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Chez Namaste Nancy: Abraham Anghik Ruben: De Young Museum. Made of calcite, caribou antler, musk ox horn and commericial cotton fiber, this "Passage of Spirits"" by Ruben is one of the most beautiful and mysterious pieces in the show.

Chez Namaste Nancy: Abraham Anghik Ruben: De Young Museum

The sea goddess Sedna, sits at the bow of the boat, guiding the rowers over the dangerous ocean. The small sculptures in the boat are half human and half animal; features are indicated with minimal and elegant carving. Alaska Native Artistic Revitalization, Dissertation (University of Washington, 2012) June 2015. Coordinated with the Battle of Midway as part the Pacific Theater of World War II, around the island of Amaxnax̂, at Dutch Harbor, the Japanese Navy attacked the American territory of the Aleutian Islands.

June 2015

On June 3rd and 4th, 1942, six months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, they took the US Navy Weather Station on Qisxa island, Kiska in English, that held 12 Navy personnel. Two American soldiers lost their lives as the Japanese rounded up the island's residents. One man fled their capture, but turned himself in after about a month and a half of hiding on the island. One of the main reasons for the occupation was that is doing so they could control that shipping route corridor of the North Pacific. I have an Supiaq cousin who worked down in Dutch Harbor during the war when he was 16 years old, cleaning the pilot's sleeping quarters. On June 7th, the 301st Independent Infantry Battalion of the Japanese Northern Army invaded the Aleutian island of Atan, or Attu in English. A tradition of storytelling: The new landscape of Native literature - : Books. Literature about Native Americans, whether written for children or adults, by Native people or non-Native people, has tended to feature characters anchored in romanticized ideas of the past.

A tradition of storytelling: The new landscape of Native literature - : Books

Stereotypical portrayals tend to show Natives as either noble savages or romantic mystics; modern, sometimes more complex portrayals often still rely on the image of the Indian as an alcoholic or addict. “But what I’m seeing now, with students and with young Native writers going on to publish, is that they aren’t allowing other people to define who they are anymore,” said author Joseph Boyden (Métis), when asked by Pasatiempo about the state of Native American literature.

Alaska News, Politics, Outdoors, Science and Events - Alaska Dispatch News. Alaska maps released this week are most precise ever - Alaska Dispatch News. Susie Silook - Profile - Crafts & Traditional Arts. Bill Hess – Aġviq: Sacred Whale, Carrier of Life « burn magazine.

Bill Hess May 5, 2015: Rays stream from sun onto ocean to strike hunters from all angles, cooking them out of their clothing layer by layer until finally they stand bare chested at the water’s edge.

Bill Hess – Aġviq: Sacred Whale, Carrier of Life « burn magazine

I remember a beach in Mexico – but this is Arctic Alaska, where Iñupiat hunters have ventured onto Chukchi Sea ice to seek the gift of aġvik – the bowhead whale. Since Time Immemorial, aġvik has given Iñupiat not only nutrition, but the foundation of a resourceful, resilient, culture and enabled them to thrive in one of the harshest environments on earth. Multiple threats have followed the British explorers who sailed into their home in the early 19th century, followed by the Yankee whaling industry, which decimated the bowhead. Imported diseases decimated the Iñupiat. Both survived and slowly began to replenish their populations. Iñupiat joined other Alaska Inuit, organized the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission and took their fight to an IWC convention in the UK.

I joke! Bio Related Links. Half a million dollars granted to Anchorage Museum's Polar Lab - Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center. Half a million dollars granted to Anchorage Museum's Polar Lab FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Aug. 18, 2014 Contact: Laura Carpenter (907) 929-9227 (w)

Half a million dollars granted to Anchorage Museum's Polar Lab - Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center

Sonya Kelliher-Combs - HIDE: Skin as Material and Metaphor - The National Museum of the American Indian - George Gustav Heye Center, New York, NY. Dana’s Super-Awesome Mount St. Helens Field Trip Guide IV: Hummocks Trail. We've left the lovely breezes and rippling blue of Coldwater Lake; a road crossed, a tiny distance traversed, and we are in a rather grimmer place.

Dana’s Super-Awesome Mount St. Helens Field Trip Guide IV: Hummocks Trail

If you had been standing here in the North Fork Toutle River Valley on the morning of May 18th, 1980, you would have died. Never mind if you had your car carefully pointed towards a speedy escape. By the time you realized it was time to flee, it would have been far too late. There are people still entombed in the debris avalanche not far from here. This is the place to pause and reflect a moment on the power of geologic processes.

We're about to hike over the results of a sector collapse. Before you start down this trail, get prepared. Right? Microreview: Joan Naviyuk Kane, Hyperboreal. Hyperboreal by Joan Naviyuk Kane University of Pittsburgh Press, $15.95 (paper)

Microreview: Joan Naviyuk Kane, Hyperboreal

"Our Story" Rebecca Lyon. Stonington Gallery. Tribal Affiliation: Siberian Yupik / Inupiaq Susie Silook is a Yupik/Inupiaq writer, carver, and sculptor.

Stonington Gallery

She is from the remote Siberian village of Gambell on St. Susie Silook, Yupik/Inupiaq Archives - Home & Away Gallery. About - Bio. Sonya Kelliher-Combs was raised in the Northwest Alaska community of Nome.

About - Bio

Her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree is from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Master of Fine Arts is from Arizona State University. Through her mixed media painting and sculpture, Kelliher-Combs offers a chronicle of the ongoing struggle for self-definition and identity in the Alaskan context. Her combination of shared iconography with intensely personal imagery demonstrates the generative power that each vocabulary has over the other. The Alaska Native Studies Blog: August 2013.

Native Alaska possesses a wide arrangement of talented artists and writers, including carvers, poets, novelists, filmmakers, performance artists, painters, dancers, and musicians.

The Alaska Native Studies Blog: August 2013

The Indigenous people from throughout the state have formed a strong cultural archive of work from which at times I have drawn from in the production of my scholarship. This all started for me upon entering graduate school at the University of Oregon in 2003. Amid my first week at Oregon I met with an Alaska Native professor for coffee at a place on Patterson and 13th, across from the Green Duck. The Alaska Native Studies Blog: June 2015. About - Bio. MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: The Art of Sonya Kelliher-Combs. Alaska Native Gallery.

Susie Silook

Documentaire. Hommage à Alanis Obomsawin. ELISAPIE. Si le temps le permet by Elisapie Isaac. La portée des mots. Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. Elisapie Isaac composa « Arnaapik » pour sa fille lorsque cette dernière avait à peine quelques mois. Cette chanson deviendra notre porte d’entrée dans l’univers inuk qu’Elisapie considère toujours le sien, bien qu’elle vive maintenant à Montréal.

Loin de sa famille dans la grande ville, Elisapie tente non seulement de conserver son identité mais de la faire rayonner, pour elle et pour sa fille. Chanteuse, musicienne et cinéaste, Elisapie Isaac est fille d’une mère inuk et d’un père terre-neuvien. Depuis son enfance à Salluit, dans le Grand Nord québécois, la musique a toujours fait partie d’elle : l’expression par le chant est pour elle aussi naturelle que l’air qu’elle respire.

Nirliit, Juliana Léveillé-Trudel. Une jeune femme du Sud qui, comme les oies, fait souvent le voyage jusqu’à Salluit, parle à Eva, son amie du Nord disparue, dont le corps est dans l’eau du fjord et l’esprit, partout. Le Nord est dur – «il y a de l’amour violent entre les murs de ces maisons presque identiques» – et la missionnaire aventurière se demande «comment on fait pour guérir son cœur». Le temps des retrouvailles. Parce qu’ils sont remplis de passion. Qu’ils aiguisent les sens. Qu’ils mettent parfois (souvent ?) Le doigt sur ce qu’on préférerait ne pas voir. Esprit Ouvert - Biographie des auteurs. Carl-Henning Wijkmark (Scanner photo) Né à Stockholm en 1934 dans une famille d'enseignants, Carl-Henning Wijkmark a vécu en France, en Allemagne et en Espagne.

Peter Pitseolak. Sa vie et son époque racontées à partir des documents de la collection de BAC.