your midsection by doing 1,000 crunches. It’s just not going to happen. What I like to do instead is Core Exercises. You see, you need to achieve overall fat loss before you will see the results you want around your abs. In order to do this, you need more complete workouts. 7 Reasons Core Exercises are good for your personal training routine: Core exercises improve your balance and stabilityCore exercises don’t require specialized bulky equipmentCore exercises can help tone your absStronger core muscles make it easier to do almost all other physical activitiesCore exercises can be done at your own paceCore exercises can be done from the comfort of your own homeCore exercises can help you reach plenty of your other fitness goals Now it’s time for the workout.

Breathe freely and deeply during each exercise. Like this: Like Loading... No More Dirty Looks. Easy Ways to Burn 100 More Calories A Day. 30 Minutes to a Sleek Physique: The No-Equipment Workout You Can Do Anywhere. Sayonara, Cellulite! What Your Skin Can Tell You About Your Health. Random funny pictures. 46 smart uses for salt. How many ways can you use salt?

46 smart uses for salt

According to the Salt Institute, about 14,000! The salt website has tons of handy tips for using salt around the house, and the best of the bunch — plus my additions — are listed below. I can't think of another more versatile mineral. Salt is the most common and readily available nonmetallic mineral in the world. In fact, the supply of salt is inexhaustible. For thousands of years, salt (sodium chloride) has been used to preserve food and for cleaning, and people have continued to rely on it for all kinds of nifty tricks. So with its nontoxic friendliness and status as an endlessly abundant resource, let's swap out some toxic solutions for ample, innocuous, and inexpensive salt.

There are a number of forms of salt produced for consumption (and by default, housekeeping!) Here are just a few of the many ways you can put salt to good use in your home: Test egg freshness. Set poached eggs. Prevent fruits from browning. Shell nuts more easily. Reach high peaks. 50 Ridiculous and Weird Facts About the Human Body.

Mental health

The 29 Healthiest Foods on the Planet. The following is a "healthy food hot list" consisting of the 29 food that will give you the biggest nutritional bang for you caloric buck, as well as decrease your risk for deadly illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

The 29 Healthiest Foods on the Planet

Along with each description is a suggestion as to how to incorporate these power-foods into your diet. Fruits 01. Apricots The Power: Beta-carotene, which helps prevent free-radical damage and protect the eyes. 02. The Power: Oleic acid, an unsaturated fat that helps lower overall cholesterol and raise levels of HDL, plus a good dose of fiber. 03. The Power: Ellagic acid, which helps stall cancer-cell growth. 04. The Power: Stop aging, live longer and keep your mind sharp with blueberries. 05. The Power: Vitamin C (117mg in half a melon, almost twice the recommended daily dose) and beta-carotene - both powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from free-radical damage. 06. 07.

The Power: Lycopene, one of the strongest carotenoids, acts as an antioxidant. How Many Fruits and Vegetables Should I Eat: A Visual Guide - Feature. Despite the trendiness of Meatless Monday, the glamorous "vegetable butcher" at Italian megamart Eataly in New York, and the Pollanification of our diets, a staggering number of Americans still don't consume the recommended daily amounts of vegetables and fruits.

How Many Fruits and Vegetables Should I Eat: A Visual Guide - Feature

How staggering? 93.6 percent of us don't hit our vegetable target, and 92.4 percent of us don't hit our fruit target, according to stats from the Produce for Better Health Foundation's State of the Plate: 2010 Study. Why Should I Care About Rabbit Food? This is why: People who get enough fruits and vegetables in their diet tend to have healthy weights, says Colleen Doyle, the director of nutrition and physical activity for the American Cancer Society, and "weight is the key factor for cancer risk. " So How Much Do I Need to Eat Each Day? The whole confusing and vague idea of eating enough "servings" has pretty much been scrapped, and now the powers that be (the USDA, CDC, Department of Health & Human Services) are talking cups.