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Slide-Together Geometric Constructions. This is a web version of a teacher's workshop presented at Bridges 2004Appeared in: Bridges for Teachers, Teachers for Bridges, 2004 Workshop Book, Mara Alagic and Reza Sarhangi eds., pp. 31-42. “Slide-Together” Geometric Paper Constructions George W. Hart Computer Science Dept. Stony Brook University Abstract Seven paper construction projects provide students with experience exploring properties and relationships of two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometric figures.

“Slide-togethers” based on squares, triangles, pentagons, and decagons Introduction This activity consists of seven attractive constructions which are fun and relatively easy to make because one simply cuts out paper pieces and slides them together. Each “slide-together” is made from identical copies of a single type of regular polygon (e.g., just squares or just triangles) with slits cut at the proper locations. “Slide-togethers” based on hexagons, decagrams, and pentagrams. Maxitronix Electronic Labs. Maxitronix and Elenco Electronic Lab Kits are great way to learn advanced concepts about electricity. These lab and trainer kits come in many different sizes from the beginner's 50-in-1 Electronic Playground to the sophisticated 500-in-1 Electronic Project Lab that includes detailed instructions on how to build 500 electronic lab projects and more.

This Maxitronix and Elenco electronic labs are so highly regarded that we regularly sell them to colleges and universities for use in classrooms! You can use these electronic labs to learn about transistors, transformers, diodes, resistors, capacitors, phototransistors, integrated circuits, speakers, earphones, LEDs, LED digit displays, oscillators, electronic circuits, and how to draw and build projects from electronic circuit diagrams. Hunkin's Experiments (over 200 home experiments) Plastdur Ragasztók fejléc. Ames Room Optical Illusion - The World's Biggest Show &

Crazy paper cylinder - The World's Biggest Show & Tell. How to make giant soap bubbles - Video.